

Unit 1 Topic 1短语

1 . play basketball ____________7 . play against ____________ 10 . leave for ____________16 . go hiking ____________

2 . cheer sb on ____________8 . for long ____________

3 . quite a bit ____________

9 the day after tomorrow ____________

4 . of course ____________5 . grow up ____________6 . arrive in ____________

11 . twice a week ____________ 12 . be good at ____________ 14 . half an hour ____________ 15 . take part in ____________ 17 . all over the world ____________18 . be good for ____________ 20 . prepare for sth ____________

21 . in the future ____________ 24 . keep fit ____________

13 . break the record ____________ 19 . keep healthy ____________25 . pretty well ____________ Unit 1 Topic 2短语

1 . do sb a favor ____________ 4 . right away ____________

22 . win the first place ____________ 23 . write back soon ____________

2 . fall ill ____________3 . throw about ____________

5 . be far from ____________6 . make one’s bed ____________

7 . be angry with sb ____________8 . do one’s best ____________9 . say sorry to sb ____________

10 . miss a good chance ____________11 . be sorry for sth ____________12 . be sure to do sth ____________ 13 . with the help of sb ____________14 . in a minute ____________15 . be late for ____________ 16 . be important to sth ____________、17 . take a seat ____________18 . as well ____________ 19 . follow the rules ____________20 . in the beginning ____________21 . get tired ____________ 22 . instead of ____________23 . build sb up ____________24 . do well in ____________ 25 . shout at sb ____________ Unit 1 Topic 3短语

1 . talk about sth ____________ 2 . make friends with sb ____________3 . be ready for sth ____________ 4 . take photos ____________ 9 . stand for ____________12 . at once ____________

5 . be able to ____________10 . at least ____________

6 . do badly in sth ____________ 11 . take part in ____________ 14 . enjoy doing sth ____________

7 . for the first time ____________8 . every four years ____________

13 . pass sth to sb ____________

15improve the environment__________ 17 . at the school gate ____________19 . take place ____________ 22 . in history ____________25 . next time ____________ Unit 2 Topic 1短语 1 . take a rest ____________4 . at night ____________

7 . have a fever ____________

16 . make it six o’clock ____________ 18 . on the right side of ____________

21 . place of interest ____________

24 . be fond of ____________

20 . pick apples ____________

23 .do morning exercises ____________

2 . see a doctor ____________ 5 . stay in bed ____________

3 . have a cold ____________ 6 . have a good sleep ____________ 9 . feel like doing sth ____________ 15 . on the Internet ____________ 18 . check over ____________

8 . day and night ____________

10 . have a good rest ____________11 . take some medicine ____________12 . brush teeth ____________ 13 . hot tea with honey ____________14 . too much ____________16 . take good care of ____________ 17 . lie down ____________19 . take some pills ____________ 22 . after that ____________25 . plenty of ____________ Unit 2 Topic 2短语

20 . have an accident ____________21 . ask for a leave ____________ 23 . worry about ____________ 24 . had better ____________

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