

Book 3 Unit2Healthy eating

diet 1n

1、[C] 节食;规定饮食:a salt-free diet无盐饮食

Not all diets are good for you.不是所有的节食方法都适合你。


the effects of poor diet and lack of exercise不良饮食和缺乏锻炼的后果

Rice is the staple diet (= the main food that a group of people usually eat ) .大米是主食。

Studies have shown the benefits of a vegetarian diet .研究表明素食有好处。

[+ of ] They exist on a diet of fish. 他们的食物主要是鱼。

the importance of vitamins and minerals in your diet饮食中维生素和矿物质的重要性

3、a diet of sth多得令人生厌[对人有害]的某物

Kids today are raised on a constant diet of pop music and television.


【VERBS 动词】 No cake, thanks – I‘m on a diet. I really ought to go on a diet.

follow a diet 按照规定饮食;stick to a diet 坚持某一种饮食

【ADJECTIVES 形容词】:a strict diet;a crash diet速效减肥;a low-calorie/low-fat etc diet 低热量/低脂饮食

diet2adj:低糖的,低脂肪的:a diet soda


1、[U] 平衡:I lost my balance and fell on my face.

2、[singular , U] 均衡,均势,平衡OPPimbalance

[+ between ] Try to keep a balance between work and play. 农药严重破坏了自然界的平衡。 3、

I think on balance I prefer the old system.总的说来,我更喜欢旧的那套制度。

4、catch/throw sb off balance使某人乱了方寸,使某人慌了手脚

The question caught him off balance. 这个问题使他不知所措。

5、[C] 账户余额,结余:My bank balance isn‘t good. 我的银行账户里余额不多了。

6、[C] 〔债务的〕余款:The balance is due at the end of the month.余款要在月底支付。

7、the balance剩余(部分)SYNthe rest/remaining

The firm owns about 96% of the portfolio, with the balance belonging to our family.

8、be/hang in the balance悬而未决,尚未明朗

Meanwhile, the fate of the refugees continues to hang in the balance.

9、tip/swing the balance 影响某事的结果,使结果倾向某方

The dignity and courage shown by the President may tip the balance in his party‘s favour .


11、[singular]心境的平稳,正常的神志:The death of her friend had disturbed the balance of her mind .

12、the balance of evidence/probability etc衡各种证据/可能性等后得出的结论


【verbs 动词】

(=stay steady) 保持平衡:The sea was so rough that it was hard to keep your balance.(=become unsteady) 失去平衡:She nearly lost her balance as the bus suddenly moved forward.

He held onto Carrie until he regained his balance.

knock/throw sb off balance 把某人打得/推得失去平衡:The blow was hard enough to knock him off balance. 这一拳力量很大,足以使他失去平衡。

strike/achieve/find a balance达至/取得/找到平衡;keep/maintain a balance 保持平衡

upset the balance 破坏平衡:The move could upset the delicate balance of power in the Middle East. change/alter/shift the balance 改变平衡:Will this alter the balance of power in the EU?

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