

七上英译汉 Unit 1nice meet your Ms his her zero number

telephonenumber first name last name friend China middle

middle school Unit 2sister mother father parent brother


grandfather= grandpa grandparent family those who these they

Have a good day! son cousin mom aunt dad uncle daughter here photo next picture girl

Unit 3pencil eraser box

pencil box schoolbag dictionary his mine hers

excuse me teacher What/How about…? yours

thank you for… welcome

You’re welcomebaseball watch computer game card ID card notebook ring library ask

ask…for… find

classroom e-mail call lost must a set of Unit 4where table bed

bookcase sofa chair under come on desk think their hat head know radio clock tape player

tape player model plane

model plane tidy our

everywhere always Unit 5tennis ping-pong bat

soccer ball volleyball basketball let us

let’s=let us we late get great sound interesting boring fun difficult relaxing same with sport them only easy after class

classmate Unit 6Hamburger/ burger tomato ice-cream salad

strawberry pear milk bread birthday dinner week

think about food sure

vegetable fruit right then carrot rice chicken so

breakfast lunch star eat well habit

healthy really question fat

Unit 7 much

How much…? sock T-shirt shorts sweater trousers shoe skirt dollar big small short long woman

Can I help you? need look pair take

Here you are. eleven thirty twelve thirteen fifteen eighteen twenty Mr. clothes store buy sale sell all very price a pair of Unit 8 when month January June February May August December July

November April

September March October happy

Happy birthday! old

How old… party See you! first fifth eighth third

twentieth second ninth twelfth test trip art festival dear student thing term busy

Have a good time! there Unit 9 favorite subject science music math Chinese geography history why because Monday Friday Saturday for sure free cool Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday useful

from… to… Mrs. finish lesson hour

七下英语单词Unit 1 guitar swim dance draw

play chess speak

speak English join club

be good at tell story write show or

talk to kungfu

play the drums play the piano play the violin also people home

be good with make friends today

help (sb.) with sth. center

on the weekend teach musician Unit 2 get up dress get dress brush

tooth(teeth) shower

take a shower usually forty never early fifty job work

radio station o’clock night funny exercise

on weekends best group half

past quarter run clean walk

take a walk quickly either

either…or… lots of sometimes taste life Unit 3 train bus

take the subway ride a bike= by bike hundred minute how far kilometer new

every day drive live stop think of cross river many village between

between …and… bridge boat ropeway year afraid like villager leave dream true

come true Unit 4 rule arrive

(be)on time hallway hall dining listen to fight sorry outside wear

important bring uniform quiet go out practice dish

do the dishes before

make (one’s) bed dirty kitchen more noisy relax read terrible feel strict

be strict (with sb.) remember follow

follow the rules luck keep hair learn Unit 5 panda zoo tiger elephant koala lion giraffe animal cute lazy smart beautiful scary kind of Australia south Africa

South Africa pet leg cat sleep friendly shy save symbol flag forget get lost place water danger

be in (great) danger cut down tree kill ivory over

(be) made of Unit 6


read a newspaper use soup

make soup wash movie

go to the movies just eat out house drink drink tea tomorrow pool shop

supermarket man race host study state

the United States American dragon Dragon Boat Festival 七上英译汉 Unit 1 nice meet your Ms his her zero number

telephonenumber first name last name friend

China middle

middle school Unit 2 sister mother father parent brother


grandfather= grandpa grandparent family those who these they

Have a good day! son cousin mom aunt dad uncle daughter here photo next picture girl

Unit 3 pencil eraser box

pencil box schoolbag dictionary his mine hers excuse me teacher What/How about…? yours

thank you for… welcome

You’re welcome baseball watch computer game card ID card notebook ring library ask

ask…for… find

classroom e-mail call lost must a set of Unit 4 where table bed

bookcase sofa chair under come on desk think their hat head know radio clock tape player

tape player model plane

model plane tidy our

everywhere always Unit 5 tennis ping-pong bat

soccer ball volleyball basketball let us

let’s=let us we late get great sound interesting boring fun difficult relaxing same with sport them only easy after class

classmate Unit 6 Hamburger/ burger tomato ice-cream salad

strawberry pear milk bread birthday dinner week

think about food sure

vegetable fruit right then carrot rice chicken so

breakfast lunch star eat well habit healthy really question fat

Unit 7 much

How much…?sock T-shirt shorts sweater trousers shoe skirt

dollar big small short long woman

Can I help you? need look pair take

Here you are. eleven thirty twelve thirteen fifteen eighteen twenty Mr. clothes store buy sale sell all very price a pair of Unit 8 when month January June February May August December July

November April

September March October happy

Happy birthday! old

How old… party See you! first fifth eighth third

twentieth second ninth twelfth test trip art festival dear student thing term busy

Have a good time! there Unit 9 favorite subject science music math Chinese geography history why because Monday Friday Saturday for sure free cool Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday useful

from… to… Mrs. finish lesson hour

七下英语单词 Unit 1 guitar swim dance draw

play chess speak

speak English join club

be good at tell story write show or

talk to kungfu

play the drums play the piano play the violin also people home

be good with make friends today

help (sb.) with sth. center

on the weekend teach musician Unit 2 get up dress get dress brush

tooth(teeth) shower

take a shower usually forty never early fifty job work

radio station o’clock night funny exercise

on weekends best group half past quarter run clean walk

take a walk quickly either

either…or… lots of sometimes taste life

Unit 3 train bus

take the subway ride a bike= by bike hundred minute how far kilometer new

every day drive live stop think of cross river many village between

between …and… bridge boat ropeway year afraid like villager leave dream true

come true Unit 4 rule arrive

(be)on time hallway hall dining listen to fight sorry outside wear

important bring uniform quiet go out practice dish

do the dishes before

make (one’s) bed dirty kitchen more noisy relax read terrible feel strict

be strict (with sb.) remember follow

follow the rules luck keep hair learn Unit 5 panda zoo tiger elephant koala lion giraffe animal cute lazy smart beautiful scary kind of Australia south Africa

South Africa pet leg cat sleep friendly shy save symbol flag forget get lost place water danger

be in (great) danger cut down tree kill ivory over

(be) made of Unit 6


read a newspaper use soup

make soup wash movie

go to the movies just eat out house drink drink tea tomorrow pool shop

supermarket man race host study state

the United States American dragon Dragon Bout Festival any other young child pl. children miss wish delicious still living Unit 7 rain windy cloudy sunny snow weather cook bad park message

take a message him could back

call (sb.) back problem

again dry cold hot warm visit Canada summer sit juice soon vacation

on (a) vacation hard Europe mountain country skate snowy winter Russian snowman rainy Unit 8 post office

post office police

police station hotel

restaurant bank hospital street pay

pay phone near across

across from front

in front of behind town around north along

go along (the street) turn right left

turn right/left crossing

neighborhood spend

spend time climb road often air

sunshine free enjoy

enjoy reading easily money Unit 9 curly straight tall

medium height

(be) of medium height thin heavy build

(be) of medium build tonight a little cinema glasses later handsome actor actress person nose blond mouth round face eye singer artist crime criminal put each way describe differently another end

in the end real jeans Unit 10 noodle mutton beef cabbage potato special would would like yet large order

take one’s order size bowl

one (large) bowl of tofu meat dumpling porridge onion fish pancake world

around the world answer different cake candle age

make a wish blow blow out if will the UK candy lucky popular get popular cut up idea

bring good luck to… Unit 11 milk cow

milk a cow horse

ride a horse feed

feed chickens farmer quite

quite a lot (of…) anything grow farm pick

excellent countryside

in the countryside yesterday flower worry luckily sun

museum fire

fire station painting exciting lovely expensive cheap slow fast robot guide gift all in all everything interested

be interested in dark hear Unit 12 camp lake beach

badminton sheep as

natural butterfly visitor tired stay

stay up late run way mouse baby shout shout at woof language fly kite fly a kite high high school ago India tent put up moon surprise get a surprise snake scared move shout to start jump up and down wake wake…up into forest ear 八上英译汉 Unit1 1、anyone 2、anywhere 3、wonderful 4、few 5、quite a few 6、most 7、something 8、nothing 9、everyone 10、of course 11、myself 12yourself/yourselves 13、hen 14、pig 15、seem 16、bored 17、someone 18、diary 19、activity 20、decide 21、try 22、paragliding 23、feel like 24、bird 25、bicycle 26、building 27、trader 28、wonder 29、difference 30、top 31、wait 32、umbrella 33、wet 35、below 36、enough 37、hungry 38、as 39、hill 40、duck 41、dislike 42、Central Park 43、Huangguoshu Waterfall 44、Hong Kong 45 、Malaysia 46、Malaysian 47、Weld Quay 48、Penang Hill 49、Tian'an men Square 50、the Palace Museum


1、housework 2、hardly 3、ever

4、hardly ever 5、once 6、twice 7、Internet 8、program 9、full

10、swing 11、swing dance 12、maybe 13、least 14、at least 15、junk 16、junk food 17、coffee 18、health 19、result 20、percent 21、online 22、television 23、although 24、through 25、mind 26、body 27、such 28、such as 30、together 31、die 32、writer 33、dentist 34、magazine 35、however 36、than

37、more than 38、almost 39、none 40、less

41、less than 42、point 43American 34、arm of 35、laugh 29、 beautifully 36、share 30、 be up to 16、 action

17、 action

movie Teenager

Unit3 1.outgoing 2、better 3、loudly 4、quietly

5、hard-working 6、competition 7、fantastic 8、which 9、clearly 10、win 11、though 12、talented 13、truly 14、care

15、care about 16、serious 17、mirror 18、kid

19、as long as

20、necessary 21、be different from 21、both

22、bring out 23、grade 24、should 25、the same as

26、saying 27、reach 28、hand 29、touch 30、heart 31、fact 32、in fact 33、break 37、loud 38、similar 39、be similar to 40、primary 41、primary school 42、information Unit4 1、 theater (=theatre) 2、 comfortable 3、 seat 4、 screen 5、 close 6、 ticket 7、 worst 8、 cheaply 9、 song 10、 DJ 11、 choose 12、 carefully 13、 reporter 14、 so far 15、 fresh 16、 comfortably 17、 worse 18、 service 19、 pretty 20、 menu 21、 act 22、 meal 23、 creative 24、 performer 25、 talent 26、 have … in common 27、 magician 28、 all kinds 31、 role 32、 play a role 33、 winner 34、 prize 35、 everybody 36、 make up 37、 example

38、 for example

39、 poor 40、 seriously 41、 take…… seriously 42、 give 43、 crowded 44、American Idol 45、America's Got Talent 46、China's Got Talent Unit5 1、 sitcom 2、 news 3、 soap opera 4、 educational 5、 plan 6、 hope 7、 find out 8、 discussion 9、 stand 10、 happen 11、 may . 12、 expect 13、 joke

14、 comedy 15、 meaningless 18、 cartoon 19、 culture 20、 famous 21、 appear 22、 become

(became) 23、 rich

24、 successful 25、 might 26、 main 27、 reason 28、 common 29、 film

(=movie) 30、 unlucky 31、 lose

32、 girlfriend 33、 ready 34、 be ready


35、 character 36、 simple 37、 dress up 38 take sb.'s place

39、army 40、do a good job 41、Hollywood 42.the Hollywood Walk of Fame


1、 grow up 2、 computer


3、 cook 4、 docter 5、 engineer 6、 violinist

7、 driver 41、 agree 28、 even 27、Thanksgiving 8、 pilot 42、 agree 29、 hundreds 28、traditional 9、 pianist with of 29、autumn 10、 scientist 43、 own . 30、 shape 30、traveler 11、 be sure 44、 personal 31、 fall (fell) 31、England

about 45、 relationship 32、 fall down 32、celebrate 12、 make 46、Hemingway 33 、 inside 33、mix

sure 47、The Old Man 34、 look for 34、pepper 13、 college and the Sea 35、 possible 35、fill 14、 education Unit7 36、 impossible 36、oven 15、 medicine 16、 university 17、 London 18、 article 19、 send 20、 resolution 21、 team 22、 foreign 23、 able 24、 be able to 25、 question 26、 meaning 27、 discuss 28、 promise 29、 beginning 30、 at the beginning of 31、 inprove 32、 write down 33、 physical 34、 themselves 35、 have to do with 36、 self-improvement 37、 take up 38、 hobby 39、 weekly 40、 schoolwork 1、 paper 2、 pollution 3、 prediction 4、 future 5、 pollute 6、 environment 7、 planet 8、 earth 9、 plant 10、 part 11、 play a part 12、 peace 13、 sea 14、 sky 15、 astronaut 16、 apartment 17、 rocket 18、 space 19、 space station 20、 human 21、 servant 22、 dangerous 23、 already 24、 factory 25、 over and over again 26、 believe 27 、 disagree 37、 side 38、 probably 39、 during 40、 holiday 41、 word Unit 8 1、shake 2、milk shake 3、blender 4、turn on 5、peel 6、pour 7、yogurt 8、honey 9、watermelon 10、spoon 11、pot 12、add 13、finally 14、salt 15、sugar 16、cheese 17、popcorn 18、corn 19、machine 20、dig 21、hole 22、sandwich 23、butter 24、turkey 25、lettuce 26、piece 37、plate 38、cover 39、gravy 40、serve 41、temperature Unit 9 1、prepare 2、prepare for 3、exam 4、flu

5、available 6、another time 7、until 8、hang 9、hang out 10、catch 11、invite

12、accept 13、refuse 14、the day before yesterday

15、the day after tomorrow 16、weekday 17、look after

18、invitation 19、turn down

20、reply 21、forword 22、delete 23、print 24、sad

25、goodbye . 22、mistake 26、take a trip 23、himself 27、glad 24、careful 28、preparation 25、advise hot

warm visit Canada along

go along (the street) turn 29、glue 30、without 31、surprised 32、look forward to 33、hear form 34、housewarming 35、opening 36、concert 37、headmaster 38、event 39、guest 40、calendar 41、daytime Unit 10 1、meeting 2、video 3、organize 4、potato chips 5、chocolate 6、upset 7、taxi 8、advice 9、travel 10、agent 11、expert 12、keep…to oneself 13、teenager 14、normal 15、unless 16、certainly 17、wallet 18、mile 19、angry 20、understanding 21、careless 26、solve 27、step 28、trust

29、experience 30、in half 31、halfway 32、else t Festival any other young child pl. children miss wish

delicious still living Unit 7 rain windy cloudy sunny snow weather cook bad park message

take a message him could back call (sb.) back problem again dry cold summer sit juice soon vacation

on (a) vacation hard Europe mountain country skate snowy winter Russian snowman rainy Unit 8 post office

post office police

police station hotel

restaurant bank hospital street pay

pay phone near across

across from front

in front of behind town around north right left

turn right/left crossing

neighborhood spend

spend time climb road often air

sunshine free enjoy

enjoy reading easily money Unit 9 curly straight tall

medium height

(be) of medium height thin heavy build

(be) of medium build tonight a little cinema glasses later

handsome actor actress

person nose blond mouth round face eye singer artist crime criminal put each way describe differently another end

in the end real jeans Unit 10 noodle mutton beef cabbage potato special would would like yet large order

take one’s order size bowl

one (large) bowl of tofu meat dumpling porridge onion fish pancake world

around the world answer different cake candle age

make a wish blow blow out if will the UK candy lucky popular get popular cut up idea

bring good luck to… Unit 11 milk cow

milk a cow horse

ride a horse feed

feed chickens farmer quite

quite a lot (of…) anything grow farm pick

excellent countryside

in the countryside yesterday flower worry luckily sun

museum fire

fire station painting exciting lovely expensive cheap slow fast robot guide gift all in all everything interested

be interested in dark hear Unit 12 camp lake beach

badminton sheep as

natural butterfly visitor tired stay

stay up late run way mouse baby shout shout at woof language fly kite fly a kite high

high school ago India tent put up moon surprise

get a surprise snake scared move shout to start jump

up and down wake wake…up into forest ear

八上英译汉 Unit1 1、anyone 2、anywhere 3、wonderful 4、few

5、quite a few 6、most

7、something 8、nothing 9、everyone 10、of course 11、myself


13、hen 14、pig 15、seem 16、bored 17、someone 18、diary 19、activity 20、decide 21、try

1、housework 2、hardly 3、ever

4、hardly ever 5、once 6、twice 7、Internet 8、program 9、full


Unit3 1.outgoing 43、better 44、loudly 45、quietly 46、hard-working

47、competition 77、share 78、loud 79、similar 80、be similar to

81、primary 82、primary school


22、paragliding 23、feel like 24、bird 25、bicycle 26、building 27、trader 28、wonder 29、difference 30、top 31、wait 32、umbrella 33、wet 35、below 36、enough 37、hungry 38、as 39、hill 40、duck 41、dislike 50、Central Park

51、Huangguoshu Waterfall

52、Hong Kong 53、Malaysia 54、Malaysian 55、Weld Quay 56、Penang Hill 57、Tian'an men Square

50、the Palace Museum

Unit2 10、swing 11、swing dance 12、maybe 13、least 14、at least 15、junk 16、junk food 17、coffee 18、health 19、result 20、percent 21、online 22、television 23、although 24、through 25、mind 26、body 27、such 28、such as 30、together 31、die 32、writer 33、dentist 34、magazine 35、however 36、than

37、more than 38、almost 39、none 40、less

41、less than 42、point 43American 48、fantastic 49、which 50、clearly 51、win 52、though 53、talented 54、truly 55、care

56、care about 57、serious 58、mirror 59、kid

60、as long as

61、necessary 21、be different from 62、both

63、bring out 64、grade 65、should 66、the same as

67、saying 68、reach 69、hand 70、touch 71、heart 72、fact 73、in fact 74、break 75、arm 76、laugh Unit4 44、 theater

(=theatre) 45、 comfortable 46、 seat 47、 screen 48、 close 49、 ticket 50、 worst 51、 cheaply 52、 song 53、 DJ 54、 choose 55、 carefully 56、 reporter 57、 so far 58、 fresh 59、 comfortably 60、 worse 61、 service 62、 pretty 63、 menu 64、 act 65、 meal 66、 creative 67、 performer 68、 talent 69、 have … in

common 70、 magician 71、 all kinds

of 72、 beautifully

73、 be up to 53、 action 52、 driver 86、 agree 74、 role 54、 action 53、 pilot 87、 agree 75、 play a movie 54、 pianist with

role 55、 cartoon 55、 scientist 88、 own . 76、 winner 56、 culture 56、 be sure 89、 personal 77、 prize 57、 famous about 90、 relationship 78、 everybody 58、 appear 57、 make 46、Hemingway 79、 make up 59、 become sure 47、The Old Man 80、 example (became) 58、 college and the Sea 81、 for 60、 rich 59、 education Unit7

example 82、 poor 83、 seriously 84、 take…… seriously 85、 give 86、 crowded 44、American Idol 45、America's Got Talent 46、China's Got Talent Unit5 38、 sitcom 39、 news 40、 soap opera 41、 educational 42、 plan 43、 hope 44、 find out 45、 discussion 46、 stand 47、 happen 48、 may . 49、 expect 50、 joke 51、 comedy 52、 meaningless 61、 successful 62、 might 63、 main 64、 reason 65、 common 66、 film (=movie) 67、 unlucky 68、 lose 69、 girlfriend 70、 ready 71、 be ready to 72、 character 73、 simple 74、 dress up 39 take sb.'s place 39、army 40、do a good job 41、Hollywood 42.the Hollywood Walk of Fame Unit6 46、 grow up 47、 computer programmer 48、 cook 49、 docter 50、 engineer 51、 violinist 60、 medicine 61、 university 62、 London 63、 article 64、 send 65、 resolution 66、 team 67、 foreign 68、 able 69、 be able to 70、 question 71、 meaning 72、 discuss 73、 promise 74、 beginning 75、 at the beginning of 76、 inprove 77、 write down 78、 physical 79、 themselves 80、 have to do with 81、 self-improvement 82、 take up 83、 hobby 84、 weekly 85、 schoolwork 42、 paper 43、 pollution 44、 prediction 45、 future

46、 pollute 47、 environment 48、 planet 49、 earth 50、 plant 51、 part 52、 play a part

53、 peace 54、 sea 55、 sky 56、 astronaut

57、 apartment 58、 rocket

59、 space 60、 space station 61、 human 62、 servant 63、 dangerous 64、 already 65、 factory 66、 over and over again 67、 believe

68 、 disagree

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