

1. 翻译:1. 你上个周末做了什么?What did you do last weekend?

2.她和谁去的?Who did she go with?

3. Baby Mouse climbed onto his father’s back. 小老鼠爬上了它父亲的背。

4. 他们有一个多么有趣的工作啊!What an interesting job they have!

5. 他长得怎么样?What does he look like?

6. 你今晚将去看电影吗? Are you going to the movie tonight?

7. They tell him what the criminal looks like.他们告诉他罪犯长得怎么样。

8. 在这附近有一个邮局吗?Is there a post office near here?

9. The pay phone is on Green Street. 付费电话在格林街上。

10. 我能怎样帮助你?How can I help you?

11. 我在这个城镇是新来的。I am new in the town.

12. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.我喜爱观看猴子们到处爬。

2. 去影院: go to the cinema在湖边露营:camp by the lake 打羽毛球: play badminton生活习惯:living habit 熬夜:stay up late跑开:run away 一门第二语言:a second language

放风筝: fly a kite乘坐一辆长途汽车: take a long bus ride搭帐篷:put up the tent 生火:make a fire彼此:each other 告诉某人某事:tell sb sth第二天早晨:the next morning 让某人做某事: let sb do sth 开始做某事:start/begin to do sth 上上下下:up and downmove into the forest:进入森林tell sb that…:告诉某人+句子

从某人/某物学到某事: learn sth from sb/sth待在家:stay at home访谈节目:talk show 消防员: firefighter怎么做:how to do it/what to do

中等身材: (be) of medium height/build戴眼镜:wear glasses等会见: see you later 一张圆脸:a round face把……放进……:put…in…

在最后: in the end警察局:police station付费电话: pay phone在……对面:across from在……旁边:near/next to/beside

在……前面:in front of/in the front of 在……后面:behind轮流:take turns沿着……走: go along… 向右转:turn right

在第一个十字路口右转:turn right at the first crossing 在某人的左边:on one’s left衣服店:clothes store在我的社区:in my neighborhood

走出去:go out shop:购物(v)商店(n) 阳光:sunshine 自由的时间:free time

3.(B)Sunday morning, I played soccer.

A. inB. on C. at D. /

4. cow的复数形式: cows乐趣fun的复数形式: funmouse的复数形式:mice

5. I worked (D) a waiter.

A. forB. in C. at D. as

6. They have a butterfly house ( A ) 200 kinds of butterflies.

A, with B. for C. as D. at

7. visit加什么变参观者?visitor

8. I like to (B) the soccer game.

A. seeB. watch C. lookD. read

9. 过去式 lose:lost sing:sangfly: flew swim:swam put:put make:madedraw:drew

10. I heard (D) it was yesterday.

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