

英 语 试 题


1. 本试卷有十大题,共8页。全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 所有题目必须在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。选择题在答题卡上选择题答题框内用2B铅笔将各题号下相应选项代号的矩形框“□”涂黑;非选择题在答题卡上答题栏内相应的题号后的空白处用黑色签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔答题。

★ 祝考试顺利 ★





( )1. How did Jack go to Tibet?

A. By plane.B. By train.C. By car.


( )2. What will happen if the boy doesn’t have enough sleep?

A. He can’t exercise well.B. He won’t live happily. C. He will be ill. 听第3段对话,回答第3、4两个小题。

( )3. Whom does the woman want to buy a T-shirt for?

A. Her son.B. Her husband.C. Her dad.

( )4. Where can the woman buy medical books?

A. On the left of the second floor.

B. Across from the Children’s Department.

C. Next to the Men’s Clothing Department.


( )5. Who is going to No. 1 High Shool?

A. Peter.B. Linda.C. Helen.

( )6. Which school do Peter’s parents think is the best?

A. No. 1 High School.B. No. 5 High School.C. No. 3 High School.

( )7. Why doesn’t Peter want to go to No. 5 High School?

A. It’s too far from his home.

B. The students are very excellent.

C. The teachers are not experienced.


( )8. Where did Sam and Mable go?

A. To the city.B. To the countryside. C. To Sam’s house.

( )9. Which of the following was true on the farm?

A. The river looked big this time of year.

B. The horse looked better than in the picture.

C. The farmhouse looked worse than in the picture.

( )10. Why did Sam and Mabel have to walk?

A. Because the car was out of order.

B. Because Sam needed some exercise.

C. Because it was a long way from the city.

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