北师大版高中英语必修3Unit 7词汇笔记讲解


Warm up& Lesson 1

2. choose, select, pick

choose 任意选择,(尤其是两者之间)choose.....from ....从....中选择select 仔细考虑选择(强调多者间鉴别) pick 口语化选择(不涉及愿意与鉴别)

3. as many as ( + 数词+可数名词复数),“多达.....”类似的还有:as much as 多达,as far as 远达,as high as 高达 The great fire burned down as many as twenty buildings.

as much as + 数词 + 可数名词复数,表示金钱、距离、时间、重量、水量、热量等各方面的程度或数量,也表多达Most of the stones weigh as much as 15 tons.

as much as 还可以用来修饰动词,而as many as 则不能。 You can eat as much as you can

4 get (sb.) into trouble(使某人) 陷入麻烦之中

be in trouble处于困境中,有麻烦

ask for trouble自找麻烦

take the trouble to do sth.尽力做某事there be / have trouble (in ) doing sth.做某事有困难

5 follow v. 跟随,跟在后,沿着....走,明白,领会;听从,服从

as follows如下 The results are as follows.结果如下 follow around/ about到处跟随

follow through坚持到底,执行 follow up跟进,采取后续行动

1 用signal,sign,symbol, mark , symptom 填空

1) Dark clouds are usually a _____ of rain.

2) A red light is usually a ___ of danger.

3) The cross is the_____ of Christianity.

4) Cigarettes can aggravate ( 使严重) the _____ ofa cold.

5) I put a ____ in the margin . ( 页边空白) to remind me to check the figure.

2. 1) matter

(1) 要紧,重要,有关系 matter通常用于疑问句或否定句中。

(2) n.[C]事情,问题It is a matter of life-and-death for them.

◆as a matter of fact =in fact实际上,事实上a matter of???的问题

必修 3Unit 7- 1 -

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