


566. detail 的用法

detail 详细


①The full details of the agreement haven't been made public.协议的细节尚未公布。

②He told us the accident in detail.他详细地把事故讲给我们听。 ③Could you detail all your expenses on this form?请把你的各项开支列在这张表格上,好吗?

④Please detail the characteristics of the machine.请详细说明该机器的性能。

短语:in detail 详细地;detail something to somebody 详细地把某事告诉某人;go into detail/ details叙述详情;an eye for detail 明察秋毫;in complete detail 十分详细;in full detail 详尽地;a matter of detail 一桩琐事;detail by detail 逐一;details of… 的详细情况;



③in detail,这里detail用的是单数,go into detail(s)这里单复数都可以,但是一般多是用单数形式,习惯用复数形式的是go into

personal details;

④in more detail比more in detail 用法普遍,同理in less detail比less in detail用法更为常见。


(1). 单项填空:

①Some of the passengers told the reporters about their ___ in the burning train.

A. details B. trips C. events D. experiences

②I’m ___ to go and nothing will stop me.

A. detected B. detailed C. destroyed D. determined ③Study the contract ____________ before signing.

A. in detail B. in details C. at detail D. at details

④Editing requires great _____.

A. attentions to detail B. attention to detail

C. attention to details D. attentions to details

(2). 用detail的适当短语填空:

①Editing requires great _____________.

②Study the contract ____________ before signing.

③For ______________, contact the personnel department.

567. develop的用法



Modern music was first developed in Italy.现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。

China can't develop in isolation from the rest of the world.中国的发展离不开世界。

We can develop your film in an hour.我们可以于一小时后把你的胶卷冲洗出来。

How long will it take to develop these pictures?冲印这些照片要花多长时间?

短语:a developed/ developing country 一个发达(发展中)国家;develop into a doctor成为一个医生;develop an interest in对……产生兴趣;develop a cough患咳嗽;develop the habit of养成……的习惯;with the development of随着……的发展;develop to a high degree 发展到很高的程度;develop with 在…中发展;develop at a faster speed 以较快的速度发展;develop by leaps and bounds 跳跃式发展;develop from 由…发展成;develop in depth and breadth 向深度和广度发展; 用法:①develop用于指有生命的东西时,可指其达到适当或可能的完善,也指其特征发挥其所有潜力。develop有时还可指“详细地,按顺序地阐述”。



①China, ___, should speed up its development of economy.

A. is a developing country B. as a developed country

C. which is a developing country D. belonging to a developing country ②___ into a great port, Dalian plays an important part in the ___ of the province.

A. Developed; developing B. Developing; developed

C. Has development; develop D. Having developed; development ③China is a ___ country and it must take in ___ technology from ___ countries such as Japan and the USA.

A. developing; advancing; developing

B.developing; advanced; developed

C.developed; advanced; developed

D.developed; advancing; developing

④They’re trying to ___ a new way of farming, with the purpose of increasing the production of crops.

A. form B. develop C. make D. perform

⑤The less ___ countries should be equal to the ___ ones in international affairs.

A. developing; developed B. developed; developed

C. developed; developing D. developing; developing

⑥Attention must be paid to ___ science and technology.

A. develop B. developing C. development D. developed

568. devotion的用法



①We were deeply moved by their devotion.我们为他们的献身精神所感动。

②His devotion to science is well known.他对科学的献身精神为人熟知。

③His devotion led him to the priesthood.他的信仰使他成为祭司。 ④A career needs our devotion all our lives.一项事业需要我们毕生的奉献。

⑤His devotion to music is plain to see.他对音乐的挚爱是显而易见的。 短语:devote vt.奉献;贡献;devoted adj.献身的;忠实的;挚爱的;devote oneself to+n.奉献给??;致力于??;献身于??;devote + n.(人生、时间、劳力等)+to奉献于??;致力于??;be devoted to献身于??;忠心于??;self-devotion献身;

用法:devotion常与介词to搭配,构成短语:devotion to热爱??;专心于??;热心于??。如:He is an example of devotion to duty. 他是忠于职守的榜样。


(1). 完成句子:


The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and __________ . ②人们会记住她对扶贫事业的无私奉献。

She will be remembered for her selfless _________ of the poor. ③他悉心照料母亲。

He cared for his mother __________ .

(2). 单项填空:

①A teacher’s _____to education is worth great respect of the whole society because it brings benefits to the development of society.

A.devotion B.principleC.identity D.guidance

②Her_____to sales manager took everyone by surprise, because she was just a fresh clerk in the company, working here only for one month.

A. adaptation B. promotionC. devotion D. objection

③When you decide to start a family, you make a(n)_____to them. You shouldn’t turn your back on the people who love you.

A. contribution B. commitmentC. devotion D. effort

④The devotion of parents _____ their children is selfless.

A. in B. on C. to D. with

569. favorable 的用法

favorable adj.赞成的, 称许的, 有利的, 顺利的;n.有利;


①The conditions are favorable for opening a new business.各种条件有


②He made several favorable comments about their candidate.他对他们的候选人发表了一些有利的评论。

③"Our expedition made a favorable beginning.我们远航开始的时候很顺利。

④The book met with a favorable reception.此书受到好评。

⑤You should project a favorable image.你应该表现出良好的形象。 短语:favorable to对 ... 有利;favorable prognosis预后良好;favorable location位置优越;favorable price优惠的价格;favorable terms优惠条件;favorable balance贸易顺差;be favorable to有利于;favorable case顺利场合;favorable exchange顺汇;favorable interference有效干扰;

用法:favorable后接for,表示有利于某种行动;后接介词to,表示支持或有助于某人、某事。如:The weather is favourable for a new start./ He is favourable to our plan.


①A dark suit is______ to a light one for evening wear.

A. favourable B. suitable C. preferable D. proper ②He is one of the most _______ singers in his country.

A. preferred B. known C. favorable D. popular

③Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) _______ way to deal with some stressful situation.

A. effective B. efficient C. favorable D. favorite

④If you want to learn English well, you must first find a ____ teacher.

A. able B. favorable C. significant D. competent

570. feature的用法



①Their candor is a very pleasing feature.他们的坦白是很愉快的特征。 ②Wet weather is a feature of life in this area.天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。

③Her mouth is her best feature.她的嘴是她容貌上最好看的部分。 ④The local newspaper ran a feature on child labor.地方报纸登载一篇有关童工的特写。

⑤Jazz and Blues feature prominently in the magazine.爵士和蓝调在杂志中占重要篇幅。

短语:feature in 在…中担任主角〔占重要地位或起重要作用〕;notable〔striking〕 feature 显著的特征;fine features 眉清目秀;handsome〔poor〕 features 相貌英俊〔丑陋〕;physical features 体格特征;feature of … 的特色;

用法:①名词feature的意思是“特色,特征”,转化为动词作“以…为特色,是…的特色”解,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。如:This restaurant features excellent cooking.这家餐馆以其厨师精湛的厨艺为

特色。作动词意为“描述”。如:My brother’s eyes are his best feature. The novel features a great mother named Li Hua.


③feature还可作“刊载,展出”解,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 ④feature作为单数时,指“面孔的某个部分”,如眼,鼻,眉都分别是一个feature。作为复数时,features常指“容貌”;

⑤使用feature表示某人面容上有什么时,用介词on。如:There was worry on her features.她脸上面带愁容。



①A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ______.

A. mark B. feature C. trace D. appearance

②Many examples and extra grammatical information are among the special ____ of this dictionary.

A. traits B. marks C. marks D. features

③Last night he saw two dark _____ enter the building,and then there was the explosion.

A. featuresB. figuresC. sketchesD. images

④She likes_________ literature and music.

A. domestic B. feature C. existence D. classical

⑤The manager spoke highly of such ______ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.

A. virtue B. features C. properties D. characteristics ⑥According to the key witnesses, a peculiarly big nose is the criminal's most memorable facial_____.

A. feature B. signature C. hint D. spot


566. (1). DDAB (2). ①attention to detail②in detail③further details 567. CDBBBB

568. (1). ①devotion to duty②devotion to the cause③ with great devotion (2). ABBC

569. DDAD


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