


Book 5 A Unit 1 What?s he like?

句型: (1) 询问人

----- Who?syourmath teacher ? ----- Miss Zhao . 你们的数学老师是谁。是赵老师。

-----Who?s that woman ? -----She is my mother . 那个妇女是谁?她是我妈妈。

(2) 询问人的外貌特征

-----What ?s he like ? ----- He ?s tall and strong . 他长什么样子?他很高很健壮。

----- Is she very old ? -----No ,she is very young .

-----Is he very short ? -----No, she isn?t . She is very tall .

(3) 询问人的性格特点

----- Is she very quiet ?----- No ,she isn?t. She ?s very active .


----- Is she very strict ?----- Yes , she is . But she is very kind.

她很严厉吗? 是的。 但是她很和蔼。

Exercise For Unit 1


young___________tall ___________strict _____________


1 A: ___________is the girl ?

B: ___________ my sister .

1 A; _______Tom?s father like?

B: ___________________thin and quiet.

2 A: Is your English teacher _________?

B: No, she _________ . She is short . _________ she is pretty.

4:Mr. Ma is not young .He is __________.

3 Miss Zhao is our math teacher . She is very ________ .But she is very kind .

(三) 补全对话

1 A:___________________________________________ ?

B: I?m fine .Thank you .

A: ___________________________________________?

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