




26.—We?ll travel to different places in this summer vacation. Enjoy your trip!


A. Me, too B. Yes, I?d love toC. The same to youD. Very well, thank you

27.Tom?s a taxi driver, _______he really wants to be a singer.

A. or B. andC. soD. but

28.—Do you know if Jack will drive to New York this weekend?

—Jack? Never! He ________driving so far.

A. has hatedB. will hateC. hated D. hates

29.—A nice shirt! A present?

—Yes, it is. My aunt _________it to me for my last birthday.

A. was sendingB. had sent C. will sendD. sent

30.—Is Mr. Smith in the office?—No. He _____to the library.

A. goes B. had goneC. has gone D. would go

31.—Excuse me, can I park my car here?—Yes, you can park on _______side of the street.

A. anotherB. bothC. eitherD. neither

32.—Oh you sound just like an Englishman.—_________. I still have trouble expressing myself.

A. Yes, you?re right B. Well, not quite like that

C. I don?t mindD. You?re welcome

33.—We?d better invite Tom and Kate to the party tonight.

—Yes,________? I?ll give them a call right now.

A. why B. why not C. what for D. how

34.Although he failed this time, he didn?t give up and ______ studying hard.

A. stoppedB. continuedC. succeededD. finished

35.—Why are you so _______, Helen?

— I thought I had lost my purse, but I didn?t. I found it in my sdudy!

A. angry B. happyC. sadD. nervous

36.—Is there any _______for two chairs in the office?

—Yes, I think so.

A. groundB. floorC. space D.area

37.—How was the performance last night?

—It was so good. Though it _______ nearly four hours, few people left early.

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