xsbunit 5 period 4 language points


编写:何芳 审核:张辉 复核:冯玉德 年级组长:王长青班级:姓名:年月日 第10周


Unit 5 First aid

Period 4 Language points



1. 知识目标:掌握以下重点词汇及短语的意思及用法。

2. 能力目标:1.在具体语境中识别和运用重点词汇及短语。

2. 能够用重点词汇及短语造简单的句子。

3. 情感目标:在词汇的理解、记忆、学习过程中,培养合作学习能力三、重点、难点、考点

1. 导学重点:能在具体的语境中识别和运用重点词汇及短语。

2. 导学难点:1.如何养成良好的持续自主学习习惯;对出现的困难如何及时得以解决。2.对文中出现的长难句能够运用所学知识分析、理解、翻译。 3. 高考考点:对词汇的掌握与运用在阅读、写作中的考查。

常见的与fall相关的短语 fall是系动词,后面接形容词,意为“进入某种状态;变得”。如2.在治疗烧伤的过程中,紧急处理是非常重要的一步。(归纳 aid的用法)

归纳 aid的用法 :

3. 用胶布把绷带固定。(归纳与place相关的短语)


Task 2 重点句型探究

1. 因此, 你可以想象得到, 如果你的皮肤烧伤了, 就可能非常严重。(P33)

找出课文中的句子:____________________________________________________________ 【句型提炼】:as引导_________________从句, as指代_____________________________。 【仿写】:1)正如我们大家都知道的,没有付出就没有收获。 2)他虽是孩子,却被选为国王。

2.如果可能的话, 讨论一下在这些情况下应该实施什么样的急救。(P33)

找出课文中的句子:___________________________________________________________ 如果烫伤的部位在臂部或腿部,要尽可能把手臂或腿抬到高于心脏的位置。(P35) 找出课文中的句子:____________________________________________________________ 【句型提炼】:_______________________________________________________________ 【仿写】:1)如有需要,请一定要让我知道。


Task 1. Translate the following Chinese into English according to the text.

暂时的____________ 损伤___________ 流血_________踝关节____________ 噎住____________ 橱柜___________ 皮肤__________ 器官______________ 屏障____________ 毒药____________光线___________复杂的____________

剪刀___________难以忍受的_____________ 盆__________ 绷带______________ 至关重要的___________ 榨出________________

在适当位置_____________ 反复________________急救______________生病______________ Task 2.Complete the sentences according to warming up & paragraph1in the text and then

translate them into Chinese orally(口头翻译).

1. Someone suddenly ____________ or gets injured before a doctor can be found. 2. Often the illness or _________ is not serious. 3. It gives you your sense of ___________.

1. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary ____________ it is struck to the burn. 2. Hold the bandage _________________ with tape.

3. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, _______________.


Task1 重点短语归纳拓展(根据课本回顾和查阅资料完成下列翻译并按要求进行归纳) 1.急救就是在找到医生前给突然生病或受伤的人提供的一种帮助。(写出常见的与fall相关

陇南一中教师成长中心——必修5 Unit 5 Period 4 Language points

2)可以的话, 你要避免在完全黑暗中使用电脑, 因为这样对眼睛不好。,

unless 引导的是条件状语从句。 Unless是连词,意为_________、________ 。在真实条件句中,unless引导的条件状语从句可以和______________引导的否定状语从句互换。 I want you to keep working unless I tell you to stop. = I want you to keep working if I don’t tell you to stop. 【活学活用】单项选择

1) It is known to all that _________ you exercise regularly, you won’t keep good health. A. whenever B. unless C. although D. if 2) You will succeed in the end__________ you give up halfway.

A. as thoughB. even ifC. unless D. as long as 3) ---Are you sure that you’ve met him before? ---_________ I’m mistaken.

A. UnlessB. If C. When D. Though



As senior three student, it won’t take long after I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow student.

Firstly, I’d like to show my appreciation to those stand by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends included. Without their help and advice, my life will be different. Secondly, it’s high time that I said sorry to the classmates I have hurt and misunderstand. I firm believe that communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Above all, I’ve made up my mind to make every effort to study, so hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying go , “No pains. No gains.” Finally, I want to express my hope which all the young fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no man.



First aid 紧急救治

Purpose 目的

* Prevent injuries and other conditions getting worse避免受伤和情况恶化 * To save lives 保护生命 Actions 行动

* Know your first aiders. 知道你的紧急救助者是谁 * Know the location of the first aid room 知道紧急救助室的位置在哪里

* In case of medical emergency — first point of contact must be a qualified first aider

—then contact your Supervisor. 若遇到医疗紧急情况,首先要寻求合格的紧急救助者,然后联络你的上级

* If you witness an accident or injury follow these basic steps: 如果你目击意外事件或受伤情况,请遵守下列基本步骤:

-Assess the scene — if possible remove the danger but do not put yourself at risk. 判断现场情况-如果可能,排除危险,但是一定要保证自己没有危险

-Stay with the injured person and keep calm与受伤的人呆在一起,并保持冷静 -If you have a radio, contact your supervisor or nearest team member, otherwise get somebody else to contact them for you — clearly state you need First Aid assistance.


-Give clear instructions about your location 清楚地告知你所在的位置

-Never move a person who is injured 不要移动受伤的人

-Only give first aid help if you are qualified, otherwise wait for support 除非你是合格的紧急救治者,否则不要施救,等待支援

-Assist crew responding to the emergency if asked to do so如果有要求,协助团队对紧急情况作出反应。

陇南一中教师成长中心——必修5 Unit 5 Period 4 Language points

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