

ability 能力 absence 缺席 absolutely 绝对地 academic 学术的 acceptable 可接受的 accidentally 意外地,偶然地 accommodation 住所 accompany 陪伴 accompany 陪伴 accumulate 积累 accustomed 习惯的 acknowledge 承认,鸣谢acquire 获得 actively 积极地,主动地 actually 事实上 adapt 适应,改编 admire 钦佩 admit 承认 adopt 收养,采取 adult 成年人 adventure 冒险 affair 事情 affect 影响 afford 支付得起 ambition 抱负,野心 ample 样本 高考完形填空里的419个高频词(按字母顺序) She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency她有处变不惊的本事。 She has great ability at playing the piano. What was the real reason for your absence? It is difficult to cross the desert by car, but not absolutely impossible academic books 学术书籍academic degree 学位 Compliments are always acceptable.恭维话总是受欢迎的 The traffic accident was born almost accidentally.这个交通事故的发生几乎纯属偶然。 We can provide accommodation for six people at a push(紧急时) Lightning usually accompanies thunder.She asked me to accompany her to the airport. She asked me to accompany her to the airport.Lightning usually accompanies thunder. Over the years, I had accumulated hundreds of books. You will soon get accustomed to the climate here. We acknowledged the need for reform.We hope you can acknowledge your mistake in public We should try to acquire good habits.I've suddenly acquired a stepbrother. One of my roommates was courageous enough to join them actively. Some patients actually got worse after receiving the treatment. She adapted herself quickly to the new climate.Religious reformers attempted to adapt traditional religion.宗教改革者们试图改革传统的宗教 We admire him for his righteousness.我们钦佩他的正直 We have to admit that there is still room for improvement.Did he admit breaking the window?I admit myself to be wrong. She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman adopted her.They adopt new techniques in raising sheep. He spent his adult life 成年时期in Canada.Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult算成年人. Boys love adventures.No man would adventure the event. Their love affair is an open secret. Her opinion will not affect my decision. His charm doesn't affect or impress me. Only the well-to-do can afford these houses.I can't afford a holiday this summer. You should persist in your ambition.你应该坚持你的雄心大志 He is full of ambition.There are no bounds to his ambition. 他的野心是无止境的。 What I need is nothing but a sample.

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There was an amused look on the President's face.Children are amused with toys and funny pictures. The children were amused at the story teller's amused愉快的,顽皮的

annoying 令人恼怒的

annual 每年的

anxious 焦虑的

apartment 公寓

apologize 道歉

appearance 出现,外貌

application 申请,应用程序

appreciate 欣赏,感激

approach 接近,途径,方法

appropriate 合理的

approve 批准,同意

arrest 逮捕

artificial 人造的

assume 假设

astonishment 惊讶

athletic 运动的,运动员的

atmosphere 气氛

attach 系着,附着

attempt 试图

attend 参加,照料

attentive 注意的,周到的

attractive 有吸引力的

audience 观众

automatic 自动的

available 可得到的, 可利用的

average 平均

awful 糟糕的 jokes. I like her even though she can be annoying.Be patient with an annoying person. It's an annual report.I'm playing in the annual school concert next Friday. I'm very anxious about the speech contest. The whole country was anxious for peace. I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan曼哈顿There's a nine story apartment building next to the bank.. He apologizes to her for not going to her party.You must apologize to him for your fault. The sudden appearance of the teacher caused them to run away.She was a young woman of good appearance. He has filled his application. Very few people really appreciate his works. I deeply appreciate your concern. Such people as are friendly are easy to approach.I'm approaching my home.I'd advise taking a different approach. It seemed appropriate to end with a joke. This method is very appropriate. The city council approved the building plan.She thought for a moment and then approved. The police arrested the thief.You shouldn't arrest him without warrant毫无根据地. This dress is made of artificial fibers人造纤维. Let's assume it to be true.I assumed that he has received my telegram. To our astonishment, they arrived on time.They heard him give a loud shout of astonishment. It is wise to warm up before an athletic event.John is an athletic boy and he is good at running. The atmosphere changed as soon as she walked in.The atmosphere of the city is very much polluted. China will not attach itself to any big power.This middle school is attached to a normal college.这所中学附属于一所师范院校。 He attempted the exam but failed.We'll attempt to solve the problem. He had to attend a wedding.The patients are well attended in the hospital. It is attentive listening, total seeing and careful testing.它是一种注意的听,完全的看以及仔细的测试。 Ice-cream is attractive to children.He found her idea attractive. The audience was no less than five thousand听众有五千人之多 Someone in the audience began to laugh.. This heating system has an automatic temperature control.这个暖气系统有自动温控装置。 The swimming pool is available only in summer.Do you have a room available? The average of 11,14 and 20 is 15.People spend an average of four hours a day watching TV.His average income is ten pounds a week. It would be awful if he found out the truth. It was an awful film.

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