Unit 8 Pets教案2-优质公开课-译林七下精品


Unit 8 Pets 教案


一、 教学内容

1、Learn the poems about pets

2、help students better know the habits of some pets

二、 教学目标

1、 To know how to read the English poems.

2、To find the rhymes in each sentence.

3、To use new words to talk about pets.

三、 教学重难点

1、To know how to read the English poems.

2、To find the rhymes in each sentence.

3、To use new words to talk about pets.


Step 1 Revision

1. Show pictures to revise words about pets

2.Get students to ask and answer in pairs about the reasons they like the pets.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Present pictures to tell students guess which pets the teacher like.

2. Show pictures of dogs and teach the new words and phrases: do wonderful tricks/hunt/hide/bark/bite/fight/till the end.

Step 3 Practice

1.Tell the students:

Here’s a poem about a dog. Please read it and tell me what the dog can do. Make the students read the poem My dog.

2. Listen to the tape and help the students mark the rhymes in each sentence

Step 4Presentation

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