必修二M 1- 6 复习检测卷


必修二Module 1-6 复习检测卷



1)My father always tells that I may have a t___________if I eat too many candies.

2)Our parents always get a little a_________ if we don’t manage to arrive when we say we will..

3)This medicine can lessen the___________ (疼痛) in no time.

4)If you carry on playing with that knife, you’ll absolutely do yourself an _________ (伤害)

5)He couldn’t swallow because of a soret__________

6)People without i____________had to pay for their own repairs.

7)The doctor wrote me a _______________(处方)for medicine for my toothache..

8)That’s an a____________ accident , in which three people died.

10)You must pay another 25 cents for me because your letter is _______________(超重的) .

11)She is a TV a____________ and watches as much as she can.

12)After he came to power, everyone said he was a p ____________leader.

13) If you inject drugs, don’t share your n__________ with anyone else.

14) A _____________(香烟) thrown into the woods may start a fire.

15) Between the two parts of the concert is an interval , when the ____________(听众) can buy ice-cream.

16)All the children have a natural __________ (天赋)for language learning .

17)He was an excellent d _________of the orchestra before he retired.

18) For a time after our business failed I thought I might ___________ (失去)my family as well. 19)Chaplin was mot just a _________(天才), he was among the most influential figures in film history.

20)He is not content to simply r __________ these voices before they disappear without record.

21)My friend went home , leaving me to conduct the b___________.

22)The word “_________” refers to the words of a song.

23)In Beijing Opera, facial painting can be quite ___________ (复杂的)

24)The song is _________ (动人的), so I remember it after I heard it.

25)After graduation, he worked at the Central Conservatory of Music of China as a ___________(讲师)

26)E _________ of sympathy flooded in from all over the country.

27)Lucian Freud has been asked to paint a p_________ of the queen.

28)However , people have finally___________ (领悟) that it is their responsibility to protect this great river.

29)Picasso had his first _________ (展览) at the age of 16 .

30)His paint in __________(水彩画)won the first prize in national composition.

31)The________(风景)of the Great Wall is like a dragon.

32)Modern cities have _________(破坏)social relations and the health of human beings.

33)Space travel can be so ___________ (令人愉快的) but at the same time invisibly dangerous.

34)Her donation was for students who clearly needed ___________(财政的)help.

35)Let me introduce the a _______who has recently discovered a new car.

36)We’ve never had a good ____________(评论)in the music press.

37) There’s plenty of__________(证据)that fatness runs in families.

38) I floated weightless around in our _____________(宇宙飞船)cabin.

39) It might seem cold, but it is a____________(文化的) tradition.

40)In this play, Eliot p__________ some of his most expressive poetry..

41)He stared at me in _________(不相信)

42)Not having persuaded my parents, I failed to go to a ___________ (戏剧) school, where my interest lay.

43)The circle is divided into ___________(部分), and each _________(部分) represents a fraction of the data.. 潘老师三习辅导班专用第 1 页 共 6 页

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