辽宁省沈阳市东北育才学校2015届高三第八次模拟考试 英语试题(w








1. At what time does the office open?

A. 7:45. B. 8:00.C. 8:15.

2. What did the woman do last Sunday?

A. She saw a play.

A. They’re friends.

A. A fine boat. B. She acted in a play.B. They’re strangers. B. Their friend, Tom. C. She went to the tea house.[ C. They’re brother and sister. C. The weather. 3. What is the relationship between the speakers? 4. What are the speakers talking about?

5. What will the woman do this evening?

A. Meet her Mum at the airport.

B. Say goodbye to her Mum at the airport.

C. Fly to another city with her Mom.




6. When does the conversation take place?

A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.

7. What can we know about the woman?

A. She agrees to go with the man.

C. She feels a little cold.


高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com B. She disagrees with the man at last.

8. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Alice’s last birthday.

B. Buying a birthday present.

C. Alice’s favorite food.

9. What will the man and the woman buy for Alice?

A. A record. B. Some flowers. C. A box of chocolates. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. Where are Kate and Tom?

A. In Kate’s office. B. In Tom’s house.

11. Why did Tom come into the room?

A. He worked there.

B. He wanted to talk to Kate.

C. He wanted to have a letter typed.

12. What was Jane doing that day?

A. Taking a rest. B. Preparing for an exam. C. Taking an exam. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. Where did Sue spend the nights in the country?

A. In a farm house. B. In the wild. C. At a hotel. 14. What was the weather like in the country?

A. It snowed a lot

B. It rained nearly every day.

C. There was a lot of sunshine.

15. What did Sue think of the people in the country?

A. They were tall. B. They were strange. C. They were friendly. 16. Where did the man spend his weekend?

A. On a farm. B. At home. C. In the mountains. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. What can education give you?

A. Knowledge and skills. B. Time to play.C. Chance to make friends.

18. What does the speaker really want to do?

A. She wants to give some advice to middle school students.

B. She is announcing an advertisement .

C. She wants to tell us how to choose a university.

19. What is the speaker’s suggestion?

A. To earn money after middle school.

B. To continue studying as long as you can.

高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.comC. In a classroom.

C. She doesn’t know what to do yet.

20. Which of the following is Not true?

A. The more years of school you attend, the more money you are likely to make.

B. The more educated you are, the more choices you have.

C. The only education beyond middle school is college education.

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)




In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernadino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue restaurant, and then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas. To this small selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.

Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity (一致性), for the brothers had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks' sticking to their routine. Their new drive-in became incredibly popular, particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime. The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc.

Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milk shake-mixing machines. He quickly saw the unique appeal of the brothers' fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise(特许经营)other copies of their restaurants. The agreement included the right to copy the menu, the equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches.

Today McDonald's is really a household name. Its names for its sandwiches have come to mean hamburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up to order fifteen-cent hamburgers. In 1976, McDonald's had over $ 1 billion in total sales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories in modern American business history.

21. This passage mainly talks about ________.

A. the development of fast food services

B. how McDonald's became a billion-dollar business

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phony(假的)diploma. One company will put your name on a diploma from any number of non-existent colleges. The price begins at twenty dollars for a diploma, which seems rather high for one sheet of paper.

Job seekers’ lying is a social phenomenon, and therefore, the whole society should take its responsibility to deal with the problem.

25. The main idea of this passage is that ________.

A. employers are checking more closely on applicants now

B. lying about college degrees has become a widespread problem

C. college degrees can now be purchased easily

D. employers are no longer interested in college degrees

26. According to the passage, special cases refer to cases where ________.

A. students attend a school only part-time

B. students lie about their diplomas on their applications

C. students purchase false degrees from commercial firms

D. students attend a famous school

27. We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. performance is a better way to judge abilities than a college degree

B. experience is the best teacher for job seekers

C. past work histories influence personnel officers more than degrees do

D. a degree from a famous school gives an applicant an advantage over others

28. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Buying a false degree is not moral.

B. Personnel officers only consider applicants from famous schools.

C. Most people lie on applications because they were dismissed from school.

D. Society should be greatly responsible for lying on applications.


A tradition since the early 1900’s, homecoming has been a celebration of students and alumni(校友) in an effort to raise students’ spirits and unite the student body. Typically, there’s a week of various activities. However, the main event for high schools across America is the homecoming dance.

From 9 a.m. in the morning to 5:30 p.m., girls including myself, got ready for the dance. It takes an entire day of preparations. Although I didn’t go too far out, most girls get their hair and nails professionally done. Often times, most girls even have their make up done by a make-up artist at the mall.

After all preparations were made, we gathered at my friend’s house for pictures. We stood side by side, as our parents took photos. The entire situation was quiet. The only thing I could hear were the clicks of the camera and the light-hearted giggles of my friends. After pictures 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

were taken, we headed to the party-bus. The driver transported us to the restaurant we had reservations at where the dinner was extremely delicious.

The dance aspect of homecoming isn’t an important feature, but still an enjoyable part of the experience. The dance floor was filled with students showcasing the newest dance moves. The music was deafening, the speakers were roaring, and the kids were all yelling out of joy. Although my ears had been thoroughly abused, I was pleased as I stepped out of the dance hall.

Despite the different aspects of homecoming dance, however, my friends were the most important part of it all. As my high school career I have started to fully appreciate the time I spend with the friends I’ve had for years. There’s nothing that means more to me right now than having the time of my life with the best friends I could ask for.

29. What’s the purpose of homecoming?

A. To make acquaintances with new friends.

B. To raise fund for the school.

C. To strengthen the union and cheer up students.

D. To learn new dancing moves.

30. What can we know about the author?

A. Her parents didn’t attend her activity.

B. She went outside to do her make-up.

C. She enjoyed her dinner very much.

D. She disliked the newest dance moves.

31. What’s the most important part of homecoming?

A. Homecoming dance B. The preparations

C. FriendsD. The dinner

32. The phrase “wrapping up” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

A. ending successfully B. being extremely exciting

C. being under her control D. coming close


Teacher training

The UCL(University College London) Institute of Education (IOE) has been providing first-class teacher education, in partnership with schools and colleges in the London region for over 100 years. Centrally located in London, we are England's only university devoted to education and are the first choice for many students wishing to become teachers.

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rising achievement of learners.

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33. Which one isn’t an advantage of IOE?

A. It has a long history. B. It is the only choice for further education

C. It is located in the center of London D. It stands out among other institutes.

34. If you want to teach students aged 12, what courses do you apply for?

A. Primary courses. B. Secondary courses.

C. Post-compulsory courses. D. FE courses.

35. How many schools and colleges in Greater London have partnership with ITE?

A. 1500 B. 100 C. 600 D. 95


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

(请将答案涂在答题卡上E=AB F=AC G=AD)

Writing a funny speech is possibly a lot harder than writing a serious-minded one. Are you up for it? Well, if you think you are, try these steps.

Choose a funny topic. Ask your partner, friends, etc., if they agree with you that you have chosen a funny topic. Nothing is less funny than choosing a topic that only satisfies your sense of humor but not anybody else’s. If you can’t think of a funny topic, choose one on an everyday activity. 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

Research your topic. If you can’t think of enough witticisms (妙语) of your own, go online and hunt down other people’s. But if you’re performing in public, be sure to acknowledge others’ or to paraphrase (改写) it so that you are not copying.

Write in a humorous way. Don’t choose unclear references. Choose something that everyone is bound to know and understand. Naturally, this will depend on the make-up of those listening to your speech. Make jokes about your topic; that way, everyone will understand, unless the audience has a horrible sense of humor.

If they don’t laugh, this might be a sign to rewrite your speech. Get a good listener. Someone who is a lot like the majority of your audience would be a good listener, because you will know exactly what to say to make them laugh.

Have fun! If you go up to give your speech and you’re shaky and nervous because you don’t think anyone will laugh, everyone will be more focused on terrifying you than listening to your speech. Chances are that you’ll never have to speak in front of them again.

A. Ask your listeners to come back.

B. Humor works best when everyone “gets it.”

C. Just have a good time giving the speech and don’t mind your audience.

D. That way, you can push the boundaries and make it amusing.

E. People do get stage frights, but if you’re confident, then everything will go just fine. F. Read your speech out to someone trusted before giving it

G. If you're at a private party, you won't need to be too concerned about using other people's materials.




When was the last time you read a book, or a magazine article? If you’re one of the people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out: reading has a significant number of First, studies have shown that staying active can slow the of Alzheimer’ (阿尔兹海默症). Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain exercise to keep it strong and healthy. Doing puzzles and playing such as chess have also been found to be helpful.

Second, no matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal relationships, or problems in daily life, it all just away when you are absorbed 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

a great story. A well-written novel can transport you to other fields, while an interesting article will distract you from the problems letting pressure go away and you to relax.

Third, everything you read fills your head new information, and you know when it might come in handy. The knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to deal with any you’ll ever face. Remember: you might lose everything else—your job, your possessions, your money, your health—knowledge can never be taken you.

At last, when you read a book, all of your attention is the story and you can immerse (使专心于)yourself in every detail you’re reading. Try reading for 15-20 minutes work, and you’ll be surprised at how much more focused you are once you get to the office.

41. A. reasons B. types C. waysD. benefits

42. A. normally B. physically C. mentally D. usually

43. A. improvement B. sufferingC. progress D. pain

44. A. requires B. asksC. adoptsD. designs

45. A. sportsB. toys C. games D. music

46. A. another B. the other C. others D. other

47. A. happened B. facedC. seenD. occurred

48. A. gives B goes C passes D puts

49. A. toB. inC. byD. from

50. A. before hand B. by hand C. at hand D. within hand

51. A. demanding B. allowing C. leading D. encouraging

52. A. ofB. with C. for D. by

53. A. already B. everC. still D. never

54. A. much B. manyC. moreD. most

55. A. challenge B. chance C. person D. occasion

56. A. because B. sinceC. although D. therefore

57. A. still B. justC. evenD. though

58. A. fromB. to C. into D. out

59. A. relied on B. focused on C. depended on D. taken on

60. A. before B. after C. during D. off


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Last summer, my friend and I hired a car and headed for Toronto. We didn’t book a hotel room it was at the beginning of September and we thought it would be easy for us 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

(find) a hotel.

We (drive) for six hours when the weather changed and it looked as if a thunderstorm was coming. We got lost and both were (exhaust) when I saw an old lady parking her car. I stopped and asked she knew a hotel nearby. She said there was a hotel down the road, it might have been closed. The lovely old lady looked at me and said, “Why don’t you girls just stay the night at house? I’ll cook for you.”

We ended up going to a little island in Lake Muskoka, her family lived. We slept in the (comfort) beds they built for their kids, and they cooked for us. We stayed at their house for three nights in all and also met their friends. Those days were the (good) part of our three-week trip! We were glad that we got lost and met the old lady.









Our net-school is made of four parts. Multimedia Teaching System makes teaching and learning easy and much more interesting. Students could get the more information and knowledge in class. Information Center, that we can send e-mails to all parts of the world and get the late information from the Internet, is open to both teachers and students. Long-distance Teaching System is for the student who are not studying in our school. We can study on the Internet by home. School Management System helps to improving our school management and it also meets the needs of a modern school.




1. 高中生活的收获;

2. 对老师的感谢;

3. 对同学的祝福。


1. 词数100左右;

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2. 文中不能出现考生的相关信息;

2. 开头已为你写好,开头不计入总词数。

My teachers and fellow students,




61. ________ 62. ________ 63. ________ 64. ________ 65. ________

66. ________ 67. ________ 68. ________ 69. ________ 70. ________


Our net-school is made of four parts. Multimedia Teaching System makes teaching and learning easy and much more interesting. Students could get the more information and knowledge in class. Information Center, that we can send e-mails to all parts of the world and 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

get the late information from the Internet, is open to both teachers and students. Long-distance Teaching System is for the student who are not studying in our school. We can study on the Internet by home. School Management System helps to improving our school management and it also meets the needs of a modern school.


My teachers and fellow students, _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com




1-5 BABCB 6-10 CABAA 11-15 CBBCC 16-20 BAABC

21-25 BBDDB 26-30 BDDCC 31-35 CABBC 36-40 DGBFC

41-45 DCCAC 46-50 DBBBC 51-55 BBDCA 56-60 CCABA

61. because/as/since/for 62. to find 63. had driven/ had been driving 64. exhausted

65. whether/ if

66. but 67. my 68. where 69. comfortable 70. best


1. 加up 2. easy—easier 3. could—can 4. the去掉 5. that—where 6. late—latest 7. student—students 8. We—They 9. by—at 10. improving—improve


My dear teachers and fellow students, I feel greatly honored to be here to present a fare-well 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com


I standing here, three year’ sweet memories rush back. With your help, I overcame one after another barrier in study; with your support, I was awarded Best Football Player in the school team. In my mind, I cherish every memorable moment I spent with you whether in class or in the dormitory.

As to teachers, so much gratitude I hold for you. Besides knowledge, I learned more important things --learning skills and methods. It is you who offer us great encouragement. You deserve the thanks from our bottom of hearts.

My fellow students, please fuel yourself with great energy and confidence, since a bright new future is waiting for you to create.

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