


Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

第一课时Section A (1a-2d)





A.使学生学习并掌握现在完成时的用法,学习“already, yet”在现在完成时中的用法。


1. —Have you read Treasure Island yet? —Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t..

2. —Have you decided which book to write about yet?

—Yes, I have. I’ve already finished reading it. It was really good.




重点:学习用“Have you …yet? I’ve already…”等谈论过去的经历。

难点:初步理解already, yet在现在完成时中的用法。



任务1. 自主学习本课单词,并能根据所给音标正确拼写出下列单词:

1、[′tre??(r)]___________ 2、[′ail?ud]_______________


5、[′kl?sik] ______________ 6、[dju:] ___________________

任务2. 翻译下列短语:

①充满②赶快;匆忙(做某事)___③成长;长大_④在25页 ⑤出海⑥至少

任务3. 翻译下列句子:

①《雾都孤儿》是关于一个男孩出海,并发现了一个充满宝藏的岛屿(的故事)。 _______


③它是关于四姐妹成长的故事。 ___________________________

④它真的很好,所以我爱不释手。________ _______________



yet / already

already 通常用于肯定句中,意为“已经”,位于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词之后。 例如:


We have already cleaned the classroom. 我们已经打扫了教室。

yet用于疑问句中表示“已经”;用于否定句中表示“还(没)”。 例如:

—Has he found his watch yet? —No, not yet.


Not _________. I will do them in a minute.

A. neither B. never C. already D. yet


Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class? 斯蒂夫,你已经决定英语课写哪本书了吗?

which book to write about 意为“写哪一本书”,此处为“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,在句中作宾语。

I can’t decide when to start. 我不能决定何时动身。

I am thinking about how to deal with the problem. 我正在考虑怎样处理这个问题。

[拓展] 常用于此结构的疑问词还包括疑问代词who, whom, what 及疑问副词when, where 和 how。

He taught me how to pronounce it. 他教我如何发音。

I didn’t decide where to live. 我没有决定住哪儿。

(2012· 呼和浩特)—Which dress do you like best, Madam?

—Sorry, I can’t decide __________ now.

A. to buy which one B. buy which one

C. which one to buy D. which I should buy it


It was really good, so I couldn’t put it down.

put… down 意为“记下;放下”,为“动词+副词”型短语,宾语若为代词,应放在put 与 down 中间。

(2012·河北)___________ your name on the paper and you can get a magazine. A. Cut down B. Look down C. Turn down D. Put down



1.He d__________ to go for a trip.

2.H_________ up, or you will be late.

3.The movie is so f__________, I like it very much.

4.He is i_________ in English so his English grade is very good.

5. When I g________ up I want to be a doctor.



1. He has just ________ (copy) all the words.

2. When you finish _________ (read) the book, please remember ___________ (return) it to the library on time.

3. Last year, they __________ (buy) a new computer.

4. Have you ________ (pack) the camera yet?

5. I have already _________ (put) it in my suitcase.



1. 赶快,急忙 _____________ 2. 充满,满是 _______________

3. 出海 _____________ 4. 英国_______________

5. 成长,长大 _____________ 6. 爱不释手 _______________

7. 在50页 _____________ 8. 至少_______________

9. 书的封面 _____________ 10. 在岛上 _______________

二、单项选择 (每题6分,共30分)

1. ——Why don’t you read today’s newspaper?

——Because there’s ______ in it.

A. nothing interesting B. anything interesting

C. interesting something D. interesting anything

2. ——Have you ever read English novels?


A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I have. C. No, I have. D. No, I don’t.

3. ——Have you done most of your jobs?

——Not ________. I will do them in a minute.

A. really B. at allC. already D. yet

4. He does business in Shanghai. He ______ Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

A. leaves for B. is leaving for C. left to D. is leaving to

5. Beijing __________ a lot in the past ten years. Now it has become one of the biggest modern ________ in the world.

A. changes; cities B. changed; city

C. has changed; cities D. changed; cities


1. 我们已把教室打扫干净。教室到处都很干净、整齐。

We ______ already _______ the classroom. It’s clean and tidy everywhere.


2. 我已经看完这部电影。

I _______ _______ the movie already.

3. 这支钢笔我只用过三次。它仍然是好的。

I ________ ________ this pen only three times. It is still good.

4. 我的叔叔是一位作家,自从1990年以来他已经写了10多本书了。

My uncle is a writer. He ________ ________ more than ten books since 1990.

5. Tony 小时候每个周末都踢足球。

Tom ______ football every weekend when he was young.


Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

第二课时 Section A (3a-4c)

设计:王安娜 审稿:雷印东




A.掌握常用动词的过去分词的拼写形式以及熟练掌握already, yet 在现在完成时中的应用。


1. —Have you read Little Women yet? —Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

2. —Has Tina read Treasure Island yet? —Yes, she has. She thinks it’s fantastic.

3. —Have you decided which book to write about yet?

—Yes, I have. I’ve already finished reading it. It was really good.




重点:1. 熟练掌握 already, yet 在现在完成时中的用法。

2. 掌握常用动词的过去分词形式。




任务1. 自主学习本课单词,并能根据所给音标正确拼写出下列单词:

1、[? i p] ___________ 2、[t u: l] _______________

3、[ g ?n] ___________ 4、[m a: k] ________________

5、[s ? n d] ___________ 6、[t ?′w ?:dz] ________________

任务2. 翻译下列单词及短语。


①陆地;大地 ___ ②科幻小说 _____

③科技;工艺 _______ ④法语 ______

任务3. 翻译下列句子:








one… the other…, some… the others 的辨析

1. one… the other… 为固定搭配,用于两者之间,意为“一个……另一个……”。 例如: He has two sons. One is a doctor, the other is a student.


2. some… the others…用于三者或三者以上,意为“一些……其余的……”。 例如: Boys are on the playground. Some are playing basketball, the others are playing football. 男孩们都在操场上,一些正打篮球,其余的正在踢足球。

Lily and her sister look the same. I can’t tell one from ____.

A. other B. another C. the other D. others

2.语法聚焦:现在完成时 (Present Perfect Tense)

1) 现在完成时的定义:


—It’s so dark. 太黑了。

—Someone has turned off the light. 有人把灯关上了。

(2)表示从过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态。常与since+过去的时间点,for+一段时间,so far等时间状语连用。

I have lived here for ten years.


I have lived here since 2003. 自从2003年我就住在这儿。(从2003年开始,持续到现在还住这儿)

2) 现在完成时的构成及句式转换:

助动词 have/has + 过去分词



①I have finished my homework. (肯定句)

②I have not finished my homework. (否定句)

③—Have you finished your homework?

—Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t, (一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答)

3) 动词过去分词的变化规则:


写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词形式: — ____________ live __________ — ___________

carry __________ — _____________ stop _________ — ___________

go ____________ — _____________ see _______ — _________

forget _________ — _____________

4) 现在完成时的标志:

①常与just, already, yet, ever, never, before, so far 等连用,强调动作的完成,不强调动作的持续。

Have you ever been to Japan?

I have just finished my homework.

②for + 时间段;since + 过去的时间点;since + 段时间 ago;since + 一般过去时的句子。 They have known each other for five years.

Since he was a child, he has lived in England.



1. We often see people take out ______ and shoot others in action movies.

2. Li Ming went to Paris three years ago, now he can speak _________ very well.

3. I think dictionaries and Internet are good _______(工具) for us to study English.

4. Look, Tim is walking t_______ the library. He wants to borrow some books.

5. —Would you like something e_____ to eat? —No, thanks. I’m full.


一、用括号内所给单词适当形式填空 (每题4分,共20分)

1. Judy has already _______ (finish) reading Little Women.

2. Tom and Mike have already _______ (decide) to learn Chinese on Internet.

3. Have you ________ (read) Alice in Wonderland yet?

4. Robinson ________ (have) already built a house on the island.


5. It often ________ (snow) in North China in winter.


1. Has Jack read Tom Sawyer yet? (肯定回答)

__________, ___________ ___________.

2. Has he cut down that big tree yet? (否定回答)

__________, ___________ ___________.

3. They have found the lost books already. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)

________ they ______ the lost books _______? No, they __________.

4. Mr. Wang began to teach English in this school in 1999. (改为同义句)

Mr. Wang _________ __________ English in this school since 1999. (就划线部分提问)

__________ __________ have they lived here ?

6. Mary has gone to Taiwan. (就划线部分提问)

__________ _______ Mary ___________?

7. Julia has not got home from school yet. (改为肯定句)

Julia ________ _________ ________ home from school.


Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

第三课时 Section B (1a-2e)

设计:王安娜 审稿:雷印东






1. Sarah hasn’t been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day.

2. She has already read a lot about the place and done some research on it.









任务1. 自主学习本课单词,并能根据所给音标正确拼写出下列单词:

1、[p?p] ______ 2、[r?k] _____ 3、[f?r?ev?] ___________

4、[??br?: d] ______ 5、[?s?e?n] ________ 6、[?m?dn] ______________

7、[s?k?ses] _______ 8、[bi?l??]________ 9、[?la: ft?]_______________

10、[?bju: ti]________ 11、[?rek?: d] _________12、[?intr??dju: s]__________ 任务2. 翻译下列短语。

①摇滚乐 ___ ②自从 __ ___

③互相 _______ ④逐渐意识到 ______

任务3. 翻译下列句子:

①听汤姆乐队的音乐是醒来的一个好方法。 ________________________ ②拉是一个青少年的时候,她尝尝因几乎所有的事与她的家人争吵。


③她逐渐意识到,事实上她是多么思念他们所有的人。___________________ ④然而,乡村音乐带给我们回到善待彼此、信任彼此的“过去的好时光”。 __________________________________________________________________ ⑤莎拉还没去过纳什维尔,但有一天能去那里是她的梦想。

__________________________________________________________________ ⑥加思是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。____________________________


success 、succeed、 successful和 successfully的辨析


②succeed:不及物动词,后常接in doing sth.。

succeed in sth. “在某事上取得成功”; succeed in doing sth. “成功做某事”。 ③successful: 形容词,意为“成功的”。

④successfully: 副词,意为“成功地”。

选词填空:succeeded, successful, successfully 她成功的通过了考试。

2. The performance was ____________. 演出很成功。

3. I finished my training ____________. 我成功地完成了训练。


The number of records he has sold...


the number of 意为“……的数量”,作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。

The number of visitors to Hong Kong has now increased.



试一试:辨析 the number of 与 a number of

(2013·贵州安顺)In our school library there ______ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them ______ growing larger and larger.

A. are; is B. is; are C. have; are D. has; is



乡村音乐(Country music),又称“乡村与西部音乐”(Country and Western),是当代音乐的一种风格形式。其根源可追溯至上世纪20年代,起源于美国南部与阿帕拉契山区,人们公认田纳西州纳什维尔地区是乡村音乐的故乡,并肩有专门的乡村音乐博物馆。此音乐风格于70年代在世界各地得以快速普及,受到广大青年的欢迎,并由“乡村音乐”逐步取代了“乡村与西部音乐”的称法。

乡村音乐的曲调,一般都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单,多位歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。美国著名的乡村歌手包括约翰·丹佛(John Denver)、肯尼·罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers)、加思·布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks)等。



Do you like country music? Country music is a _______ kind of music from the ________ states of America. Nashville, Tennessee is the _______ of country music. Many songs these days are just about ________ life in the US, such as the importance of money and ______, but not about ________ to a group. However, country music brings us to the “good old days” when people were kind to each other and ________ one another. It _________ us that the best things in life are free—laughter, friends, family and the ________ of nature and the _________.


1. This record _________ (belong) to my brother.

2. Robert is a Chinese Canadian. He __________ (live) in Canada for 15 years.

3. He hasn’t _____________ (finish) his homework yet.

4. We needn’t go in such a hurry. We still have thirty minutes __________ (left).

5. I need to ________ (clean) my cupboard. I haven’t used the things in it for long.



1. 永远________________ 2. 在国外___________________

3. 南方的______________ 4. 成功_____________________

5. 介绍________________ 6. change one’s life ____________

7. ever since then____________ 8. modern life _________________


9. the importance of money and success ________________________

10. one of the most successful musicians in American history


二、单项选择 (每题6分,共30分)

1. —Will there be fewer trees? —__________.

A. Yes, there won’t B. No, there will. C. Yes, there will D. Yes, there be

2. Let’s keep __________ hard until we succeed.

A. to work B. work C. works D. working

3. Our teacher often tells us _________ to the old politely.

A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. speak in

4.—I feel very lonely. My friend, Arthur, has gone to Paris for holiday.

—Really? When ______ he ________ there?

A. will; go B. is; going C. has; gone D. did; go

5. Nobody told us _________.

A. what to do it B. how to do C. where to do D. when to do it


1. 他们已经决定学习英语了。

They _________ _________ to study English.

2. 我妈妈在这家医院已经当医生十三年了。

My mom _________ ________ a doctor in this hospital __________ 13 years.

3. 她买了一台新电脑。

She _________ _________ a new computer.

4. 昨晚你看书了吗? _______ you _____ a book last night?

5. 我已经种了四十年的树。

I ________ ________ the trees for 40 years.


Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

第四课时 Section B (3a-Self check)

设计:王安娜 审稿:雷印东




A.在现在完成时中熟练运用already, yet。



Have you introduced this singer / writer to others?









任务1. 自主学习本课单词,并能根据所给音标正确拼写出下列单词:

1、[?intr?′dju: s] ___________ 2、[lain] _______________

任务2. 翻译下列单词及短语。

①找出,查出 ___ ②变得出名 _____

③如此?以至于 ______ ④在一天结束的时候 ______

任务3. 翻译下列句子:

①这个歌手是什么时候首次出名的? ________________________________

2你是怎样发现她的?_____________________________________________ ○






so?that? 和so that 的辨析

1. so?that?意为“如此??以至于??”,引导结果状语从句。句中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词。 例如:

My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.


2. so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”。 例如:

He gets up early every morning so that he can catch up the early bus.


单项选择: A. very B. so C. too D. to

2. Tom runs fast _________ he can catch the dog.

A. very B. so that C. soD. that



Have you introduced this singer / writer to others?


introduce 此处作及物动词,意为“介绍”。introduce sb. / sth. to sb. 意为“向某人介绍……” Let me introduce my friend to you. 让我给你介绍一下我的朋友。

Please let me introduce this new cell phone to you. 请让我向你介绍一下这款新手机。


Permit me to introduce myself. 请允许我自我介绍。


have (has) been 和 have (has) gone 的区别

have (has) been 表示“曾经到过某地”

have (has) gone 表示“已经去过某地了”



2. Where has he gone? 他到哪儿去了?

1. She ________ _____ to Shanghai. (她已不在上海)

2. She ________ _____ to Shanghai. (她可能已在去上海的路上,或已到上海。总之,




1.We Chinese should love our motherland(祖国)f____________.

2.While she was studying a________, she heard a song full of feelings about returning home.

3.Many songs these days are just about m_________ life in the US, such as the importance of money and s_________.

4.The poet(诗人)loves the b________ of the nature and the country.

5. We often i____________ ourselves to others at the beginning of the term.(学期)


beautiful south France successful listen

1. Though she is a Chinese girl, she speaks _________ very well.

2. Taishan has given us the __________ of nature.


3. Failure is the mother of ___________.

4. He used __________ to pop music but now he likes rock music.

5. Guangdong lies in the ___________ part of China.



1. 砍树 _________________ 2. 之后不久 ________________

3. 在海中央 ______________ 4. 遗忘;留下 _______________

5. 有点儿无聊_____________ 6. 充满感情__________________

7. 属于 __________________ 8. 彼此 _____________________

9. 做一些研究 ____________ 10. 有时间做……_____________

二、单项选择 (每题6分,共30分)

1. Ben is a foreign teacher. So far, he _______ in Taian for five years.

A. was teaching B. has taught C. will teach D. taught

2. Mr. Wang isn’t here. I think he _______ Guiyang.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. goes D. went

3. —Have you ever been to Beijing? — Yes, I ______.

A. do B. haveC. was D. did

4. —Have you ever been to Shanghai? —Yes, I ______ there last year.

A. went B. have been C. have gone D. has been

5. —Where is your father?

—He _____ Australia and he _______ Sydney for two weeks.

A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; has been in

C. has been in; has been to D. has gone to; has been to


1. 她过去几乎因为每一件事和家人吵架。

She ________ _________ fight over almost everything with her family.

2. 自从那时起,她成为乡村音乐的粉丝。

_________ _________ ________, she has been a fan of country music.

3. 它提醒我们生活最好的部分是免费的笑声,友情,家人和大自然乡村之美。

It ________ us that the best things in life are free-laughter, friends, family and the ___________ of nature and the _____________.

4. Garth 是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。


Garth is one of the most _________ ________ in American history.


Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

第五课时 单元达标测试

设计:王安娜 审稿:雷印东


1) Exploration team found a lot of t_________ on this old island.

2) China’s science and t__________ is developing fast.

3) His son has studied a__________ for five years.

4) They live in one of the most m__________ cities in the world.

5) Diaoyu Islands b_________ to China forever.


Today, we will _____ a famous pop singer to you. He is Steven Hom, a British young man. When he was 12, he had his first band with three friends at school. They soon had many fans. Most of them are middle school students. When Steven was 18, he went _________ to study music.

After Steven finished his study in the university, he set up his second hand-Magic Maker. This band mainly plays _______ music. They have sold over 50 million _______. Magic Maker is a big ________ and they have concerts all over the world every year.


( ) 1. —I’ve just got a new MP4.

—Where ______ you _______ it?

—In a shopping mall near here.

A. have; bought B. did; buy C. are; bought D. were; getting

( ) 2. —Will you go and see the movie Net Mother with me?

—Thank you. But I _______ it already.

A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see

( ) 3. I began watching here an hour ago, but now nothing ______ yet.

A. happens B. will happen C. happened D. has happened

( ) 4. It’s sometimes hard to tell one twin from ______.

A. another B. some other C. other D. the other


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