

Tenses in English


I. Teaching aims:

1. What is a tense in English?什么是英语时态? 2. How many tenses in English ?有多少种时态?

3. How tenses are used in a sentences?时态在句中如何应用? II. A tense is the machine of English time. 时态是英语的时间机器,即时态是记录

英语的时间的。明观察,细体会(关键看英语时态与时间的对应关系) 时间变,时态变

We study English every day.We studied English yesterday.

We are studying English now.We were studying English this time yesterday. We will study English tomorrow. He said we would study English the next day. We have studied English so far. We had studied English by the time you arrived.

III. Match the time and the tense.搭配时间与时态(看屏幕口答,课下整理完) after three days, already ,always , at present ,at ten yesterday morning ,before ,by last year ,by now, by the end of last month ,by the time we got outside, ever, every day, for 3 years, in 2011, in the future ,in the last few years, in three days, just, last year ,listen, look , never ,next week ,now, often ,on weekdays ,over the years, since last year, since then, so far, the day before yesterday ,three months ago, tomorrow ,up to now, usually ,yesterday ,yet, he said he …the next week, he said he…already, by 2018

一般现在时:__________________________________________________________ 一般过去时:__________________________________________________________ 现在进行时:__________________________________________________________ 过去进行时:__________________________________________________________一般将来时:__________________________________________________________ 过去将来时:__________________________________________________________ 现在完成时:__________________________________________________________ 过去完成时:__________________________________________________________ IV. 记时态就是记动词形式。时态变,动词变。(课上完成,写出动词形式) ______________________________________________________ __________________1

__________________ ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________ V.

单三:________________________________________________________ 现在分词:____________________________________________________ 过去式:______________________________________________________ 过去分词:____________________________________________________ 变出下列动词的单三、现在分词、过去式、过去分词(课上完成)

brush _______ _______ ______ ________ die_______ _______ ______ _______ fix _______ _______ ______ _______go_______ _______ ______ _______lie _______ _______ ______ _______rain_______ _______ ______ _______ stop _______ _______ ______ _______watch _______ _______ ______ _______write_______ _______ ______ _______VI. 用所给动词的正确时态填空。(课上完成) 1. He ____________ (watch) TV every evening. 2. Be quiet! The baby ____________ (sleep).

3. We ________(go) to the cinema if it ______ (be) fine tomorrow. 4. Look at the clouds. I think it ______________ (rain). 5. I ______________ (be) to the Palace Museum before.

6. He always _________ (go) to work by bike when he was young. 7. She said she ________________ (see) the movie twice.

8. They told me that they _______________ (go) to see our teacher the next Monday. VII.时态要一致的要点:(先看屏幕回答,然后快速记录完成)


1.I love you and you _____(love) me.2.I loved you and you______( love) me. 3.I didn’t come because I _____(be) ill.

4.They didn’t come until they _____(finish) their work.

5.Yesterday I went to school. On the way, I _____(find) a boy. He _____ (be) about 3 years old. He ______________(cry) for his mother. I ______(go) up to him and ______ (help) him find his mother at last.

if “如果”连一句,主将从现与虚拟

1. I love you and you _____(love) me.


2. I loved you and you______( love) me.

3. I didn’t come because I _____(be) ill.

4. They didn’t come until they ___(finish) their work.

5. Yesterday I went to school. On the way, I _____(find) a boy. He _____ (be) about 3 years old. He _____(cry) for his mother. I ______(go) up to him and ______ (help) him find his mother at last.


1.I don’t know if you _____(come) to Taian tomorrow.

2. I didn’t know if you_____(come)to Taian the next day. 3. I don’t know if the sun ____(rise) in the east. 4. I didn’t know if the sun____(rise) in the east

When & while连一句,不比长短比先后

1.I ______(watch)TV while you ____(do)homework.

2.I _____(see) a traffic accident happen while I _____(walk) along the road. 3.My teacher _____(leave) when I _____(come)in. 4.(I will call you when I ____(get) to Beijing.) VIII. Exercises. 中考链接(课上完成)

1. (2012 桂林) Look! The boys ____ football on the playground. A. plays B. play C. are playing D. played

2. ( 2012 北京) My aunt is a writer. She ____ more than ten books since 1990. A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. will write 3. (2013·菏泽中考)

—Linda, I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone. —I’m sorry. I ________ football with my friends then.

A. play B. played C. am playing D. was playing 4. ( 2012肇庆) You are too late. The film _____ since half an hour ago. A. has begun B. has been on C. began 5. (2013·青岛中考)

—My car ________. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow? —I’m sorry I can’t. I’m ________ London tomorrow morning. A. is new; leaving B. has broken down; leaving for C. broke; leaving for D. is expensive; leaving


Li Na was born in Wuhan on February 26, 1982. Her father was a badminton (羽毛球) player. Unluckily, he ________ from a serious disease(疾病) when Li Na was 14.

At the age of 6, Li Na _______ playing badminton. She __________China's National Tennis Team in 1997 and turned to be a ___________ player in 1999. Li Na is an _________ tennis player. She _________ the Champion in many important games. We _____ proud of her. In the past two years, she ____________ a new idol(偶像) among teenagers in China. Her spirit ______________ them to study hard and _________ progress.

X. Homework. I.考前瞻望 (课下完成) 1. My father ____ fishing once a week. A. go B. goes C. is going D went 2. Jim want s to be an actor when he ____.

A. is growing up B. is going to growing up C. will grow up D. grows up 3. His sister ____ TV at the moment.

A. doesn’t watch B. hasn’t watched C. not watch D. isn’t watching 4. There ____ a parents’ meeting this evening.

A. is going to have B. is going to be C. are going to be D. is going to hold 5. He told me he____ the English book for two weeks.

A. had bought B. has bought C. would buy D. had kept

II.以 How I have changed为题,写一篇文章,描述下你的过去、现在和未来。 How I have changed

Four years ago, I __________________________________________________ Now I _______________________________________________________________ In the future, I _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

I am happy that I have changed a lot.


Nothing is impossible. Hold on to your dream, it will come true one day!

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