

Unit 3 My birthday

一.Teaching aims:

1.to listen/ speak and read the sentences:When is your birthday? Is your birthday in February,too? No, my birthday is in…

2.to use the sentences“How many birthdays are there in January?There are …” to ask and answer, then make a survey.

3.to know and sing the song“When is your birthday?”

4.to know some festivals in China or west countries and your parents or friends’s birthdays.

二.Teaching important and difficult points

1.strengthen the sentence“When is your birthday?My birthday is in…” then listen/speak and read new sentence“Is your birthday in…,too?

2.to use various ways to express your ideas,such as: When is your birthday ?/Is your birthday in February,too?/How many birthdays are there in January?/When is Children’s Day?

三. Teaching methods:1. Review twelve months and sentence“When is your birthday?My birthday is in…

2.Sing the song together then recite the sentence“When is your birthday? My birthday is in February。”

3.a survey on students’ birthdays and play a game.

4.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

四.Teaching Aids:word-cards、festival pictures、 wall chart、large rotary

五.Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warm-up

Sing the song on page 26 with action

Step 2 Lead-in

Review twelve months words, teacher shows the word-cards and asks:Which month is it? Let students guess, such as: It’s January/February…


Making a dialogue between teacher and student, such as:T:HelloA.When is your birthday? SA:It's in january.T:What about you,B?Is your birthday in January,too?SB:No,It’s in March and so on. Students can imitate this to make up a dialogue.


Let’s sing:

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