

四年级上期英语小练习(Module 6-7)班级姓名 学号听力部分

一.听音选单词 10

()1.A. farB. fast C. face

()2. A . tomatoB. photo C.potato

()3. A.food B. footC.fruit

()4. A.here B.thereC.this

()5. A.soup B. sorryC.sweets

二.听音,选出你听到的句子. 10

()1.A. Can I have some soup? B. Can I have some sweets?

()2. A . Yes, you can . B.Sorry, you can’t.

()3. A.There is a sheep in this photo. B.There is a horse in this photo. ()4. A. She’s watching the cat. B. She’s watching the dog.

()5. A. It’s eating vegetables.B. It’s climbing a tree.


四.听音选答语。 10

()1.A.Yes, you can.B. Yes, I do.

()2. A . I’m riding the horse. B.She’s riding the horse.

()3. A. It’s ten yuan.B.Ten girls.

()4. A. No, I haven’t.B.No, I can’t.

()5. A. It’s Lingling.B.It’s a pencil.



1.英汉互译2. 补全单词

()万圣节前夕A. Halloween B. Christmas. ()s_ rry A. o B. a

( ) turn on A.关上 B. 打开()l_ghtA.a B.i

( ) sheepA. 羊B. 睡觉 ()g_veA.o B.i

( )fruitA. 蔬菜B.水果()sh_ _p A.ea B.ee

( )面包A. breadB. cake () s_ _ p A.ou B.oo

六 连词成句 8

1.I , can , in,come ________________________________________________

2. a , are, boat, rowing , they (.)________________________________________________

3.this,horse , is , a , there , in ,photo(.) ____________________________________________

4. want, you , some , do, soup (?)________________________________________________

七.连线 20

Can you jump far? I’m nine.

Do you want some soup? Thank you.

Happy birthday! It’s yellow.

How much is it? It’s eleven yuan.

How many boys here? Yes, I have.

What colour is it? It’s drawing pictures.

What is it doing? Twelve boys.

Have you got a bike? They are jumping. How old are you? Yes, please.

What are they doing? No, I can’t.

八. 仿写 12

可用的单词或短语: girl, boy,dog run , play football, swim

it’s , they’re, she’s a, two there is, there are

1. 2. 3.

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