


501. confuse的用法



①He asked so many questions that he confused me.他问了许许多多问题,把我弄糊涂了。

②Your explanation does not so much enlighten us as confuse us.你的解释没有起到启发作用,反而把我们弄糊涂了。

③Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans.她突然来到把我们所有的计划全打乱了.

④Please don't confuse Australia with Austria.别把澳大利亚和奥地利混淆了。

⑤I often confuse you and your brother.我常把你和你哥哥弄错了。 短语: confuse sb/ sth with sb/ sth把……和……混淆、把……混为一谈;

A is not to be confused with B 不可把A误作B;confuse black with white混淆黑白;confuse the enemy迷惑敌人;confuse about 搞不清…;confuse among 混杂在…中;confuse at 对…困惑不解;confuse by 以…扰乱…;confused in mind 心绪纷乱;confuse with 分不出;

用法:①confuse的基本意思是“使迷惑”,指人头脑混乱,没法清楚地思维或理智地行动,做出了张冠李戴的情况,强调极其难堪或迷惑不解。 ②confuse常用作及物动词,多接名词或代词作宾语; 也可与介词with连用,表示“把…同…弄混了”。


①That is exactly to ___ black ___ white.

A. compare; to B. confuse; with C. content; with D. confuse; to ②The ___ situation of the chess game really ___ every member in the game-watching room.

A. confused; confused B. confusing; confused

C. confusing; has been confused D. confused; confuses

③Mood has an effect on our job. If you have problems at home your work will ___.

A. confuse B. brake C. suffer D. trouble

④Do you think geography ___ to learn?

A. is confused B. is confusing C. it is confusing D. it is confused

502. conscious的用法



①His rudeness was conscious, not accidental.他的粗暴无礼是故意的,不是偶然的。

②I am conscious that I have done right.我相信自己做得不错。

③You avoid conflict between your conscious and subconscious in the sleepy state.在你处于昏昏欲睡状态时,你要避免你的表意识和潜意识之间的冲突。

④I was conscious that I had made a mistake我意识到自己犯了错误; 短语: with conscious superiority抱着优越感;conscious decision 有意作的决定;conscious effort 有意作的努力;hardly conscious 不自觉的;be deeply conscious of 深刻意识到;be fully conscious of 完全意识到;be conscious of 意识到的,知道的;be conscious to the last 临终时仍很清醒;

用法:conscious 后可接that从句。如:He is conscious that he is in fault. conscious 后接of,表示“知道、意识到”,介词的宾语可以是名词、动名词或名词性从句。如:I was not conscious of having offended (得罪) him.


①One may be ___ of fear, but not altogether ___ of the danger which is going on about one.

A. aware; conscious B. conscious; aware

C. aware; aware D. conscious; conscious

②She was ___ that she was being followed.

A. realized B. recognized C. conscious D. known ③After the exam, the student was conscious ___ a lot of mistakes.

A. to make B. making C. made D. of making

④We are conscious that we ___ a lot of difficulty ___ English in future.

A. have, learning B. have, to learn

C. will have, learning D. will have, to learn

503. consequently的用法

consequentlyadv.&conj. 所以,因而(=therefore);consequence结果;后果;重要性;影响


①The scandal being exposed, he was removed from office consequently.他的丑闻被曝光了,他因此被调离了职位。

②The company went bankrupt and consequently he lost his job.公司破产,因此他失业了。

③The rain was heavy, and consequently the road was flooded.雨很大, 所以路被淹没了。

短语:be consequent on/upon因??引起的;是??的后果; be of consequence重要的; as a consequence=as a result结果; in consequence由于; as a consequence of=as a result of作为??的结果; in consequence of由于;作为??的结果;


①The rain yesterday was heavy. _______ , the roads were flooded.

A. As a result ofB. As a consequence

C. Consequence D. In consequence of

②Alex has been in China for quite a few years. _____, she speaks fluent Chinese.

A. Especially B. FrequentlyC. Surprisingly D. Consequently

③_____, that network is not part of the configuration of Router A.

A.Consequently B.Especially C.Surprisingly D.Frequently ④And,_____, Mark was the best hated and most calumniated man of his time.

A.as a consequence B.as a result C.consequently D.consequence

504. enthusiastic 的用法

enthusiastic (adj)热心的、热情的;热爱..., 热心于;


①He is enthusiastic about helping others.他热心助人。

②The audience were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play.那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情。

③His idea received an enthusiastic response.他的想法获得热烈响应。 短语:enthusiastic baseball fan 狂热的棒球迷;enthusiastic golfer 狂热的高尔夫球迷;enthusiastic about〔for, over〕 对…热心;enthusiastic in 在…热心;

用法:enthusiastic后接over, about, for或 at,也可接不定式,表示热心于某事。如: I can not get enthusiastic over leaving at this time./ Shye is enthusiastic to take part in the contest.


①My sister is quite ________ and plans to get an M. A. degree within one year.

A. aggressive B. enthusiasticC. ambitious D. considerate

②He was _____ about the spring outing , but he came back quite depressed and said he should not have joined in it.

A. enthusiastic B . fantastic C. courageous D. discouraged.

③Many people’s attitudes towards saving are not _____with their behavior in daily life.

A. consistent B. reliable C. satisfied D. enthusiastic

④The US’ economic situation is still _____, with its economic growth on a weak footing, its jobless rate high and still growing.

A. pessimistic B. realistic C. enthusiastic D. critical

⑤I’m very about expressing my opinions in public in case I may make mistakes.

A. cautious

B. confused C. delighted D. enthusiastic

505. entitle 的用法

entitle vt.给...权利(或资格), 给...题名, 给...称号;v.授权, 授权; 例句:

①She read a poem entitled The Apple Tree.她读了一首题为《苹果树》的诗。

②His services entitle him to our respect.凭他的功劳他应受我们尊敬。 ③Your qualifications entitle you to a higher salary.你的资格使你有权享有较高的薪水。

短语:entitle completely〔thoroughly〕 完全有权利;entitle fully 完全有资格;entitle incorrectly 错误称作;entitle to 有权,有资格,称作,以…为名;entitle to consideration 值得一提;entitle to the estate 使某人合法地继承财产;entitle to high praise 值得高度赞扬;entitle to one's own opinion 有某人自己的见解;entitle to respect 值得尊敬;


②entitle作“使有权”解时,接由动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,也可在entitle的宾语后接to或不定式,表示“使??有??的权利”。如:Their age and experience entitle old people to the respect of the young. 用于被动结构,表示“有权得到”。如:Officers are entitled to travelling first class(头等舱).



①It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are ____ free medical care.

A. entitled to B. involved in C. associated with D.assigned to ②His argument does not suggest that mankind can ____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.

A. resort B. grant C. afford D. entitle

③This diploma (毕业文凭) _______ that you have completed high school.

A. entitles B. certifies C. secures D. approves ④Every child in Britain is ___________ to free education at school.

A. offered B. entitled C. reserved D. delivered

⑤This ticket _________ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.

A. gives B. grants C. entitles D. credits

⑥A season ticket __________ the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.

A. grants B. promises C. entitles D. presents

⑦It ______ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.

A. presents B. entitles C. credits D. tips


501. BBCB

502. BCDC

503. BDAC

504. CAAAA


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