


1, My favorite 3 lies are ‘I’m sorry’, ‘Just Kidding’, and ‘We should get together some time’.

我喜欢的3句谎话是:“对不起”“我只是在开玩笑”“有时间我们一起聚一聚” 2, I love it when someone starts a sentence with ’When I was Goldman Sachs ’… Well, you aren’t at Goldman Sachs now, Cocksucker.


3, I deleted my birthdate from my FaceBook the week before my birthday, only 3 of my friends remembered.

一周前我在Facebook上删掉了我的生日日期,然后只有3个朋友记得我的生日。 4, I would agree with you, but then we’d both be fucking wrong.


5, Linsanity is destroying my basketball league. Every Asian kid thinks they’re 6 inches taller all of a sudden.

林来疯彻底毁了我们的篮球队了,每个亚裔小朋友仿佛一夜时间都高了6寸似的。 6, If you have only be good at one thing, be good at lying…Because if you are good at lying, you are good at everything.


7, I would vote for Obama…just to watch him age for another 4 years.


8, Blacking out is just your brain cleaning it’s browser history.


9, If you have a job where you have to wear a nametag, nobody gives a shit what your name is.


10 , Almost time for children to learn a valuable lesson. Santa loves rich kids more. 是时候给孩子上一门有意义的课了,圣诞老人更爱有钱的孩子

11, If people never trust a skinny chief, they shouldn’t want their bankers to be poor. 如果人们从不信任一个瘦的厨师,那他们也不希望他们的银行家是穷人 12, He’s got 1,800 facebook friends, but can’t get 40 friends to go to his wedding. 他有1800个脸书好友,但不到40个朋友来参加他的婚礼

13, Miami this weekend, ‘where you staying?’ ‘ haven’t booked yet. Planning is for the poor.’


14, Black Friday is the Special Olympics of capitalism.


15, I’ve never said I ‘hate’ someone because that would imply I have any emotion for them whatsoever.


16, The only reason I have a home phone is so I can find my cell phone.


17, It’s pretty amazing how many people in Chengdu say their name is Ross, Rachel, Chandler, or Monica.

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