there be句型练习题


there be句型练习题

1. There is _______ book in his hand.

A. no B not

2. There_______ some water in the cup.

A. is C. are D. be

3. ______there a good news in today's newspaper?

A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was

4. How many people ______in your family?

A. do you haveB. are there

C. you had D.there are

5. There _______ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them

A. is B. are C. has D. have

6. How many teachers______there in your school?

A. is B. are C. haveD. has

7. There______an apple tree near the river.

A. is B. am C. areD. Be

8.There _____ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table.

A. is B. areC. Be

9.There ______any milk in the bottle.

A.isn'tB. aren'tC. hasn'tD. haven't

10. ____ there a map on the wall? Yes, there ______.

A. are / isB. is / are C. is / is D. are /are包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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