Teaching Goals and Methods


Teaching Goals and Methods

Guidelines for Communicative, Learner-centered Instruction

These ten guidelines will help you make communicative language teaching and learner-centered instruction part of your own instructional approach.

1. Provide Appropriate Input

Input is the language to which students are exposed: teacher talk, listening activities, reading passages, and the language heard and read outside of class. Input gives learners the material they need to develop their ability to use the language on their own.

Language input has two forms. Finely tuned input




? Is matched to learners’ current comprehension level and connected to what they already knowFocuses on conscious learning of a specific point: the pronunciation of a word, the contrast in the uses of two verb tenses, new vocabulary, useful social formulasIs controlled by the instructor or textbook authorIs used in the presentation stage of a lesson

Roughly tuned input




? Is more complex than learners’ current proficiency and stretches the boundaries of their current knowledgeFocuses on authentic use of language in listening or reading passagesIs used “as is,” with minimal alteration by the instructor or textbook authorIs used in the activity stage of the lesson

Roughly tuned input challenges student to use listening and reading strategies to aid comprehension. When

selecting authentic materials for use as roughly tuned input, look for listening and reading selections that are one level of proficiency higher than students’ current level. This will ensure that students will be challenged by the material without being overwhelmed by its difficulty.

2. Use Language in Authentic Ways

In order to learn a language, instead of merely learning about it, students need as much as possible to hear and read the language as native speakers use it. Instructors can make this happen in two ways.

Teacher talk: Always try to use the language as naturally as possible when you are talking to students. Slowing down may seem to make the message more comprehensible, but it also distorts the subtle shifts in pronunciation that occur in naturally paced speech.



? Speak at a normal rateUse vocabulary and sentence structures with which students are familiarState the same idea in different ways to aid comprehension

Materials: Give students authentic reading material from newspapers, magazines, and other print sources. To make them accessible,


? Review them carefully to ensure that the reading level is appropriateIntroduce relevant vocabulary and grammatical structures in advance

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