


- 英语绕口令大挑战 -

1) If a dog chews /?uz/ shoes, whose shoes does he choose /?uz/

2) I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you

3) I wish to wash my Irish /?a?r??/ wristwatch /?r??stwɑ?/

4) Near an ear, a nearer /?n?r?r/ ear, a nearly eerie /??ri/ ear

5) Eddie edited /??d?t?d/ it

6) Willie’s really weary /?w?ri/

7) A big black bear sat on a big black rug /r?g/

8) Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks /'θ?mt?kz/

9) He threw three free throws

10) Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely /?n?rs??/

11) So, this is the sushi chef /??f/

12) Four fine fresh fish for you

13) Wayne went to Wales to watch walruses /?wɑlr?s?z/

14) Six sticky skeletons /?sk?l?t?nz/

15) Snap crackle pop /?kr?k?l/

16) We surely shall see the sun shine soon

17) Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread

18) I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted /?sl?t?d/ sheet I sit

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  • 下一篇:2015年沪教版广州三年级英语下册期末试卷