高中英语词汇练习unit 1-2



1. honest 2. brave 3. loyal 4. wise 5. smart 6. cast 7. deserted 8. error

9. pronounce 10. broad 11. native 12. situation 13. except 14. survive 15. hunt 16. scare 17. equal 18. trade

19. communicate 20. exchange 21. share 22. compare 23. lie 24. forget 25. argue 26. match 27. majority 28. total 29. imagine 30. however 31. suppose 32. hunt for 33. such as

34. drop sb a line 35. in total 36. except for 37. stay up

38. a great many 39. in order to 40. too much 41. come about

42. have a knowledge of 43. at all 44.


45. end up with 46. bring in

47. even though 48. more than 49. a number of 50. be fond of 51. care about

52. make oneself at home

1. She learned to survive in a ___________(荒芜的) island.

2. ________(诚实),diligence and kindness are three good qualities a person should have.

3. There is a heated ___________(争论)among the public about whether such programes deserve so much public attention.

4. My father has _____ (比。。。活得长)all his brothers . 5. He ________(勇敢地) went into the burning house to save the baby trapped there.

6. The house has a fine ________(位置). You can go shopping very easily.

7. She is a brave girl. She is never __________(害怕) of anything.

8. All _________(通讯) with the east has been stopped by the earthquake.

9. The ________(大多数) of children in our class have brown eyes.

1. _________speaking, I don’t think she is an _______ person; in other words, I doubt her _________.(honest) 2. His ________(brave) in many battles gained him a good reputation.

3. I would question the _______(wise) of borrowing such a large sum of money.

4. They swore their _________(loyal) to the king. 5. “Why are you so _____(excite) today?” Tim asked me.

6. Peter asked Ann if she _______ (see) his blue notebook. 7. _________(communicate) with foreigners is the best way _________(practise) our spoken English.

8. He requested that his students _________(devote) themselves to study.

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