


571. diet的用法



①Too rich a diet (ie Too much rich food) is not good for you.吃太多油腻的食物对你身体不好。

②You should eat more high-protein diet.你应该多吃些高蛋白食物。 ③You ought to diet and take more exercise.你应该节食并多做运动。 ④We must diet and take more exercise.我们必须节食并多锻炼。 短语:be/ go on diet 节食;on/ have a diet正在按某种食谱服用;put sb on a diet限制某人的饮食;diet strictly 严格控制饮食;diet off 节制饮食;




①People who ___ mustn’t have chocolate.

A. went on a diet B. are on a diet

C. go on a diet D. were on a diet

②The sick man mustn’t go without ___ but he must have a ___ without sugar.

A. foods; diet B. diet; food C. food; diet D. food; foods

③You don’t seem to enjoy your meal very much. Not really. I’m just ___.

A. on a diet B. on diets C. go on diet D. making a diet

④The fat woman, who is ___ a diet, has refused to follow my advice that she should take more exercise than a diet only.

A. on B. in C. for D. at

572. difference的用法



①There is no differencebetween the sexes. 男女之间没有差别。

②Where you live can make such a difference to the way you feel.住在哪里会极大地影响你的感受。

③Exercise makes all thedifference.锻炼身体非常重要。

短语:make no (any, not much, a great deal of) difference 无差别、无关紧要;make (a) difference有影响、有关系、很重要; make some (no, little, much) difference to sb/ sth对某人(事)有一些(没有、很大)影响(关系);tell the differences between A and B = tell A from B 说出(分清)A和B的区别;temperature difference温差,温度差...;difference method差分法;差动法;差别...;significant difference显著

性差异;essential difference本质区别;pressure difference压力差;差压;压力补...;make a big difference产生很大的不同;意义...;difference in在…方面的差别...;


①What difference does it ___ that he will attend the meeting?

A. make B. have C. give D. produce

②Does it ___ who’ll go to your help?

A. make no difference B. make some differences

C. make any difference D. make many differences

③It won’t make much difference ___ he joins or not.

A. that B. why C. whether D. how

④Where would you like to go, to the cinema or theatre? It ___ to me.

A. is not a difference B. makes no difference

C. is not differentD. makes not a difference

573. different的用法



①The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease.两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。

②He's a different man from what he was 10 years ago.他和十年前不一样。

③You can't imagine how different it is from the John Grier Home.你很难想象这里与约翰·格利尔孤儿院有多大的区别。

④I called on three different occasions, but he was out.我打了三次电话。

短语:make somebody/ something different from使某人(物)不同于;be different from/to/than与……不同;be different in one’s tastes爱好不同;Their system is different to ours 他们的体制与我们的不同;there is no/ little difference whether …没有不同;there is much/ great difference …大不相同;make a difference between …区别对待;different from sb's plan 与某人的计划不同;different in tastes 趣味不同;far different 非常不同的;little different 没什么不同;much different 非常不同的;basically different 基本不同;

用法:①different强调事物存在本质上的差别,有时有对比意义,可以修饰单数和复数名词。different常接介词from、to或than,在英语中常用different to,在美语中有时用different than,而different from英美都用。在口语中, different from有时可接从句。



比较:different 不同的,后可跟单数或复数名词及不可数名词,强调完全不同和本质上的不同。如:This is a different matter.

various 各种各样,后只能跟复数名词,强调种类不同,不强调本质的差别。如:See the various examples that follow.


①You are in a ___ different position than before.

A. very B. more C. so D. much

②Dogs and wolves are different ___ shapes and character.

A. from B. in C. with D. than

③Do you know the difference ___ meaning ___ the two words?

A. of; between B. in; of C. in; between D. of; from ④He is a different man ___ what he was ten years ago.

A. than B. from C. with D. as

574. fellow 的用法

fellow n.人, 家伙, 伙伴, 学会特别会员, 朋友, 同事;adj.同伴的, 同事的, 同道的;


①Jack is a clever fellow indeed.杰克确实是个聪明的家伙。 ②I can't tolerate that rude fellow.我不能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙。

③He recalled his fellow traveller with pleasure.他愉快地回忆起他的旅伴。

④He is popular with his fellow workers.他在同事之间很受欢迎。

短语:foolish fellow 愚蠢的家伙;good-for-nothing fellow 饭桶,无用的

人;jobless fellow 失业者;young fellow 年轻人;fellows at school 同学;fellow of a university 大学的校友;fellow to this glove 与这只手套配对的另一只;

用法:①fellow有时也可用作形容词,意为“同类的,同伴的,同事的”,在句中作定语。例如:Unfortunately,Jim's success caused jealousy in his fellow workers.不幸的是,吉姆的成功引起了同事们的嫉妒。

②fellow作“小伙子”解时,常与good, bad, brave, clever, foolish, young, old等连用。

③fellow表示同伴、同事、同辈等时男女兼指,口语中表示小伙子、家伙或某个人时仅指男性。如: fellows in arms(战友); a lazy fellow(懒家伙);在口语中有时指说话者自己。如: Let a fellow sleep a little.(让我睡一下);


①We volunteered to collect money to help the _____ of the earthquake.

A. victims B. folks C. fellows D. villagers

②A fence needs the support of three stakes, a(n) ____ fellow needs three other people.

A. able B. competent C. unable D. disable

③Joe is a fellow _____ the Law College.

A.for B.of C.about D.in

④He recalled his fellow traveller _____ pleasure.

A.of B.about C.with D.at

575. fiction的用法



①Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction.现实生活有时比小说还离奇。

②I like to read science fiction.我喜欢读科幻小说。

③It's important to distinguish fact from fiction.把现实与虚构区分开来是很重要的。

④His testimony is a complete fiction.他的证言全是虚构。

短语:read a fiction 读小说;complete fiction 彻头彻尾的虚构;detective fiction 侦探小说;downright〔pure〕 fiction 纯属虚构;legal fiction 法律上的假定;light fiction 情节轻松的小说;modern〔popular〕 fiction 现代〔通俗〕小说;realistic〔romantic〕 fiction 现实〔浪漫〕主义小说;science fiction 科学幻想小说;a (work of) fiction一篇小说; 用法:①fiction的基本意思是“小说(总称)”,是区别于诗歌、散文、戏剧、传记等的一种体裁; 可指长篇、中篇、短篇等各种小说; fiction当作一种体裁解时不可数,当表示具体作品时可数。

②fiction作不可数,统指一切小说,无复数形式。如:I have read much fiction. 作可数,表示“虚构之事”,有复数,有时可后接that同位语从句。如: The reason he gave for not coming to our party was pour fiction.


①We rarely perceive more than a minute ____ of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.

A. fiction B. function C. fraction D. fragment

②Mark is always diligent in his studies because he firmly believes that hard work is _____to success.

A.fictional B.fundamentalC.functional D.fashionable

③He prefers light fiction _____ serious novels.

A. of B. with C.to D.for

④His _____ two fictions will be published soon.

A.last B.late C.early D.next


571. BCAA

572. ACCB

573. BBCB

574. AABC

575. CBCD

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