


分数: 等级:


一、按字母表顺序默写出Aa—Kk共11个字母 ( 11分)二、英汉互译。(9分)

歌曲_______ 动物园_______ 胖的________ 苹果_____

on the phone______ go shopping_______watch TV________ go to work______________ bike______ 三、给下列单词分分类。(在横线上只填序号)(15分)

A. footballB. meatC. tigerD. basketballE. elephantF. riceG. skip H. table tennisI. noodlesJ. monkeyK. swimmingL. panda M. dog N. milk O. lion 动物类:____________________________________________ 运动类:____________________________________________ 食物类:____________________________________________ 四、选出不同类的一项。(5分)

( ) 1.A. KB. BC. WD. e ( ) 2.A. oB. VC. dD. n ( ) 3.A. footballB. workC. basketballD. skip ( ) 4.A. milkB. banana C. orange D. pear ( ) 5.A. meatB. fish C. swimming D. rice 五、选词填空,选择合适的单词填在横线上。(5分)

with DoesIs in on

1、_______ Amy at home?

2、Ms Smart is _______ the phone _______ her friend. 3、_______ Lingling like rice?

4、I play football _______ the morning.

六、正确抄写下列句子,并将汉语意思写在括号内。(15分) 1、Please pass me the rice!( )

2、Do you play football on Mondays?()

3、Tom doesn’t go to school on Mondays.()

4、What do you do on Sundays?()

5、This monkey is small and thin.()七、我会选。(将正确答案的序号填入题前括号内。)(10分)

( ) 1、----_________ is your favourite song?

---- It’s the ABC Song.

A. How B. WhatC. Who( ) 2、They’re ______ pandas.

A. a B. an C. \

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  • 上一篇:小学六年级新标准英语综合测试题
  • 下一篇:四年级下册期中试卷