EEC四 年 级 下 册 期 中 测 试 题


四 年 级 下 册 期 中 测 试 题

年 班姓名:

听力测试部分(20分) 听录音,选择正确的答案.

( ) 1.A.味道好极了. B.亲自尝尝饺子. C.你看上真漂亮!

( ) 2. 给下列单词排序 . shoes ( ) elephant ( ) ride ( ) robots( ) ( ) 3. 听录音, 填空: ____night welookatthe _____ .

( )4.. 听录音,选出所需要的商品:A. watch B. awatchC. anewwatch ( ) 5. 选出谁过生日?A. Ken B.Ken `s mom . C. Ken `s dad . ( ) 6. 选出现在是几点?A.5:30 B. 4:30C.3:30 笔答部分(80分)

一 .给下列单词填写完整(10分)

wro__ gfev__ r r _ deb _ syf__ n re __lly c __ndle sc __redr_ ller coaster . c_ rd二 .选择填空(15分)

( )1. You______ beautiful.A. lookB.looks C. look atD looking( ) 2.It` s ____ thirty .A. forB. fourC. forty

( ) 3. 当别人需要一本书时, “Abook ,please .” 你应该说:__________

A.Ok ,here you areB. Stand upC. I `mok .

( ) 4. 当别人夸你长得漂亮时, 你应该说:_____

A. Oh ,no B. Thank youC. you `re right D. Oh ,yes . ( ) 5. What `s this ? ________ .

A.They `re cars B. This is a carC .It `s acar( ) 6. Helpyourself _______dumplings . A. to B. too C. two( ) 7. It `slikeNew _____ Day. A. Years B. Year` sC. Yes ( ) 8.I drive_____bumpercar .A. aB. theC. an( ) 9. Let `s go _____ the park .A. aB. to C. the ( ) 10.What `s the_______ . A. mater B. matterC.mattor ( ) 11. Let `sride ________ that .A. on B. at C. in ( ) 13. Ken `s birthday is ___Monday . A. onB. inC. at( ) 14.____ youastudent ?A. IsB. Am C. Are

( ) 15.I` mlookingfor ___ eraser .A. a B. anC.the .

三 . 按要求填空(12分)

1.are(变单数)_____ 2. watch(变复数)_______3.he (宾格 )______ 4.make(现在分词 )_______同类词) __________ 6. u (同音词) _____7.all right(同义词)_____ 8. old (反义词变新单词)______ 10.can `t(完全形式) _________ 11. (写出相邻大小写字母) _____ Ww _____ .四 . 重新排列句子(10分)

1. from\ is\ This\uncle\ your\ ._______________________________.2.can` t \ I\ pen\ a \ buy \.______________________________. 3. too\cost\ watermelons\much \._______________________________. 4. go \ Time \ home\to \.._______________________________.

5. busy\Are \ tomorrow \ you \?._________________________________. 五.根据课文,完成填空(10分)1. Is it Spring Festival ?Yes ,___ is.

2. Is it New Year `s Day ?No . It `s ____birthday. 3. You look sick .Yes ,I am . Ihavea___.

4. May Ihelp you ?Yes , ____. 5. Do you want to come ,too ? ______. 六.英汉互译(6分)

1.How delicious !___________2.How wonderful !__________. 3.NewYear `sDay_______.4.照顾好自己_____________. 5.那太糟了. _________. 6.一个主意__________. 七. 给句子补充完整 (7分)

1. She wants to buy a_______.2.They `regoingtothe________. 3. She wants to go down the_______.4. Iwant to buy _____ _______. 5. What is this ? _____ a clock . What are these ?_____ are shoes . 6.What `s the matter ? He ____ acold .

八.阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。 (10分)

Tom and I are good friends .Tom is an English boy ,but I am a Chinese girl .He is 12 and I am 13 .He is in Class One .I `m in Class One , too . Tom has a nice soccer ball .He can play it very well .I have a computer .I can play computer games ,but I can`t play soccer .It is difficult (难的).Tom teaches(教) me to play soccer ,and I teach him to play computer games .Now(现在) I can play soccer and Tom can play computer games. ( )1. The writer(作者) is ____, but her friend is ____ .

A .Chinese ; Chinese B Chinese ;English C Chinese English

( )2. Tom and his friend are ____ .A. EnglishB. in Class oneC boys .

( )3. The writer is ____ years older than (比…大…岁)Tom.A. oneB. twoC. three. ( )4.Tom can play ___ very well .A .soccerB. computer C .computer games . ( )5. 选出真实的一句。A. Tom can`t play soccer . B. The writer can play soccer now .包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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