


班别 _______ 姓名_______ 得分_______等级_______


__G_____ t__o__ ____ __ L X__ __二、 完成单词拼写,并写出汉语意思。(10分)

h _ mb _ rger () sp_cesh_p ( ) p_l_t ( ) m_ st_ ke () wo_ _y ( )


What day is it today?It’s twenty dollars and five cents. Who gave it to you?It’s about china. How much is it? Friday. What’s it about? At twelve.

When are we going to eat?Sam’s family gave it to me. 四、将英汉互译合适的句子搭配起来(5分)

We had a picnic. 我给我爸爸买了一本书。

I am looking out of the window. 我们进行了一次野炊。 He spent about twenty-one hours in space. 我们将要学英语。 We are going to study English. 我正从窗户向外看。 I bought a book for my father.他在太空度过了21小时。 五、选择填空。选择一个合适的答案。(10分) ( )1 What do you want to eat? ________

A. some rice B. orange juice C. a book( )2 What time is it?

A. It’s red B. It’s fourteen years old.C. It’s six.( )3 How is the weather in Harbin tomorrow?

A. Snow B. It was sunny.C. It is going to hot.( )4 Did you fly into space?

A. Yes, I do.B. No. I am not.C. No, I didn’t.( )5 In this photo, the birds _______ in the tree.A. sing B. are singingC. is going to sing ( )6 _____can help me ?A. what B. when C. who

( )7 She is talking to her friend ______her phone is ringing.A. And B. butC. with ( )8 与“can’t hear”同义的词是______.A. BlindB. listen C. deaf( )9 Why are you crying?______

A. I am playing games.B. I am happy.C. I am sad.A. I will miss you, too. B. Sorry ,you can’t. C. you are welcome.


A. become B. became C. child’s D. Children’s E. get on

F. get downG. sawH. watched I. pick J. is picking

1 As a small child, Helen Keller ______blind and deaf.

2 6月1日被称为________Day

3 The bus is coming. Let’s _______ 4 Look, the boy ________ up the pen. 5 She _____TV yesterday. 七、单词分类。(10分)

( )10 I will miss you._____


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