

情感好词: 喜乐 ① The smile on her face shone like a diamond. ② A simile of understanding flashed across his face.

③ A ripple of excitement ran through them.

④ Laughter lingered around the room.

⑤ His eyes twinkled with pleasure.

⑥ A wild gaiety(快乐) took hold of her.

⑦ Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steady smile.

⑧ I was wild with joy.

⑨ I was pleased beyond description.

⑩ She wore a shining smile on her face.

? Her smile lit up the whole room.

? She shed tears of joy.

? Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds.

? She was overflowing with happiness.

? Her flushed face was shining with excitement.

? Joy welled up inside her.

? I was floating on air.

? Amusement gleamed in his eyes.

愤怒:① I was seized by anger.

② He was fuming with rage.

③ His anger boiled over.

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