

金山中学2015学年度第一学期高一年级英语学科期中考试卷 (考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 命题人:高婉琴 审核人:杨晓丽)

第I卷 (共85分)

I. Listening Comprehension (20%)

Section AShort Conversations (10%)

Directions: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.A. In a library.B. In a restaurant.C. In a supermarket. D. In a department store.

2.A. At 1:45. B. At 2:05.

C. At 2:15.D. At 2:25. 3.A. She hasn’t a dictionary. 4.A. The bus is too crowded.

5.A. The movie.B. She has lost her dictionary. D. The word is easy to pronounce. B. There’s something wrong with the bus. D. The bus doesn’t go to his destination. C. She is not sure about the word.C. The bus is going across the street.

C. The soccer game.

6.A. Boss and secretary.

7.A. Make a bookshelf. B. The science report.D. The evening news. B. Doctor and patient. B. Buy another room.

B. He doesn’t like the show. D. He will have a rest tonight. C. Teacher and student.D. Father and daughter. C. Neglect the problem. D. Sell the sofa. 8.A. He will study tonight.C. He has watched the show.

9.A. Go across the street to make a copy.

B. Take his copies to the other buildings.

C. Ask the woman to make a copy for him.

D. Ask the woman for the directions to the building.

10.A. It’s time to water the flowers now.

C. It’s too late to water the flowers now.

Section B (6%)

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each passage. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following recording.

11. A. In Room 18.

12. A. A talk show.

C. A movie show.

B. In the Green Room.D. In the Sky Theatre. B. A campus dancing competition. D. A flower-arranging competition. B. Press any number button.C. In the Panda Room. B. They needn’t water the flowers now. D. They should water the flowers as planned. 13. A. Hold on for a second.

C. Go to the studio office. D. Call the studio next Wednesday.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. One turkey is pardoned by president.

B. One turkey flies to Florida for a parade.

C. 88 percent of people play with turkeys.

D. Turkey farmers parade with their turkeys.

15. A. The presidents of the United States prefer turkeys to any other birds.

B. Turkeys as well as eagles enjoy great popularity in the United States.

C. Each state in the United Sates pardons one turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

D. The turkey will replace the eagle to be the national bird of the United States.

16. A. Smart.

Section C (4%)

Directions: In Section C, you will hear one longer conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary (24%)

Section A (15%)

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


Have you ever been to the Great Wall of China? When it is seen from the moon, it is __21__(long) visible structure that has ever been built, which is quite amazing in architecture history.

22_______ _______ the limitation of machinery, it was constructed entirely by hand. The first section of the wall was built in the central part of the country during the seventh century. The different sections of the wall ____23____(build) from a variety of materials. The wall also varies ___24___ height and width. One of the highest sections is 35 feet (11m) tall. It is 25 feet (7.6m) wide at the base. There are also towers along many parts of the wall, ___25___ used to serve as lookout stations. Undoubtedly, the Great wall served as more than just protection from attacks from the north. It also provided a physical boundary ___26___ ancient China and northern lands.

Winding its way through mountainous regions, the Great Wall ___27___(look) magnificent and is really a major tourism attraction to the world.

B. Delicious. C. Interesting. D. Lucky. Complete the form. Write for each answer.


The biggest festival of Jiuzhaigou is the Spring Festival. Here are some exotic customs.

Carrying Water for the New Year

___28___ the eve of the Spring Festival, Tibetan Families go to the lakeside to fetch water. Upon hearing their cock’s crow(首领的呼唤), villagers rush to the water source and then carry ___29___ first bail(杓) of sacred water for the New Year, which is used for the family reunion dinner.

Sangyan(Pure Smoke)

Sangyan, the pure smoke, is also called "smoke perfume". It is 3000 years ___30___ it was observed as a religious ritual(仪式). It traditionally means that Heaven witnessed the vows taken by alliance parties. It is also used by ordinary families for blessing to each other.

Driving Monsters Away at the Eve of the Spring Festival

Local people hold that all bad days are brought by monsters, which must ___31___(drive) away. There are various rituals. In the evening, they throw a stone towards the first to be seen entering the house with curses(诅咒) on monsters and hit the stones all over the house corners, meaning that all these monsters _____32_____(never get) in. After the ritual, children will go to the lakeside to splash water to frighten monsters away.

Inviting the Mountain God

With two girls selected in light of complicated astronomical procedures, the villages will organize an activity to invite the Mountain God. ___33___(invite) to witness the ceremony is honorable. If the sacrifice(祭品) in the hand of the girls keeps waving when the priest is chanting, people will ask Mountain God all the questions they ___34___ think of, like their health, their fortune and their learning. Some may believe in the answer, and ___35___ regard it as a traditional entertainment activity.

Section B (9%)

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be

Every National Day Holiday brings millions of

tourists to Shanghai. This year was no exception with 8

million visitors flocking(蜂拥) to the city. Of course, no

visit to Shanghai is complete without a trip to the Bund.

This year, however, the crowd control was particularly


If you visited the Bund, you may have witnessed a

scattered(分散的) sea of tourists and an ____37____ arrangement of police officers. When the light turned green, the officers linked arms forming a chain that stretched across the crosswalk on both sides. Pedestrians(行人) were then able to safely cross the road between two “walls” of police officers who ____38____ them from any impatient drivers. Once everyone was safely on the other side and the light turned red, the officers folded back to the sidewalk.

Some micro-bloggers who were on the scene, later described feeling a little “ridiculous” as if

they were kids being led across the street. While everyone was grateful for the officers’ keeping everyone safe. There are a sufficient number of traffic lights and marked crosswalks in the area to ensure pedestrian ____39____ and traffic flow(畅通). Yet, due to the extreme disregard for traffic laws, there would have been absolute chaos and possibly even accidents and injuries if the police hadn’t intervened in large numbers.

Though this situation is an extreme(极端的) example, it is not ____40____ to see similar behavior on practically any street in Shanghai. China has a reputation among foreign visitors for “crazy traffic,” and those who are not used to the disorder often feel ____41____. On many street corners, there are traffic attendants(交通协管员) who try to enforce the pedestrian traffic laws; ____42____, they are powerless to do anything about aggressive drivers.

After living in Shanghai for over five years, I have to admit that my “pedestrian behavior” has really changed. I now have to move quickly to avoid cars, bicycles, and scooters to cross the street a few minutes earlier rather than ____43____ wait for the light.

As a city, we need to stop using the “everyone else is doing it” excuse. What will it take for Shanghai citizens to care more about ____44____ the rules than getting ahead of others or getting somewhere faster?

III. Reading Comprehension (41%)Section A (15%)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,

C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didn’t like attention drawn to myself. And unless otherwise assigned a seat by the teacher, I always ___45___ to sit at the back of the classroom.

All this ___46___ after I joined a sports team. It began when a teacher ___47__ I should try out for the basketball team. At first I thought it was a crazy idea because I didn’t have a good sense of ___48___, nor did I have the team ability to keep pace with the others on the team and they would laugh at me. But for the teacher who kept insisting on my “going for it”, I wouldn’t have decided to give a try.

Taking the ___49___ to go to the tryouts was only the half of it! When I first started attending the practice sessions, I didn’t even know the rules of the game. Sometimes I’d get ___50___ and take a shot at the wrong direction—which made me feel really stupid.___51___, I wasn’t the only one “new” at the game, so I decided to ___52___ learning the game, do my best at each practice session, and not be too hard on myself for the things I didn’t know “just yet”.

I practiced and practiced. Soon I knew the ___53___ and the “moves”. Being part of a team was fun and exciting. Very soon the competitive part in me was winning over my____54___ confidence. With time, I learned how to play and made friends in the process — friends who___55___ my efforts to work hard and be a team player. I never had so much fun!

With my improved self-confidence comes more ___56___ from teachers and classmates. I have gone from “___57___” in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call ___58___ to myself, to raising my hand — even when I sometimes wasn’t and not 100 percent ___59___ I had the right answer. Now I have more self-confidence in myself.

45. A. admitted B. chose C. forbidden D. affected

46. A. reflected B. remained C. changed D. ruined

47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

A. admitted A. balance A. signal A. confused A. Effectively A. glance at A. rules A. preference to A. maintained A. stress A. sealing A. attention A. rude B. objected B. exercise B. impression B. bored B. Regularly B. concentrate on B. structures B. overuse of B. included B. praise B. lasting B. authority B. normal C. suggested C. angle C. courage C. assisted C. Historically C. apply for C. remarks C. lack of C. preferred C. wonder C. attracting C. hostility C. likely

D. considered D. expression D. hesitation D. frightened D. Luckily

D. have access to D. gestures D. expert in D. respected D. sigh D. hiding D. damage D. sure

Section B (20%)

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

60. What kind of people is the passage mainly written for?

A. Scientists. B. Students. C. Tourists. D. Artists.

61. We can learn from the passage that Little Penguins _____________________.

A. have been on Phillip Island for years

B. keep a Guinness record for their size

C. are trained to practice diving for visitors

D. live in large groups to protect themselves

62. How much would a couple with one child pay for a closer viewing tour?

A. $37.50. B. $ 62.50. C. $180.00. D. $150.00.


Do you want to improve the way you study? Do you feel nervous before a test? Many students say that a lack of (paying all attention to something) is their biggest problem. It seriously affects their ability to study, so do their test results. If so, use these tips to help you. ? You should always study in the same place. You shouldn’t sit in a position that you use for

another purpose. For example, when you sit on a sofa to study, your brain will think it is time to relax. Don’t watch TV while you are studying. Experts warn that your concentration may be reduced by 50 percent if you attempt to study in this way. Always try to have a white wall in front of you, so there is nothing to distract you. Before sitting down to study, gather together all the equipment you need. Apart from your textbooks, pens, pencils and knives, make sure you have a dictionary. If your study desk or table is needed when you are not studying, store all your equipment in a box beside it.

? Your eyes will become tired if you try to read a text which is on a flat surface. Position your

book at an angle of 30 degrees.

? Be realistic and don’t try to complete too much in one study period. Finish one thing before

beginning another. If you need a break, get up and walk around for a few minutes, but try not to phone a friend or have something to eat. ? All your hard work will be for nothing if you are too nervous to take your test. Getting plenty

of rest is very important. This means do not study all night before your test! It is a better idea to have a long-term study plan. Try to make a timetable for your study which lasts for a few months.

? Exercise is a great way to reduce pressure. Doing some form of exercise every day will also

improve your concentration. Eat healthy food too.

? When you arrive in the examination room, find your seat and sit down. Breathe slowly and

deeply. Check the time on the clock during the test, but not too often. Above all, take no notice of everyone else and give the test paper your undivided attention.

63. What is the passage about?

A. Tips on how to improve study B. Study techniques

C. Test-taking skills D. Examination skills

64. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You should study in a different place every day, so you don't get bored.

B. Your concentration will improve if you study and watch TV at the same time.

C. Check the time during the exam at a certain time.

D. Staying up till night and studying is tiring, but you will learn a lot in this way.

65. What can be inferred(推断) from the passage?

A. You shouldn't look at everyone else during the test.

B. You will concentrate more on your study by eating healthy diet.

C. A study desk or table is unnecessary when you are studying.

D. If you feel tired during study, you can contact your friend by phone.


Rubbing(摩擦) the palms(手掌) together is a way people non-verbally(不用语言地) communicate positive expectation. The dice(骰子) thrower rubs the dice between his palms as a sign of his positive expectation of winning. The excited sales person walks into the sales manager’s office, rubs his palms together and says excitedly, “We’ve just got a big order, boss!” A waiter comes to your table at the end of the evening, rubs his palms together and asks, “Anything else, sir?” He is non-verbally telling you he is expecting a tip.

The speed at which a person rubs his palms together shows who he thinks will receive the expected positive results. Say, for example, you want to buy a home and you go to see a real estate(房地产) agent. After describing the house you are seeking, the agent rubs his palms together quickly and says, “I’ve got just the right place for you!” It means that the agent expects the results to be to your benefit. But how would you feel if he rubbed his palms together very slowly as he told you that he had the ideal house? He would then appear to be and would give you the feeling that the expected results would be to his advantage rather than yours.

Sales people are taught that if they use the palm rub gesture when describing products or services to potential buyers, they should be certain to use a fast hand action to avoid putting the buyer on the defensive(戒备的). When the buyer rubs his palms together and says to the sales person, “Let’s see what you have to offer!” it means that the buyer is expecting to be shown something good and is likely to make a purchase.

A word of warning: when a person is standing at a bus station in freezing winter and rubs his palms together quickly, it may not necessarily mean he is expecting a bus. He does it just because his hands are cold!

66. Rubbing the palms together is a gesture which communicates _____.

A. beneficial results

B. positive expectation D. non-verbal excitement C. dishonest D. unhappy C. defensive preparation A. curious 67. The underlined word “devious” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “_____”. B. regretful

68. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Rubbing dice between palms shows that the thrower expects to win.

B. “Anything else, sir” is a clever way for most waiters to ask for a tip.

C. Buyers should never rub palms because that will lead to a higher price.

D. Those rubbing palms at the bus stop in freezing winter must be expecting a bus.

69. The passage mainly discusses _____.

A. who often rubs the palms B. when people can rub the palms

C. how people rub the palms

Section C (6%) D. what rubbing the palms suggests

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

A new study suggests that the round-the-clock availability(可用性) that cell phone have brought to people’s lives bad effect on family life, a new study suggests. The study, which followed more than 1,300 adults over 2 years, found that those who always used a mobile phone throughout the study period were more likely to report negative “spillover’’ between work and home life—and, in turn, less satisfaction with their family life.

Spillover essentially means that the line between work and home begins to become unclear. Work life may invade home life when a parent is taking job-related calls at home, for instance, or family issues may start to take up work time. For example, a child may call mom at work, telling her “microwave exploded(爆炸)”, explained Noelle Chesley, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee and the author of the study. The problem with cell phones seems to be that they are allowing for ever more spillover between work and home.

This may be especially true for working women, the study found. Among men, consistent use of mobile phones seemed to allow more work issues to creep (潜入) into family time. But for women, the spillover tended to go in both directions. Being “connected” meant that work cut into home time,and family issues came into work life.

Cell phones seem to be opening more lines for stressful exchanges among family members. But there may be ways to control the spillover, according to Chesley. Employers, she said, could look at their policies on contacting employees after working hours to make sure their expectations are “reasonable”. For their part, employees could decide that cell phones go off during family time, Chesley said.

(Note: Write 70. Keeping using a mobile phone throughout the study period may results in ____________.

71. The writer gave the example of “microwave exploded” to indicate that ______________.

72. According to Chesley, what could employees do to avoid spillover when they are not at work?

第II卷 (共15分)

IV. Translation (15%)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 工地上的噪音吵得我睡不着觉。(keep)

2. 与陌生人交流时,你要避免一直盯着他看。(avoid)

3. 这个团队花了半年的时间完成了美术馆的设计。(It)

4. 充足的睡眠和平衡的饮食可以确保你身体健康。(ensure)

5. 谢谢你提醒我将这项研究成果应用于新技术的开发。(apply)

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