



一. 翻译下列单词

1. 十几岁的青少年 __________________2. 情形,境遇, 位置 ________________

3. 目的,意图_______________4. 平静的,沉着的,(使)平静/镇静adj.&v.


5. 黄昏________________ 6. 关心,涉及,关系到n.&v. ________________

7. 窗帘 ________________8. 安家,定居,解决 vi.&vt. ________________

9. 公路,大路 ________________ 10. 项目,条款________________

11. 连续,系列 n. ________________ 12. 心烦意乱的,使心烦 adj.&v. _________________

13. 本地人,本国人,本地的 n.&adj._________________14. 命令,指令,掌握v. ________________

15. 词汇,词汇量n.________________16. 辨认出,承认,公认v. ________________

17. 使用,用法,词语惯用法n.________________18. 请求,要求n.&v._________________

19. 航行,航海 n._________________ 20. 口音,腔调,重音n._________________

21. 中西部的adj._________________ 22. 公寓住宅n.__________________

23. 包括 v. __________________24. 国际的adj.__________________

25. 实际上 adv.__________________26. 政府n.__________________

27. 身份n.__________________28.标准n.__________________

29. 方向n.__________________30. 地铁n.__________________

二. 翻译下列短语

1. 关心,挂念________________________2. 面对面地___________________________

3. 一连串的,一系列,一套____________________4. 按照;根据……所说__________________

5. 将……合计起来____________________ 6. 平静下来;镇定下来_____________________

7. 对……狂热 _______________________ 8. 爱上,喜欢上______________________

9. 躲藏______________________10. 经历;经受 ______________________

11. 放下,记下,登记 ________________12. 在……中担任角色,在……中起作用


13. 充分利用__________________________14. 因为,由于__________________________

15. 信不信由你__________________________16. 走近,上来__________________________

17.例如,像这种的_______________________18. 以……为基础________________________



have been killed by the German Nazis because her family was Jewish. away for two years,

. She didn?t want to set down a series of facts in a

diary as most people do, but she wanted the diary itself to be her friend. In her diary, she wondered if it was

because she hadn?about everything to



All languages change when cultures communicate with one another. The English spoken between AD 450

, it?the English we speak at present. Later, it became more like French. Now India has a very large number of

and education during 1765

to 1947.Today we hear people speak English on TV and the radio. There is no such a thing asEnglish. When people from all over the world use words and expressions of their own, the language is called


1. They have no idea at all____.

A. where he has gone. B. where did he go.

C. which place has he gone D. where has he gone

2. The manager came over and asked the customer ____

A. did the quarrel came aboutB . how the quarrel had come about

C. had the quarrel come aboutD. had the quarrel come about

3.——Spend an hour learning English every day.

——The English teacher asked us _____ an hour learning English every day.

A. to spendB. spend C. spending D. spent

4. ——Attack the enemy at once!

——The officer _______ us to attack the enemy at once.

A. ordered B. saidC. spokeD. talked

5. ——When Tom _______, please let me know.

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