

The Reception of the Campsite 营地接待设施 Kitchen Facilities 厨房 Laundry Room 洗衣房 Television/Living/Eating Room 带电视机/起居室/餐厅的房间 Shop 商店 Café , Cafeteria or Restaurant 咖啡厅、咖啡或者餐厅

The room must be at least 30 m2, and half of the room must be available for tourist information materials – and the guests. The reception room must be well furnished. Minimum 1 double cooker (2 hotplates) per 30 pitches = 7 cooking places for 200 pitches. Minimum 1 kitchen sink per 25 pitches = 8 kitchen sinks for 200 pitches – taps with hot and cold water at each sink. must be placed in a separate room. Minimum 2 industrial washing machines, 1 industrial dryer, 1 stainless steel sink, and a table. At least 2 well-furnished room required-can be connected to the kitchen . Shop or super market with all everyday necessities must be inside the campsite itself. Size of shop: At least 50 ㎡..In the peak season the opening hours must be 8.00-20.00. Food service in the peak season - at least a café– is necessary in the campsite .The choice of food service will depend on local conditions and traditions.

Service Buildings 服务设施

Fencing 围栏
Pitches (Single Camping Units) 营位 Tenting Area 帐篷区 Facilities for Caravans and Motor Homes 房车以及拖挂式房车的配套设施

Normally the fence is 1.00 m high, but around campsites close to towns or cities a fence of 1.75m is equired
The size of the pitches for caravans: 120 m2 each.; All pitches must be visibly separated and numbered. Calculation of a tenting pitch: no less than 60 ㎡. Minimum 8 % of the numbered pitches must have outlets for waste water. Minimum 5 levelled, firm pitches per 100 pitches for heavy vehicles (motor homes) are required. 50 % of these pitches (minimum 5) must have a waste water outlet and direct drinking water connection. 3 luxury pitches required per 100 pitches

. Size of the pitches: Minimum 140 ㎡ Further demands: - 10 amps power supply;- direct drinking water connection;- waste water outlet;- TV /internet connections;- table with benches.

The Camping Field and its Organization 露营场地及其 管理

Luxury Pitches 豪华营位

Slop Sink (Outlet) for Chemical Toilets 通往化粪池的污水池出口
The Entrance to the Campsite营地入口 Internal Roads内部交通

1 slop sink per 200 pitches.
Must be clearly marked. Minimum width of the main roads: 3.50 m ;The surface of the road must firm a free of dust.

Outdoor Lightning户外照明设施
Electrical Connection 电力连接系统 Playgrounds and Ball Game field 游乐场所和球类游乐场 Parking Area 停车场 Water Taps for Drinking Water 饮用水龙头 Waste and Garbage 垃圾

Lamps along the internal roads must provide enough light in the camping field.
At minimum 90 % of the pitches the electricity capacity must be 10/13 amps for caravans or motor homes. Every pitch must have its own power connection. A playground with minimum 10 different, separate pieces of good quality playing equipment must be found in the campsite. At the entrance there must be a guest parking place to cover at least 5 % of the pitches. The maximum walking distance from any pitch to a water tap is 50 m. The ground for containers must be covered with flagstones or similar even covering.

模型研究 总体印象以及质量要求:
All buildings, arrangements and installations (roads, grass, fences, plantings, playground equipment, other facilities like water activities and so on) must any time be of a homogenious high standard and appear in optimal condition. 营地所有的建筑物、附属设施、固定设施(如道路、草坪、围栏、树木、游乐场所设施、水上活动设施等)任 何时候都必须是高标准的、最好的、方便游客利用。

The number of toilets, washing places and kitchen facilities already mentioned are calculated for 200 pitches/600 persons. When campsites get bigger, the progression changes, which will be shown here (when extra modules are added):
营地的卫生间、盥洗室、厨房等卫生设施的数量是按照200个营位(600人)配置的。 如果营地规模扩大,这些配套的设施也要增加,以下就是当规模扩大时,卫生设施增加 的数量:







自 驾 车 营 位

房 车 营 位

木 屋 或 其 他 移 动 式

帐 篷 区

野 餐 区

健 身 区 等

接 待 室

旅 游 咨 询 室

餐 厅

副 食 品 商 店

停 车 处

车 辆 维 修 保 养 室

自 驾 游 装 备 销 售 室 等

生 活 卫 生 设 施

基 础 设 施



国 际 五 星 级 自 驾 车 营 地 标

准 模 型




地区 环渤海经济圈 主要营地 北京郊区十渡风景区营地、北京长城山庄营地、北京孤山寨营地、北京南方大峡谷营地、怀柔神堂峪长城山庄营 地、延庆县野鸭湖汽车露营地、北京平谷桃花深处自驾车营地、北京九谷口自然风景区汽车营地、官厅水库渔民 岛营地(湖畔型)、海淀区北安河狂飙乐园露营地、密云原生态自驾游基地、山东青云国际汽车营地、山东费县 蒙山营地、山东彩山国际汽车示范露营地、秦皇岛翡翠岛房车营地、天津蓟县山野房车营地、山海关欢乐海洋营 地、山东省东营市孤岛神仙沟汽车营地、大连金石滩国际汽车露营地、青岛金沙滩房车露营地 长江三角洲经济圈 杭州大清谷房车营地、横店旅行营地、无锡太湖汽车休闲营地、江苏老山森林汽车公园、象山松兰山滨海旅游度 假区露营地、苏州太湖原创房车营地 此外2009年9月19日挂牌的江苏溱潼湿地公园、大丰麋鹿公园、沭阳花卉园、盱眙天泉湖、沙家浜、无锡灵山、 句容茅山以及江苏溧阳天目汽车主题公园等8家自驾游基地示范点也可列入其中 珠江三角洲经济圈 广东七星岩旅游营地、广州芙蓉度假区营地、广州番禺营地、万绿湖旅游营地、深圳东山珍珠岛营地、云天海森 林度假村营地、清远红鹰中心营地、潮州闽粤汽车旅游营地度假别墅区、中天行清远清新矿温泉旅游度假区红鹰 中心营地; 西南地区 四川省大英县中国死海风景区尚旅房车营地、云南滇池营地、河口营地、贵州百花池营地,“圣山之旅”亚拉汽 车露营营地,西部牧场(草原营地),另外四川红原、若尔盖等地,在夏季常有在公路边临时圈地搭建的帐篷, 也是一种初具雏形的汽车旅游营地。













结合国际新标准的自驾车营地 目前发展较好的自驾车营地

案例精选 国内自驾车营地

予“全国自驾游运动基地”,被中国风景名胜区协会授予“景致名胜区自驾游示范基地。 资源环境优美:自然生态、湖泊景观与地域文化的完美融合,仿佛人间的天堂。 区位得天独厚:千岛湖是“杭州——千岛湖——黄山” 黄金旅游线上的一颗璀璨明珠,重点承接长三角城市群、大黄山旅游 圈游客。紧邻全国自驾车旅游市场出游高频地带。 道路

交通好:淳安县全县公路通车里程达2200公里。如杭千高速,被誉为“中国最美的高速”;刚刚开通的千汾公路,沿途满 目的绿树和洒落的古村,仿若驶在田园诗般的道路上。 完善而有前瞻性的自驾游体系:新近规划的7条自驾游线路以及近28个大小汽车营地,串联了全县的旅游资源,推动千岛湖向 以度假为主题功能、以观光休闲为核心支撑的国际旅游休闲度假区转变,将千岛湖建设成为度假环境优美舒适、旅游产品特色

服务、营销到位:为了创建全国自驾游基地,千岛湖风景旅游局设计制作了《千岛湖自驾游手册》;通过长三角自驾游俱乐部 联合体、休闲杂志社、汽车4S店等渠道发展自驾游基地会员;完善了杭州、黄山、衢州、金华等地自驾前来千岛湖的交通标示 系统;开通电话,服务于自驾游游客;整合了县内的景区、酒店以及休闲娱乐场所,针对自驾游基地会员进行优惠促销活动; 不断提高的自驾车咨询服务水平,完善景区内外的多语种交通标示和停车管理。 具有差异化的自驾线路和旅游产品:针对不同的游客需求,设计观光自驾游产品、休闲自驾游产品和乡村自驾游产品,尤其是 4条环湖自驾游线路产品的设计,深得游客的喜爱。

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