


Simple Past Tense

English uses verbs in the simple past tense to refer to?actions, situations, or events that are finished and that?happened beforenow. Past forms: when I was ..., last week, day, year, etc., yesterday, ago (two weeks ago, three years ago, four months ago, etc.)

There are three ways to form?simple past tense in English.

1. 系动词wasandwere

Example: The students were very clever. /But one student was in trouble.

2. Regular verbs (They are called regular because they all add the same?ending--ed--or some variation on it.)

a) Add -d: increased, declined, liked, piled, seized, smiled, typed, plunged, lived

b) Change y to i and add -ed: apply / applied; bury / buried; cry / cried;try / tried

Note: If a regular verb ends in a consonant and y (or if?the final syllable of a regular verb ends in this way),?change the y to iand then add –ed

However, if a regular verb ends in a vowel and y (or if the?final syllable of a regular verb ends in this way),?do not change the y to iand then add -ed:

annoy / annoyed; dismay / dismayed; enjoy / enjoyed; ?obey / obeyed; play / played; stay / stayed

c) Add -ed: asked, belonged, clapped,?dialed, filled, guessed,? looked, marked,?needed, pulled, reached,?started, touched, viewed

d) If a regular verb ends in a single vowel and a single?consonant (except x), double the consonant before?you add -ed: drop/ dropped ;beg / begged; clap / clapped; fan / fanned;?hop / hopped; jog / jogged; mar / marred;

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  • 上一篇:2014年高二数学会考模拟试卷2
  • 下一篇:人教版 必修一 B1 U2 单词