Unit 8 Pets教案3-优质公开课-译林七下精品


Unit 8 Pets 教案


一、 教学内容

1. Learn to use adjectives to describe things..

2. Learn to use indefinite pronouns correctly.

二、 教学目标

1. Be able to use adjectives to describe things.

2. Be able to use the indefinite pronouns correctly.

三、 教学重难点

1. Be able to use adjectives to describe things.

2. Be able to use the indefinite pronouns correctly.


Step 1 Presentation

1. Tell the students my favorite film star.

2. Ask the students to find the adjectives in the passage.Step 2Explanations

Explain the use of adjectives.

Step 3 Practice

Ask the students to fill in the blanks with right words. Step 4 Presentation

1.Ask students to say out the meaning of each indefinite pronouns.

2.Explain the use of each indefinite pronouns.

Step 5 Practice

Ask the students to finish the exercise on page 98. Step 6 Practice

Get the students to finish the exercises.

Step 7 Homework

1.Try to write about your own pets with as many adjectives and indefinite pronouns as possible.

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