高二英语Unit 15 知识清单



高二英语Unit 15知识清单


1.fail my college entrance exam 高考失败2. in other words 换句话说 3.fail to do sth没能做某事 4.get promoted 被提升, 升职get bored 变得厌烦

get sent and answered 发送并回复5.on/at weekends 在周末6.frankly speaking 坦率地讲7.be/get laid off 被裁员, 被解雇 8.go blank 一片空白9.dream of (doing) sth. 梦想做

10.start my own company=set up my own company 建立自己的公司 11.go up 上升,上涨

12.aside from=apart from 除…之外13.adapt to 适应14.on the Internet 在网上

15. contribute to 对…有贡献, 有助于 16.be related to 与.....有关

17. look up the words in your dictionary 在你的字典中查这些单词 18.at their own pace 以自己的步调19.participate in 参加 20.hand out 分发

21.an approach to.........的方法

22.place the importance on sth. 把重点放在… 23.to a certain extent=to some degree 在某种程度上

24. in a bad mood 情绪差

25.be beneficial to =be of great benefit to对…有益 26. inspire sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事27. have access to sth. 有机会或权利(使用或进入) 28.in one’s eyes=in one’s opinion在某人看来 29. urge sb to do sth 督促某人某事 30.be lacking in 缺乏… a lack of 缺乏…

31. catch sb doing 撞见某人正在做某事32.should have done 本该做而没有做33.be worth doing

It’s worthwhile doing / to do sth.

34.be accustomed to sth. / doing sth.=be used to doing 习惯于 35.go against 反对, 与…相背 36.be based on ... 以......为基础 37.approve of 赞成, 赞许 38.put forward 提出

39.be willing / unwilling to do sth乐意/不乐意去做某事40.put sb in prison把某人投入监狱 41.stand still 站着别动

42..be buried in=bury oneself in埋头于… 43.in conclusion 总之

44.in preparation for 为......做准备

45.leave/make/have a lasting impression on sb 给某人留下长久的印象46..be vital to sb/ sth=be important to sb 对…是重要的, 必不可少的

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