


一.can,could,be able to

1.can:表示“能,会” e.g. I can swim but I can’t skate.

could:过去“能够,可能” e.g. It was so dark that we could see nothing. 与“be able to do” 区别 “be able to do”强调成功做某事


Could 委婉语气e.g.:Can/could I use your dictionary? --Yes, you can.

3.can表示客观,理论可能性e.g.:Man cannot live without air.

4.用于疑问句,否定句,表推测。Can’t be 不可能 惊异怀疑不相信的态度e.g. I believe her. She can’t be such a careless girl. How can you be so careless?

5. can’t ?too/enough 再?也不为过

e.g. You can’t be careful enough when you across the road. Could it be possible?×May/Might表可能性用于肯否

二.must,have to

1.must主观e.g. I must finish my homework.

have to客观 e.g. I have to finish my homework.


e.g. He must be at home, for he called me from three months ago.

3.偏要if you must do something.

4.must的回答e.g. Must she go now?

--Yes, she must/No, she needn’t/No, she don’t.

三.should, ought

1. Should:义务或责任. e.g. We should help the person who needs help.

2.竟然,常与how,why连用 e.g. I don’t know why you should think I did it.

3.根据常规经验做出的判断,想必 e.g. 20 minutes have past, the bus should come at any moment.


1.will表示请求建议(用于第二人称) would语气委婉

e.g. Will/Would you please go with me?

2.习惯性,倾向现在wille.g. Fish will die out of water. 过去would e.g. Whenever I was in trouble ,he would help me.

3.意志愿望决心e.g. I will never do it again.

与“used to do”区别,used to do暗指现在不做


1.一,三人称疑问句表示征求对方的意见或请求.shall we go now ?


e.g. You shall be punished.


e.g. Nobody shall leave the classroom during the exam.


1.may①译为可能也许 She may come, but I am not very sure.

②表许可 May/Might I take the book out? May文体比can 正式 ③表祝愿 May you succeed

Might 更婉转语气比may弱


1.不同时间推测 must do现在/must be doing正在进行/must have done过去

2.must肯定句 can/could否定句,疑问句

may/might 肯定句,否定句,表可能性推测

→must have done一定

→can’t(couldn’t)have done不可能 may not可能不

may(might) have done本可能(虚拟)

八.情态动词+have done表虚拟

Could have done 本能够,强调能力

Should(shouldn’t) have done本(不)应该

Ought to have done本应该

Needn’t have done (无肯定)本没有必要而实际做了

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