

Book 3 Module 2Developing and Developed Countries 学案

I. Language points

1. developv.developed adj.developing adj.development n.

e.g. As is known to all, China is a __________ country, while the USA is a __________ country. With the __________ of society, people would change their attitude towards something.The place ________ rapidly _________ from a small fishing community into a tourist resort. Phrases:

develop the habit of_____________develop an interest ______________

develop mind and body ________________ develop into _____________ 2. educate vt.educated adj.education n.

e.g. In China, the government has made great efforts to make sure that all the children____________________________ (接受教育) up to 11 years old.

It is widely accepted that many parents would like to send their children abroad _____________________________ (接受进一步的教育).

Judging by his behaviour, he is a ____________________ (受过很好教育的) man.

3. measure vt. 测定;测量;评估;权衡

e.g. People can use a device to _______________________________ radiation in the atmosphere. 人们可以利用仪器测量大气层中的辐射级。

He has gone to ______________________________ a new suit. 他去量尺寸做新衣去了。 Measure your words before you speak. 说话前

In some countries, there is a practice that companies have to __________ in different ways. measuren.

beyond measure____________________ take measures _______________

make clothes to one's own measure ________________

We must ____________________________________.


4. by引导的短语可以表示谓语动词增加或减少的数量。

e.g. For example, in nine years (1953-1962), China increased life expectancy by 13 years.在九年的时间里(1953-1962),______________________________________。1

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