烟风系统概述 Fuel Gas And Air System Overview
? 引风机 ? 5.2 ID Fan ? 5.2.1 引风机是维持炉膛负压,保证炉膛内平衡通风 的必不可少的设备。引风机一般都采用低压头大流量的离 心风机。炉膛的平衡通风是保证炉内各受热面热量传递的 必要条件。 ? 5.2.1 ID fan is an inevitable equipment to keep the furnace negative pressure and guarantee furnace balanced ventilation. ID fan usually uses centrifugal fan with LP and big flow. The balanced ventilation is the necessary condition to guarantee furnace heat transfer of various heating surfaces. ? 引风机的联锁级别是最高的,除非是炉膛的负压过低,一 般不采用停用引风机的作法。大容量机组的引风机的转速 一般在1000r/min左右有,且为了保证风机的良好的调节 特性,其调节方式都采用液力偶合器调节方式。 ? The interlock stage of ID fan is the highest. Unless the furnace negative pressure is too low, the ID fan will not be shut down.
ID Fan
? 一次风机 ? 5.3 Primary air fan ? 5.3.1 一次风机送出的风主要是进入一次风室, 通过布风装置(风帽)进入炉膛,使炉膛内的床 料流化。一次流化风是炉内热量的主要传递和携 带介质。一次风速的大小决定着床料的流化情况 和炉内床温的调节情况。 ? 5.3.1 The air that comes from primary air fan mainly enters primary chamber. It will enter furnace via air distribution device (air cap) to fluidize the bed material. Primary fluidized air the main transferring and carrying medium for the furnace heat. Primary air speed depends on the fluidization condition and furnace bed temperature regulation condition.
? 一次风还是点火风机和播煤风机的风源,因此,一次风 的用量在循环流化床锅炉中是最大的,占总风量的65% 以上。在循环流化床锅炉的空气预热器的进口的阻力是 比较大的,在空气预热器的进口烟道的振动也是所有烟 道中振动中最大的。在此处一般都装有导向装置,以减 小其振动,在运行时也应在不影响其流量的前提下尽量 减小一次风的压头。 ? Primary air also is the air supply for igniter air fan and coal blowing air fan. Thus, primary air is the most used in CFB and it takes up over 65% of the total air quantity. The air heater inlet resistance of CFB is compared big. The air heater inlet oscillation is the maximum in the entire flue gas duct. Guide device is installed in the inlet to decrease oscillation. Primary air pressure head should be decreased as much as possible in operation under the premise that the flow is not affected.
? 一次风还是点火风机和播煤风机的风源,因此,一 次风的用量在循环流化床锅炉中是最大的,占总风 量的65%以上。在循环流化床锅炉的空气预热器的 进口的阻力是比较大的,在空气预热器的进口烟道 的
振动也是所有烟道中振动中最大的。在此处一般 都装有导向装置,以减小其振动,在运行时也应在 不影响其流量的前提下尽量减小一次风的压头。 ? Primary air also is the air supply for igniter air fan and coal blowing air fan. Thus, primary air is the most used in CFB and it takes up over 65% of the total air quantity. The air heater inlet resistance of CFB is compared big. The air heater inlet oscillation is the maximum in the entire flue gas duct. Guide device is installed in the inlet to decrease oscillation. Primary air pressure head should be decreased as much as possible in operation under the premise that the flow is not affected.
? 二次风机送出的风经空气预热器加热后通 过二次风口进入炉膛,参预炉内的燃烧, 达到助燃的作用。 ? The air sent by secondary air fan enters to furnace through air heater to be heat. It supports combustion in furnace and achieves combustion-supporting function.
? 在炉膛的前后侧布置有上下两层的二次风 口,下二次风口也是炉内密相区和稀相区 的分界标志。 ? There are two layers of air hole, one is top and one is bottom on the furnace front and behind side. The bottom one is the dividing symbol between furnace dense phase and dilute phase.
secondary air fan
Introduction to structure of material return Roots fan
? ? ? ?
Brief introduction of working principle and structure
1) 返料罗茨风机工作原理 罗茨鼓风机是一种容积式动力机械,两叶轮由一对同步齿轮传动作反向旋转,通过叶 轮型面的“啮合”(叶轮之间有一定间隙,并不相互接触)使进气口和排气口隔开, 将吸入的气体无内压缩地从吸气口推移到排气口,被输送的吸入气体,在达到排气口 的瞬间,因排出侧高压气体的回流而被加压向系统输送而作功。
? 1) Working principle of material return Roots fan ? JTS series group type blower, Roots blower is a kind of capacity type power machinery; two impellers rotate in reverse directions through the driving of a pair of synchronous gear. Air inlet and exhaust outlet are separated by meshing of impeller (there is a certain clearance exists between the impellers so they don’t contact each other) to push the sucked air from the suction inlet to exhaust without internal compression; at the instant of reaching the exhaust outlet, the conveyed air does work as being conveyed to system by pressure because of discharging the reflux of side high pressure air.
Brief diagram of working principle
2.2 返料罗茨风机的运行 2.2 Operation of material return Roots fan
? 2.2.1 运转前准备
? 2.2.1 Preparation before operation
? 1) 彻底清除鼓风机内、外的粉尘等杂物。
? 1) Clear foreign matters such as dust inside and out of blower completely.
? 2) 在后墙板(或齿轮箱)注油孔处加注润滑油至油位指示计的中心位置。在 前墙板注油孔处用油枪加注适量润滑脂(鼓风机出厂前,已加注了足够的润 滑脂)。
? 2) Feed lubricating oil in the oil injection hole of rear wallboard (or gear box) to the center position of the oil level indicating meter, and add an appropriate amount of lubricating oil in the oil injection hole of front wallboard with the oil gun (enough lubricating oil has been fed before blower delivery).
? 3) 检查各联接部位有无未紧固的地方,配管的支承是否完备。
? 3) Check whether all the connecting parts are not fastened, and whether the support of piping is complete.
? 4) 检查联轴器的安装偏差
? 4 Check
the installation deviation of coupling ? 5) 用手或辅助工具转动主动转子部,检查有无异常现象。 ? 5) Rotate the main stator and rotor by hand or with assistant tools to check whether there is any abnormal phenomenon.
? 2.2.2 开车
? 2.2.2 Startup
? 1)在无负荷状态下接通电源,核实旋转方向。
? 1) Connect the power under no-load condition to verify the rotating direction.
? 2) 无负荷运行半小时。无异常现象时,逐渐加载至额定压力进入 负载运转,并注意润滑是否正常,有无异常磨擦、振动、声响及 发热等现象。如有异常情况,应立即停机,查明原因,清除故障 后,再重新启动。
? 2) Operate under no-load for half an hour. In case of no abnormal phenomenon, gradually add load to rated pressure to come into load operation, check whether lubrication is normal, whether there is abnormal friction, vibration, noise or heating phenomena. In case of abnormal conditions, shut down immediately, find out the causes and solve the problem before restartup.
? 2.2.3 停车 ? 2.2.3 Shutdown ? 正常停车应在停车前先卸压减载后再切断 电源。 ? First decrease the pressure and unload, and then cut off the power during normal shutdown.
2.2.4 Emergency shutdown
紧急停车即迅速按下停车按钮,使鼓风机带负荷停车,然后再 卸压力、按正常停车步骤作其他收尾工作。当鼓风机主要零部 件发生损坏,或系统发生紧急事故时,必须紧急停车,以防止 事故扩大和蔓延。为此,应在鼓风机旁操作者易于触及的地方 安装就地紧急停机控制按钮。
Emergency shutdown means pressing the shutdown button quickly to shut down the blower with load, and then decreasing the pressure and doing other work complying with normal shutdown steps. When the main parts of blower are damaged, or emergent accidents happen in system, shutdown must be done immediately to avoid expansion and extension of accidents. Therefore, it is required to assemble local emergency shutdown control button beside the blower where the operators can easily touch.
? 2.2
.5 注意事项 ? 2.2.5 Notices
? 1) 鼓风机升压不可超过铭牌上所规定的压力值。超载运行将使风机、电机受 损,甚至可能造成较严重的质量事故。
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