


regret to do sth. 因要做某事而遗憾(事情还没做) regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事(事情已经做了)

have a pain in+部位= have +a+ 部位ache某部位疼痛

ill adj.生病的(表语) illness n.疾病 sick adj.生病的(定语) Danny didn’t come to school because he was ill. (同义句) Danny didn’t come to school because of his illness.because + 句子= because of+短语

be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事be afraid of sth. 害怕… be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事

luck n.幸运lucky adj.幸运的luckily adv.幸运地 fortune n.幸运fortunate adj.幸运的 fortunately adv.幸运地 unlucky=unfortunate adj.不幸运的unluckily=unfortunately adv.不幸运地

以need和must 开头的一般疑问句,注意回答用词 Need I do sth.? Yes, you must. No, you needn’t. Must I do sth.? Yes, you must. No, you needn’t.

如果是被动的意思Sth. need doing. = Sth need to be+过去分词. 某事需要被做。

The flowers need watering.=The flowers need to be watered.花需要被浇水。

have no choice but to ...除了...别无选择 be made of 由...制成(看见原材料,衣物) be made from 由...制成(看不见原材料)

be made into 被制成...be made in在...被制成(时间或地点)be made by 被谁制成be made up of 由...组成 be harmful to =be bad for 对… 有害

advice n.建议some advice 一些建议a piece of advice 一条建议

advise v.建议 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 as a result of = because of 由于…的原因;因为 in public places 在公共场所

be against the law =break the law违法 Don’t take that risk. 不要冒险。

get into the habit of 养成…的习惯

give up 放弃give up doing sth. 放弃做某事stay away from 与….保持距离;远离…

brush one’s teeth 刷牙focus on 致力于;集中于 take out 除去;拔掉 be taken out 被拔掉

plenty of 充足的;大量的form good habits 养成好习惯 control … with… 用… 控制…. be controlled 被控制 1)marry sb.嫁娶某人

2)get married to sb.be married to sb.同某人结婚

3)marry与get married 都是短暂动词,与段时间用be marriedThey have been married for ten years. 他们结婚的十年了。 be full of = be filled with 装满(作谓语) full of= filled with满是…的(后置定语)

Now that you mention it既然你提到了它 now that 既然;由于deep in thought 陷入沉思 write down 写下(代词宾格放中间) What is the meaning of...?=What does ... mean? =What do you mean by...?

for example 例如(一个,句子) such as 例如(多个;短语) seem v.似乎 ... seem to do sth.= It seems that+从句.... 似乎.... make a mistake = make mistakes犯错by mistake 错误地 go on to do sth.继续做另一件事 go on doing sth.继续做同一件事

pass away 去世 pass by 经过 pass on 传递be famous for=be known for 因...而著名 be famous as 作为...而著名

one of+形容词最高级+名词复数 最....的...之一(单数结构) since then 从那时起(现在完成时) work on 致力于work out 计算出 就远原则:

1)A with B....A和B 2)A as well as B....A还有B

3)A together with B...A和B在一起4)A except B A除了B

in the 1960s/1960’s在20世纪60年代in 1960在1960年 hear of 听说hear from 收到某人来信 learn ...from... 从... 学到...

at the age of+数词=when sb. was+数词+(years old) 当某人多少岁时

make a lot of progress =make great progress取得大的进步make progress in... 在....方面取得进步

graduate from 从…毕业通常用过去时:graduated from decide v.决定decision n.决定

decide to do sth.=make a decision to do sth.决定做某事

die v.死亡dead adj.死亡的death n.死亡dying adj.要死的 段时间用:have/has been deadbe dying 快要死的 the death of……的死亡

wish v.希望 wish to do sth.希望做某事 wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事

hope v.希望 hope to do sth. 希望做某事

hope+宾语从句希望…(没有hope sb. to do sth.) I hope that he will be famous someday. Best wishes to/for you. 最好的祝愿送给你。 He sees Danny(lie) on the floor.

lie v.平躺(现在分词lying) die v. 死亡(现在分词 dying) Be careful.=Take care.=Look out. 小心。

care v.&n.关注;小心careful adj.小心的carefully adv.小心地 careless adj.粗心的carelessly adv.粗心地 care for 照顾;喜欢 care about 关心;担忧

be serious about.... 认真对待.... be strict with sb. 对....要求严格 It’s necessary for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是必要的。 The accident happened at about 7:30 a.m.

Great changes have taken place in China since.The meeting will take place next Friday.

happen v.发生(偶然) take place 举行;发生(有计划)注意:两个词都没有被动语态

stop sb. from doing sth.=keep sb. from doing sth. =prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

run after 追赶expect to do sth.期待做某事 in time 及时 on time 按时

all of a sudden=suddenly突然地 go down 掉下去 take off 脱下;摘下;起飞 put on穿上

be careful of 对...小心(远离)be careless of对...不在意Be careful with... 小心用....(用工具) be careful to do sth. 小心做某事

be careful not to do sth.小心不要做某事 就近原则:

1)There be A and B.

2)Either...or....或者....或者.... 3)Neither.... nor....既不.... 也不....

4)Not only.... but also.... 不但.... 而且.....

Both my father and my mother are workers.(否定句)Neither my father nor my mother is a worker. There be sb./sth. doing sth. 有….正在做某事 There be sth. to do .有某事要做。 get on/along with sb.与某人相处

get on/along well with sb. 与某人相处地好

fall off =fall down 掉fall off...= fall down from....从...掉下来 put out 熄灭;扑灭put off 推迟;拖延put up 举起;搭起 put away 把...收拾起来instead 代替;而不是(句末)instead of... 代替...;而不是....

leave sb. alone让某人单独留下use sth. to do sth.使用....做某事 五种句型表示“....坏了。”

1) Sth. is broken. 2)Sth. broke down.3)Sth. doesn’t work. 4)Something is wrong with....

5)There is something wrong with ....

catch fire easily 容易着火a pair of scissors 一把剪刀Be sure to do sth.务必去做某事。

without warning 没有预警without stopping 没有停下

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