江西省南昌市2015届高三第三次模拟考试 英语试题 (word版)




英 语 试 题








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1.Whom did the man get a present from?

A.John.B.The woman.C.Jack.

2.What is the man going to do?

A.Return the ticket.B.Take another flight.C.Catch the plane at 7:00.

3.What does the man think of the math course?


4.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The vacation plan.B.The study plan.C.The school plan.

5.Where is the woman going first?

A.The cinema.B.The concert.C.The bank.




6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Friends.B.Colleagues.C.Teacher and student.

7。Why does the woman have to leave7

A.For her parents.B.For the students.C.For the headmaster.


8.What’s the weather like?


9.What can we know about John?

A.He is not wearing enough clothes.B.He may catch a bad cold.

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C.He has only one blanket.


10.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.

11.What has the man bought in the shop?

A.Shirt and gloves. B.Shirt and tie.C.Tie and socks.

12.What is the man’s total bill?

A.4.60 dollars. B.4.50 dollars.C.3.95 dollars.


13.What does the man think of studying abroad?

A.There are more universities abroad.

B.Make another application.

C.There are plenty of new opportunities.

14.Which country does the woman want to go to?

A.All starlit. B.The USA.C.The UK.

15.What does the woman have to do to get an unconditional offer?

A.Get an score of 7.5 overall.

B.There are more professional teachers abroad.

C.Take the exam again.

16.What is good about studying in America according to the man?

A.The life style is nearly the same.

B.The living cost is the lowest.

C.There will be scholarships.


17.What was the special gift for the speaker?

A.Smile. B.Money. C.Friend.

18.How did the speaker feel about her life in junior high school at first?

A.Sad. B.Happy. C.Lonely.

19.Who changed the speaker's life?

A.Her parents. B.The boy with a bright smile.C.Her teacher.

20.What lesson does the speaker get at last?

A.Smile to the world at any time.

B.Talk as much as possible.

C.Make as many friends as possible.





I have a strong faith that the pain is almost gone but the feeling of SUCCESS will stay forever.I was among the 38,000 runners who participated in the marathon,the largest event of its kind in Asia.

My decision to participate in the marathon was because of the insistence of my wife,who had run the 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

half-marathon previously.year,she wanted me to participate along with her。Unexpectedly,her application got rejected while mine got accepted。

Though I had been into fitness training before.it seemed to be a daunting task to run 21 km.I started training about 10 weeks before the day.I had made up my mind to finish the run.So I tried my best to get training into my busy schedule whenever I could.

What’s more,I remembered that four weeks into my training,my shoes were word.I searched and hunted and spent a fortune on a new pair of shoes.However,right on the first day of running with them,I felt that they were not for me.I preserved.thinking that my discomfort was because the shoes were new.Eventually,I gave up on them.I even tried looking for another new pair of shoes,but couldn’t’t find that were as comfortable as my old ones.

Finally,on 16th January 201 1,I ran and completed the half’ marathon.And I did it in my old shoes. Now,when I think about it,it all seems so easy.All I had to do was to picture completing the run in good time in my mind.

What I have learned from the experience is that completing a marathon is like any other goal inline--largely a mind-over-matter phenomenon.In other words,unless you believe you van reach your goal,you’ve lost even before you begin.No doubt,factors such as hard work,experience and talent help to aglitter or lesser degree.But without your belief that you will get there,every god remains difficult to achieve.

21.why did the writer participate in the marathon at first?

A.It was the largest event of its kind.

B.He had run the half-marathon previously.

C.His wife insisted on him participating.

D.He had been training for a long time.

22.What can we learn from the text?

A.The writer was the best among all the runners.

B.The writer tried his best to do some marathon training.

C.The writer's fitness training before was only a little help to him in the run.

D.The writer's old shoes were very expensive.

23.The undefined word“daunting”in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

A.frightening B.surprising C.annoyingD.puzzling

24.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Practice Makes Perfect B.Insist on Your Decision

C.The Pain before Success D.A Running Lesson


Tax Refund for Visitors to Canada

There is refund of the tax money(GST)paid on such items as:clothes;electronic product;Cosmetics(化妆品)and short-term accommodation.

Any goods about food;tobacco products;alcohol;entertainment and goods that you consume in Canada do not qualify for refund.

You can claim a refund of the tax money if you meet the following conditions:

◆You are not a citizen of Canada at the time you apply for a refund.

◆The goods you purchase are for personal use.

◆You have paid GST on these purchases.

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◆Only original receipts(收据)of the goods you purchase are available.No photocopies are accepted. ◆Each receipt indicates a minimum purchase amount of Canadian dollars$50,not including GST. ◆The total amount of your purchases should reach Canadian dollars$200,not including GST.

◆The receipts should be stamped by the customs officers in the customs offices in one of the Canadian international airports.

You can mail us your receipts of purchases within one year with your original plane boarding pass back home and your home address.We will mail back your tax money in cash within six weeks after we get your receipts.Any false claim will cause a serious offence.

Please fill up the tax refund application form if you fully understand the information with your signature.Mail the form to:

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Suite 104,275 Pope Road Canada.

For more information:Call Canadian customs service at 1-800-46 1-9999

25.All the tax money spent on the following goods or items can be refunded except on

A.cameras and CD players B.hotel living expenses

C.pants and jackets D.movies and concerts

26.卟e tax refund instructions are aimed at those who

A.pay for their purchases in cash

B.buy goods and use them outside Canada

C.travel or work in Canada as foreigners

D.are interested in making shopping trips abroad

27.The tax refund application form should be mailed to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

A.before the buyer leaves Canada

B.after the buyer leaves Canada

C.when the buyer is in the Canadian International Airport

D.after the buyer has the receipts stamped at the airport


Keeping in good health has become a hot issue among many people in recent years.Recent research has shown that there are many health benefits associated with eating a variety of colored fruits and vegetables.Scientists suggest this variety in color is associated with different disease-fighting antioxidants(抗氧化剂).Purple foods are frequently mentioned as providing excellent health benefits.Fortunately for vegetable gardeners,there are a wide variety of purple vegetables that grow well on Colorado’s Front Range.

Perhaps the most commonly planted vegetable is the tomato.Tomatoes come in a large number of colors,shapes and sizes,including purple varieties,such as“Indigo Rose”,which is supposed to be high in healthful anthocyanins(花青素).

Eggplant is another vegetable that comes in many shapes,sizes and shades of purple.There are the traditional Italian types commonly found in the grocery store,and longer,thinner Japanese,Asian and Indian types.Some kinds include the beautiful purple and white“Listed de Candia”and the tender,round“Barcarolle”.“Mandan”is a delicious Japanese type that is popular.

Bell peppers come in a variety of colors,including red,orange,yellow and purple.Purple varieties include“Purple Beauty”and the beautiful lavender(淡紫色)“Islander”.If hot peppers ale more your style,try“Black Hungarian”.

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Purple root vegetable include turnips and carrots.Try the traditional“Purple Top White Globe”tutor the smaller salad turnip.Purple carrots include “Purple Haze” and“Deep Purple”.Remember that root vegetables require deep,loose soil to develop correctly.

When it comes to vegetables,purple is the new green.Purple vegetables add interest to the garden and have many health benefits.If you are preparing to expand your vegetables and try something a little different,look for purple varieties of your favorite vegetables the next time you are planning your garden.

28.Purple foods are attracting the attention because

A.there exist disease figuring antioxidants

B.they can grow well on Colorado’s Front Range

C.scientists have done much research in them

D.they appeal to most of the vegetable gardeners

29.What do you know about the eggplant?

A.The Italian type of eggplant is the most common.

B.Mandan is a famous and healthy Asian type.

C.Eggplant in fact has many of its family members.

D.Eggplant consists、of two kinds of colors.

30.According to Paragraph 5,we learn that

A.root vegetables are better and healthier than others

B.turnips and carrots belong to purple root vegetables

C.purple Haze and Deep Purple need more care

D.purple vegetables make your garden less attractive

31.Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A.News report. B.Book review.

C.Gardening guide.D.Science fiction.


Why does time speed up as you age but slow down when you’re scared? And why does it warp(弯曲)when you are on holiday?

As Albert Einstein once said,time only exists so that everything doesn’t happen at once.But the problem of it passing too slowly or quickly has now been examined by psychologist,Claudia Hammond,who looked at how our emotions,health,and age van affect the speed of the time in our minds.

Ms.Hammond found that time speeds up as you get older and passes faster if you are relaxed rather than seared.Her book,Them Warped,also explains how time passes twice as fast if you are in amusing company,rather than with someone who is boring.

She also studied French explorer,Michael Suffer,who in 1962 spent two months living in an underground cave to discover how isolation from degut,clocks and routines would affect him.He completely lost track of time while in the cave and his waking days lasted from 6 to 40 hours,but the average length was the same time as the length of a day on earth—24 hour.

Ms.Hammond also studied how fear or hearing somebody crying can slow down time,and said that half of people believe time is moving towards us,while everyone else sees themselves moving through it “People always believe they will have more free time in the future,”she said,adding that there are plenty of practical methods for ensuring that we can try 0ur best to accurately estimate our schedules.But while we may spend much of our lives worrying about time,there is,surprisingly,no single part of the brain for specifically measuring the passing of minutes and hours,Ms.Hammond concluded.

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“Human beings tending to process events in three-second intervals(间隔)一such as how long it takes to complete a handshake or scan the headlines of a newspaper page--compare it to the clock time,”she said.

32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Time goes much faster when people are growing up.

B.People’s feeling about time passing is affected by their emotions,health and age.

C.Einstein has explained why time passes at different speeds.

D.The speed of time is affected by only three factors.

33.What can we learn from the example of Michael Suffer?

A.People can keep awake for no less than 6 hours.

B.Daylight affects people’s waking time more than anything else.

C.Time speeds up when people are in darkness.

D.People’s sense of time can be affected by daylight.

34.In Paragraph 6 Ms.Hammond found that________.

A.negative emotions could slow down time

B.no simple part of the human brain measures time

C.people cannot estimate their schedules accurately

D.most people worry there will be not enough free time in the future

35.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Three second intervals are cannon in handshakes.

B.People’s rhythms of speech are all the same.

C.People tend to measure time in terms of short small actions.

D.Clock times lead to the rhythm of people’s handshakes.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Dealing with Feelings When You’re Overweight

Living through our teen years comes with all sorts of changes and adjustments.so it’s normal to face some emotional ups and downs.

To people who aren’t overweight or who don’t understand,being overweight can seem like a simple problem(“Hey.You’re just not eating right or exercising enough!”)with a simple solution(“Hey,just eat less or exercise more!”).That’s not helpful,and it can often make people feel like extra weight is their fault—of course it’s not.So it’s natural to feel angry or upset.

Sometimes physical discomfort or fear of rejection and being judged might make people who are over. weight shy away from socializing.But the best thing to do is to put yourself in social situations to take your

mind——and other's--off your weight and back onto you as a person.

,so you’ll all be focused on a common goal.They’ll come to know you for your skills and achievements,not your weight!

Knowing that you have a couple of true friends who are always there for you can help anyone deal with life’s ups and downs.

what about when friends and family aren’t giving you the support you need? If you feel pressured or misunderstood by friends or family,explain gently how you feel.

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第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)









Here are the headlines from BBC World News.The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment opened this morning in New Y0rk.The 61.(protect)and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects all the people and economic development throughout the world.

62.American airliner was hijacked(劫持)on a flight from Los Angeles to New York.The hijack

63.(take)place at eleven this morning.The hijacker,64. known,demanded to see the American President.The plane is at present at John F.Kennedy International Airport in New York,where 65.has been surrounded by the police.

The largest quantity of illegal dings ever was found 66..A police

spokesman said that the drugs were 67.(hide)in suitcases.He said the value of the drugs was well over five million pounds and the case needed 68. (far)investigation.

A major accident in southern Sweden happened today.It's reported that this afternoon a ship crashed into a bridge.69.(1ucky),seven cars and six trucks are said 70.(fall)into the water from 高考提分,学霸之路


the bridge.We hope to have more details in our next news broadcast.

Those are the latest headlines.and now it's back to Pod of Ages.









Miss Yang is our English teacher,who always impress US deeply with her lively English class.One day when the first bell rang up,John,our monitor stood up and said,“Our English teacher will have operation today.What will give US the lesson has not been decided yet.”The class turned silently at his words.It seemed that no one believed her.In fact,everybody was worried about Miss Yang.At this moment,Miss Yang appeared at the door,and she looked pale and tiring.She told US that she missed US very much but she didn’t want to miss too many lessons.Heard this all of US were moved. How a good teacher we have!









A Letter of Apology

Dear Henry,

I am really sorry…

I won’t let things like that happen again.

Your Mend,

Li Hua

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