


471. clothing的用法

clothingn. (总称)衣服,服装[U]


①He discarded his winter clothing.他把冬天穿的衣服都丢弃了。 ②This clothing sells well to the teenage market.这种衣服在青少年中间很畅销。

③Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.小孩依赖他们的父母供给衣食。

④We have to put on warm clothing in winter.冬天的时候,我们不得不穿上温暖的衣服。

⑤Here's a handy tip for removing stains from clothing.这有个除掉衣服上污点的窍门儿。

短语:change clothing 换衣服;put on clothing 穿上衣服;wear clothing 穿衣服;heavy clothing 厚实的服装;light clothing 轻便的服装;summer clothing 夏装;winter clothing 冬装;

用法:①clothing的基本意思是“衣服,服装”,是衣服的总称,不仅包括衣裤,而且包括鞋袜、手套等。另外, clothing还可以表示抽象的“着装”。

②clothing是集合名词,无复数形式。表示一件衣服时,可用an article of或a piece of。


clothing是衣服、被褥的总称,为不可数名词;用作主语时,其后谓语动词要用单数。表示一件衣服,可借助单位词article, item或piece。 clothes指包括上衣、裤子、内衣、外衣等在内的具体的衣服,它没有单数形式,只能说many/some/a few clothes; 使用代词时可用ones。表示一套衣服,可以借助suit或set。

cloth则指做衣服所用的布料,为不可数名词。但若表示用作某 种特殊用途的布(如:桌布,台布,揩布等),则是可数的。若用复数形式 (cloths),则指多种布。

clothe 的意思不是“穿(衣)”,而是“给(某人)穿衣”,所以其宾语总是人而不是衣(注意有时用被动语态)。


(1). 完成句子:

①The __________ industry in this area has been going from strength to strength.

②It’s cold outside. You’d better put on more __________ . ③How much _________ does it take to make a blouse for a girl?

(2). 单项填空:

①In fact, much of the clothing in fashion shows_____not meant to be worn in daily life.

A. have B. hasC. is D. are

②Most people have_____for certain colors, patterns or categories of clothing.

A. talents B. preferencesC. excuses D. responsibilities

③He doesn’t spend any more money on clothing than I do, but_____he manages to look so stylish.

A. therefore B. somehowC. furthermore D. otherwise

④—Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop? —Oh, she was very_____ about clothing.

A. special

B. particularC. especial D. unusual

472. coast的用法



①Spray slaps the coast ceaselessly.海浪不停地拍打着海岸。

②Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast.渔船沿着岸抛锚停泊。

③He is going to live by the coast for the sake of his health.他为了自己的健康,打算到海滨地区去居住。

④We spent a week exploring the coast.我们花了一周时间在海滨进行探测。

短语:raid the coast 入侵海岸;sweep the coast 席卷海岸;forbidding coast 险峻的海岸;inhospitable coast 荒凉的海岸;rocky coast 多岩石的海岸;along the coast 沿海;at the coast 在海边;from the coast 从一个海岸开始;on coast 在海边;to coast 到一个海岸;

用法:①coast用来表示从远处看到的海洋与陆地的分界线,或把这一分界线作为一个整体来看待。不能说:I saw him sitting on the coast. beach海滩,相对平坦、宜于游泳、日光浴;shore海滨(边)、湖边,笼统指平坦或突兀陡峭的岸边。

②coast虽然是可数名词,但常以单数形式出现,并加定冠词。 ③the Coast特指“美国太平洋沿岸”。


①The island is three miles ___ the coast of southeast.

A. from B. to C. along D. off

②___ down the plane, we can see the Dutch ___.

A. Looked; coast B. Looked; shore

C. Looking; coast D. Looking; shore

③There are many beautiful islands ___ the east coast of the country.

A. off B. along C. on D. from

④China is a great country and has a very long ___.

A. coast B. beach C. coastline D. shore

473. collision的用法



①The car was completely wrecked by the force of the collision.这辆汽车受到很大的撞击力而完全损坏。

②The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。

③The Government and the unions are on a collision course.政府和工会必将发生冲突。

短语:in collision相撞、在冲突中;in the collision with在……的碰撞中;avoid a collision with 避免与…冲撞;fierce〔sharp〕 collision 激烈〔尖锐〕的冲突;immediate collision 直接冲突;railway collision 火车相撞事件;be in〔come into〕 collision (with) (与…)相撞〔冲突〕;collision against 与…相撞;the collision between the bus and the car 公共汽车和汽车的相撞;collision of one object with another 两物体的相撞;collision of sentiments 感情冲突;


①To our horror, there was ___ of a bus with a car on the bridge.

A. a conflict B. an appointment C. a collision D. a meet ②Full employment and economic viability ___.

A. is in collision B. are in conflict

C. are in conflict with D. is in conflict with

③The angry crowd ___ collision ___ each other in the street that day.

A. come out, of B. came into, for

C. come into, in D. came into, with

④___ the collision ___ a trick, the bus damaged a lot.

A. In, with B. In, of C. With, with D. On, with

474. efficient 的用法

efficient (adj)效率高的、有能力的;efficiency n.效率, 功效; 例句:

①This is a highly efficient new heating system.这是个高效的新取暖系统。

②The success of CAD systems is becoming more dependent on the efficient drafting.cad系统的成功在很大程度上取决于草图的制图效率。

③He's efficient at his job.他胜任工作。

④I'll say this for them--I'll admit that they're efficient.我得为他们说句话——我会说他们很有能力。

短语:a simple and efficient structure精简的机构;be fully efficient充分发挥效力的;be highly efficient高效率的;efficient in在…有成效;raise efficiency提高效率;at efficiency以…的效率;in efficiency在效率上;work with great efficiency工作效率很高;

用法:①efficient后接for,表示“有??的能力或效率”。如:An automobile is more efficient for rapid travel than a horse.

②efficient修饰人、事物、行为皆可,是“能胜任的”、“得力的”或“有效率的”的意思。如:He's not very efficient:he works very slowly.他不是很有效率,做的很慢。


①We have not ______ information to state the exact damage.

A. abundant B. sufficient C. plenty D. efficient

②The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have _______ supplies of petroleum.

A. proficient B. potential C. efficient D. sufficient

③You should hire a more ________ manager than the one you currently have.

A. sufficientB. effectiveC. respectiveD. efficient

④She is a very ________ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.

A. anxiousB. effectiveC. adequateD. efficient

⑤Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) _______ way to deal with some stressful situation.

A. effective B. efficient C. favorable D. favorite

⑥There is need to check the ____ of the report.

A. frequency B. accuracyC. emergency D. efficiency

⑦The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expected increased tax ____.

A. efficiency B. privileges C. revenues D. validity

475. element的用法



①Justice is an important element of good government.公正是仁政的要素.

②Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.诚实、勤劳和善良是幸福生活的要素。

③Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢元素和氧元素组成的。

④You must understand the elements of mathematics before we can proceed further.你必须先弄懂数学基础知识,我们才能进一步学习。 ⑤These trees are exposed to (the fury of) the elements.这些树经受着风吹雨打.

短语:reduce sth to its elements把某物分析出来;battle/ combat the elements战天斗地;a war of the elements暴风雨;the elements of grammar语法基础;in one’s element内行;out of one’s element外行;out of one's element处于不适宜的环境...;independent element独立成分;in one's element处于适宜的环境...;

用法:element作集体名词,用单数表示某种分子的集体。如:The principal said that those boys represented a disturbing element in the school.


①The two most important ________ in making a cake are flour and sugar .

A. elements B. components C. ingredients D. constituents

②In the late 19th century, Jules Verne, the master of science fiction, foresawmany of the technological wonders that are ___ today.

A. transient B. commonplaceC. implicit D. elementary

③The life of London is made up of many different _____.

A. elements B. sections C. materials D. realities

④Cells are the elements _____ the human body.

A. in B.about C. for D. of


471. (1). ①clothing②clothes③cloth (2). CBBB

472. DCAC

473. CBDA


475. CBAD

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