




(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

26. Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation from others?

A) Her clthes are always modern.B) How can I imprve my English?

C) Please f D) I saw a rabbit come out of a hle.

27. He was tired after running a qof a mile. Which of the following is correct for theunderlined letters in the word?

A)/?:/ B) /e/C) /ɑ:/D) /?/

28. return.

A) aB) anC) /D) the

29. The film, Ice Age 5, Produced by 20th A) in B) onC) by D) at

30. best to reduce PM2.5.

A) they B) themC) theirD) theirs

31. I phoned Peter’s offices several times this morning, but A) somebody B) anybodyC) everybodyD) nobody

32. Susan is keencollecting models of Japanese cartoon characters.

A) onB) ofC) toD) with

33.A) one B) the one C) onesD) the ones

34. Mark Twain was thought to be one of play writers of his time.

A) greatB) greater C) greatestD) the greatest

35. it is a bit expensive.

A) because B) though C) sinceD) if

36. Andrew’s honesty and wisdom will surely make him abusinessman.

A) succeed B) successC) successfulD) successfully

37. when the big fire broke out on the eighth floor.

A) sleepB) sleptC) have slept D) were sleeping

38.A) take B) takes C) to take D) taking

39. out of the city centre.

A).live B) living C) to live D) lived

40. on for ten minutes by the time Jennifer got to the theatre.

A) is B) wasC) has beenD) had been

41. sightseeing in Hangzhou for their next holiday.

A). Go B) will goC) wentD) have gone

42. -- did it take you to prepare this big family meal?

-- About six hours.

A) How long B) How soonC) How oftenD) How many times

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