



(满分:100分 完成时间:60分钟) Part IListening (听力部分)40%

I. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,并将序号填入括号内)10%

() 1. A. bus B. but C. bud () 2. A. sheep () 3. A. hand () 4. A. bear () 5. A. sunny () 6. A. house () 7. A. triangle () 8. A. go fishing () 9. A. turn off

B. ship B. hard B. pair B. rainyB. horse B. rectangle B. go skiing B. turn on

C. shop C. head C. pear C. cloudy C. mouse C. square C. go swimming C. take off


()10.A. two feet B. two knees C. ten fingers

II. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听所到的句子,并将序号填入括号内)8% () 1. A. What do you do on Children’s Day?

B. What do you do on Mother’s Day?

() 2. A. We can plant flowers in the garden.

B. We can ski on the snow.

() 3. A. Do you like monkeys? Yes, I do. They’re clever.B. Do you like tigers? Yes, I do. They’re strong. () 4. A. May I have some juice, please? () 5. A. How do these pineapples feel?

B. May I have a try?

B. How do those apples feel?

() 6. A. Stretch your arms. B. Raise your hands. () 7. A. Can you draw yourself, Peter? B. Can Peter draw himself? () 8. A. How many toy trains are there on the table?

B. How much are the toy trains?

III. Listen and choose(听录音,选择最恰当的应答句,并将序号填入括号内)6% () 1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can. () 2. A. They are smooth. () 3. A. That’s all right.() 4. A. Some buses. () 5. A. I need a blouse.

B. They are sour. B. Very well. B. An aeroplane. B. I need a T-shirt.

C. They are green. C. Yes, of course. C. Two ships. C. I need a coat. C. They are yummy.

() 6. A. They are circles. B. It’s a circle.

IV. Listen and number ((听录音,给下列句子编号) 6%

()Tony is Kitty’s big brother. He likes riding his skateboard. ()Kitty is a student of Park School. She is seven years old.

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