江苏省启东中学高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order Word study教案


江苏省启东中学高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order Word study教案 新


1. offence/ offense:n. 罪= crime、不礼貌、伤害人的事

e.g. minor offence:轻罪; a first offence:初犯;

an offense against …:违反……

e.g. He committed an offense against our law.I meant no offence (to you). = No offense was meant (to you).并无恶意 be an offence to sb. / sth.:令……不舒服 e.g. Advertisements in public places are offenses to the eye.

His sarcastic voice was an offence to me / my ears.

give / cause offense to sb.:使……发怒、伤害……的情感

e.g. The doctor’s advice gave / cause offence to the patient.

take offence at:生……的气

offend:vt. 伤害(别人的)感情、使(人)发怒;

vi. 违反规定、犯罪 ~ against …

e.g. His misbehavior(不良行为) offended her. =

He offended her by / with his misbehavior. = She was offended by / at / with his …

I’m sorry if I have offended you.

Any person may offend in some way or other.

He offended against good manners. (礼仪)

offender:犯罪者:a first offender;an old offender

offensive:讨厌的、没礼貌的:an offensive sound; offensive words:无礼的话

2. ripe:成熟的;老练的;时机成熟的

e.g. ripe oranges; ripe grain;

The strawberries are ripe enough to be picked.

Soon ripe, soon rotten. (早熟,早烂)

a ripe judgment:纯熟的判断; a man of ripe age:老练的人;

He is ripe in experience. 经验丰富

The young man is ripe for promotion. (晋级的时机到了)

The time is ripe. (时机已成熟)

ripen:vt. / vi. ripeness:n.

3. deposit:vt. 把……放置(比put正式);存放:deposit money in a bank e.g. He deposited the book on the table.

He deposited three thousand dollars in the bank.

You can deposit the luggage in the office.

4. complicate:vt. 使……复杂:complicate sth.

e.g. Your words can only complicate the case.

That will only complicate the matter.


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