






1. If you’re driving to the downtown area, would you mind giving me a _______?

A. hand B. seat C. drive D. lift

2. Today CCTV offers a great _______ of programmes to meet the different needs and _______.

A. variety; tastesB. many; interestsC. deal; likesD. number; habits

3. Although it is not our normal ______ to give credit in our shop, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.

A. habit B. intentionC. action D. practice

4. Everyone fails now and then. It is how you react that makes a _______ in life.

A. development B. differenceC. progressD. point

5. The _______ he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.

A. conclusionB. charge C. promiseD. relation

6. After receiving the news, immediate ______ had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading.

A. speed B. behaviorC. action D. measure

7. Nowadays, people usually think if you enter a key university, you are your parents’ ______.

A. pride B. luck C. value D. cheer

8. But for her mother’s sudden illness, she would never think of breaking this ______ with you.

A. arrangement B. scheduleC. appointment D. interview

9. —You are always full of . Can you tell me the secret? [2007 福建卷]

—Taking plenty of exercise every day.

A. power B. strengthC. force D. energy

10. There is very little _______ in trying to persuade him. He never follows others’ advice.

A. useB. point C. meaningD. work


11. I ordered _______ book on Harry Potter some time ago, and _______ book hasn’t arrived yet.

A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the

12. Eric didn’t even have ______ common sense to send for a doctor when his grandmother had ______heart attack the other day.

A. a; theB. the; a C. /; a D. a; /

13. —Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management? —If you make ______ most of the equipment, there will be ______ rise in production.

A. /; / B. the; a C. /; a D. the; /

14. He lost the chance to be employed as ______ marketing manager because he lacked ______ work experience.

A. /; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a; /

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