


451. budget的用法



①Congress has approved the new educational budget.国会通过了新的教育预算。

②Our budget needs drastic revision.我们的预算需作重大修改。 ③The government has budgeted 10000000 pounds for education spending.政府将10000000英镑编入教育预算。

④If we budget carefully, we'll be able to afford a new house.如果我们精打细算就能买一座新房子了。

⑤You can buy high-quality goods at budget prices there.你可以在那买到物美价廉的商品。

短语:a budget deficit预算赤字;a family budget家庭收支预算;budget one’s time安排自己的时间;budget for the coming year为下一年度编造预算;enlarge budgets 增加预算;exceed a budget 超出预算;annual budget 年度预算;weekly budget 每周的预算;business budget 营业开支;expense budget 开支预算;

用法:budget用作名词的基本意思是“预算”,指计划着怎样花钱。也可指政府一年一度的财政预算,还可指一项计划中的“预算额,经费”。 练习:

①Our money is limited and we should ___ for the next year.

A. save B. spare C. limit D. budget

②They earn a great deal, but they can’t balance their ___ because the wife is often ill.

A. plan B. budget C. project D. prediction

③He is good at ___ his time.

A. budgeting B. arranging C. budget D. A and B

④His father makes a little money, but he can budget ___ his family.

A. in B. on C. for D. with

452. burn的用法



①Half the candle had burnt away.蜡烛已烧去一半。

②It's better to burn out than to fade away!与其慢慢凋谢,不如灿烂燃烧!

③He died of the burns he received in the fire.他因在火灾中受烧伤而死。

④It seems that matter is lost when fuels burn.似乎燃料燃烧时物质就消失了。

短语:burn down 烧光、烧掉、烧毁;burn up/ out 烧光、烧完;burn with anger 怒火中烧;burn to do something 热衷于做某事;burn for utterance 急于发言;burn with somebody 充满、被…煎熬(忧心如焚

地思念某人);His words burnt into my mind (深刻印入);burn one’s boats破釜沉舟;burn the midnight oil开夜车;burn … to the ground把……烧光(烧成平地);Those who play with fire will burn themselves玩火者自焚;




④burn用作名词时有3个意思:1.“烧”,指抽象的燃烧动作或状态,是不可数名词; 2.“伤”,指烧伤或刺痛,是可数名词; 3.“痕”,指烧过或烧伤的痕迹,是可数名词。

⑤burnt 表示状态和结果,可做前置定语。 burned常指动作,不做前置定语。


①The ancient church was almost ___ before the firefighters managed to control the big fire.

A. burned down B. burned out C. burned off D. burning up ②He threw the letter into the stove and it ___ in a few seconds.

A. burnt up B. burnt down C. burnt out D. burnt off

③I smell sth ___ in the kitchen. Can you call back in a minute?

A. burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt

④The fire is ___; get some more coal please.

A. burn up B. burning down C. burnt down D. burnt up

453. burst 的用法

burst 爆炸、炸破、突然发生、发作。


①There was a burst of laughter in the next room.隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。

②The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out.水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。

③I've eaten so much I'm bursting at the seams.我吃得太多了,肚子都要撑破了。

④The boy blew the paper bag out and burst it.那男孩把纸袋吹胀后又把它弄破了。

短语: burst out/ forth 爆发、突然出现;burst out doing something突然做某事;burst into blossom/ sight (view) 鲜花盛开、突然地出现(映入眼帘);burst open 突然裂开、冲开;burst with anger = burst into rage 勃然大怒;be bursting with 充满、渴望;burst to do sth渴望做某事;burst open推开;忽然打开; 裂开; burst through冲开;冲破;拨开; burst in upon打断(谈话等);突然出现; 突然到达; burst in/ into

闯入; 突然出现; 突然……起来; 突然发作;

另外,burst into后接名词时可表示不同的意义:burst into laughter突然大笑起来; burst into tears突然大哭起来; burst into cheers突然欢呼起来; burst out后接动名词也表示同样的意思: burst out laughing/crying 突然大笑/哭起来;

用法:①burst可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,可接动词不定式作状语,表示“急于做(某事)”。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,偶尔也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 ②burst后可跟反身代词,也可不跟,跟反身代词时语气更强烈些。 ③burst有时也可表示“充满,装满”,常与介词with连用。如:I am bursting with joy.

④burst是可数名词,常与不定冠词a连用。a burst of表示“一阵…”。 练习:


①The poor girl ___ when she heard the sad news that her grandmother had passed away.

A. burst into tears B. burst out to cry

C. burst on tears D. burst for crying

②Dreaming without hard work will never ___ anything.

A. burst into B. consist of C. amount to D. set aside ③I don’t know why she burst into ___.

A. tear B. tore C. torn D. tears

④The sun ___, hot and brilliant.

A. burst into B. burst out C. burst forth D. burst up

⑤Every time _____ he thought of his past, he couldn’t help bursting .

A. when; out tears B. that; into crying

C. which; into tears D. /; out crying


①The river has _______(决堤了).

②The hall was _______ _____(挤满)people.

③He _______ _____(闯入)the bedroom.

④The oil _______ _____(冒出)the ground.

⑤When she heard the news, she _____ _____ _____(大笑起来).

454. dedicate的用法

dedicate vt.献(身), 致力, 题献(一部著作给某人);


①She dedicated her life to science.她毕生致力于科学。

②I will dedicate myself to science in the future.我将来一定要投身于科学事业。

③I dedicate this song to my wife.我要把这首歌献给我太太。

④I'd like to dedicate the book to my parents.我想把这本书献给我的父母。

⑤The mayor will go to dedicate the museum.市长将出席博物馆的落成典礼。

短语:dedicate life 奉献生命;dedicate a memorial 献纪念品;dedicate youth 奉献青春;dedicate richly 隆重地奉献;dedicate solemnly 庄严地奉献;dedicate whole-heartedly 全心全意地奉献;dedicate wholly 彻底地奉献;dedicate to 献身于…;


②dedicate是及物动词,接人或抽象名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 ③dedicate的宾语后接介词 to,宾语为反身代词或指生命时,表示“献身于”。如: He dedicated himself/ his life to peace. 宾语为物,介词宾语指人或神时,表示“将??奉献给??”。如:He dedicated this book to his wife.


①We should ________ our energy and youth to the development of our country.

A. dedicate B. cater C. ascribe D. cling

②It's pleasure for him to ______ his energy and even his life to research work.

A. dedicateB. dictateC. decorateD. direct

③The old man dedicated the temple _____ God.

A. for B.on C. to D. with

④We are ready to dedicate _____ to the construction of motherland.

A.ouryoung B.us young C.us youth D.our youth

455. depart的用法

depart (v) 起程,动身,出发;离开,离去;


①He departed this life at the age of seventy.他70岁时去世。 ②He seemed somewhat loath to depart.他似乎不愿离去。

③The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。

④The war forced us to depart from the old customs.战争迫使我们不得不违背旧习俗。

⑤He departed from life yesterday.他昨天去世了。

短语:depart cheerfully 欢乐地离开;depart mysteriously 神秘地离开;depart noiselessly 悄悄地离开;depart peacefully 平和地离开;depart radically 根本地背离;depart seriously 严重地叛离;depart voluntarily 自愿地离开;depart for 启程去…;depart from 离开;depart in 以…(方式)告别;depart on 出发;depart to 动身去;

用法:①depart后接from,表示“离开、违背、脱离”。如:He departed from New York for Paris./ Never depart from practice.


③depart属非延续性动词,表示一时的动作,所以在用于完成时态时不能与表示延续一段时间的状语连用。例如:他们两年前就去了日本。误:They've departed for Japan for twoyears.正:They departed for Japan two years ago.类似的动词还有leave, arrive, die, go, come等。 练习:

①They ____ for a progressive cause and died willingly.

A. bled B. wounded C. devoted D. departed ②On turning the corner, we saw the road ____ steeply.

A. descending B. departing C. depressing D. decreasing ③We are departing _____Paris by the next plane.

A.to B. for C.at D.in

④The war forced us to depart _____ the old customs.

A. out of B.to C.from D.with


451. DBDC

452. AAAB

453. (1). ACDCD (2). ①burst②burst with③burst into④burst from⑤burst into laughter

454. AACD

455. AABC

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