2017年高中英语 Unit1 Cultural relics单元测试3 新人教版必修2


必修二Unit 1《Cultural relics》单元测试3


I. 单项选择


21. Many interesting customs and traditions have survived ______ the past, so we should pass them down.

A. on B. as C. atD. from

22. They consider that vase to be a treasure, but in my opinion, it is just a ______ bottle.

A. valuableB. rare

C. commonD. worth

23. A police car, ________ there are two policemen, stops on the side of the road.

A. thatB. in it C. whichD. in which

24. I’m not sure whether he has the key that ______ the door of the classroom.

A. had belonged to B. belonging to

C. belongs toD. is belonged to

25. — What did you think of the film last night?

— Really wonderful! It’s well worth _____.

A. seeingB. to see

C. being seenD. to be seen

26. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year and 80% ______ are sold abroad.

A. of whichB. of whom

C. of thatD. of them

27. Because the two countries were at _____ war, the people had ______ hard life.

A. /; theB. the; the

C. /; aD. a; a

28. There is no doubt ______ everyone will unite and work for better days.

A. whether B. that

C. whatD. how

29. I’ve just talked to the businessman from ______ you bought your computer.

A. whichB. that

C. whoD. whom

30. The rescue workers are working day and night, ______ the ruins of the buildings for those who still might be alive.

A. looking forB. searching

C. finding out D. finding

31. The road is _________ to connect the village with the city. Construction will begin next month and will be finished in a year.

A. ledB. repaired

C. designed D. built

32. Dad ______ a lot of alcohol, but now he has given it up and ______ soft drinks.

A. used to drink; is used to drinking

B. was used to drinking; used to drink

C. used to drink; used to drinking

D. was used to drink; is used to drink

33. A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan, ______ drew the attention of the whole nation at once.

A. thatB. where

C. which D. what

34. We should bring in some ______ machines to replace those old ones.

A. modernB. fancy

C. freshD. standard

35. — Most of our classmates don’t like the new teacher. ______

— Well, I think he is alright.

A. Why do they think that way?

B. What about you?

C. Do you know that?

D. What do you mean?

第二节 完形填空


A long time ago, in a small house in Scotland, two friends lived together. Their names were John and Bobby. John and Bobby were not 36 , and they had few things except friends, 37 they were happy. They 38 a warm fire when it was cold outside. They had food to eat when they were hungry. They were never 39 because they had each other.

John and Bobby 40 to take long walks together. After their 41 John usually cooked the dinner. John and Bobby ate the dinner and then 42 in front of the fire. They had a(n) 43 but happy life.

Then John developed a(n) 44 disease and died in the spring of 1858. He was 45 in a grave (坟墓). After that, Bobby stood at John’s grave and 46 . “Come on, Bobby,” John’s 47 said. “It’s time to go home.” Bobby went home, but later he 48 to the grave. He 49 near it. He stayed there all night.

Bobby 50 at the grave site the next day, and the day after. For the next 14 years, Bobby never left the 51 . When the weather was cold, he slept in a small 52 near the grave. When it was 53 , he slept on the ground near John’s grave.

54 , in 1872, Bobby died, too. John’s friends buried him in a 55 grave near John’s. Why was Bobby’s grave so little? Bobby, John’s best friend, was a dog.

36. A. rich B. lucky C. beautiful D. funny

37. A. and B. or C. but D. so

38. A. set B. caught C. lit D. burned

39. A. lonely B. alone C. worried D. separate

40. A. failed B. competed C. imagined D. liked

41. A. work B. rest C. run D. walk

42. A. sang B. talked C. sat D. studied

43. A. hard B. sad C. easy D. simple

44. A. serious B. unhealthy C. big D. sick

45. A. put B. escaped C. stored D. buried

46. A. shouted B. danced C. cried D. discussed

47. A. friends B. children C. parents D. brothers

48. A. nodded B. returned C. came D. drove

49. A. got up B. turned down C. sat down D. put up

50. A. knocked B. laughed C. stayed D. pointed

51. A. garage B. grave C. home D. town

52. A. garden B. ground C. chair D. house

53. A. cool B. warm C. wet D. rainy

54. A. Luckily B. Quickly C. Finally D.


55. A. large B. small C. firm D. weak

第三部分 阅读理解




It was a rainy day and I was walking down the street feeling comfortable and happy. I wanted to do something kind for someone else without any reason and purpose, almost as if I was just trying to spread the abundance (充足) of love I was receiving. It was then that I saw a teenage girl dressed in tattered clothes, getting soaked(湿透). She wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks. The rain wet her skin through the holes in her clothes and she was making her way through the garbage, trying to find something that would be of use to her. I walked towards her and told her to wait for me there while I ran home to get her something. On getting home, I took off my shoes, which I really loved, wrapped them up in a plastic cover and ran to give them to the teenage girl on the street. The girl looked surprised as if she was not used to this kind of kindness. She thanked me in a trembling (颤抖的) voice.

A famous musician who lives down the street corner stopped his car and smiled when he saw what happened. The two watchmen who saw me do this talked and gave me friendly looks.

Although I had to wear my dad’s shoes, I was satisfied even if they were a bit large for my feet, because I knew the girl would walk comfortably wearing the shoes. That day I learned that letting go of the little things we own can be a big help to others.

56. What does the underlined word “tattered” in the second paragraph probably mean?

A. Old and torn. B. Large and new.

C. Colorless and small. D. Thick and old.

57. In the passage, we are told that _______.

A. the author liked going down streets on rainy days

B. the author liked walking in her father’s shoes

C. nobody wanted to help the poor girl

D. the author was very kind-hearted

58. What did the musician’s and the watchmen’s reactions to the author’s behavior mean?

A. They were laughing at the author.

B. They thought what the author did was right.

C. They also wanted to help the poor girl.

D. They were curious about what the author did.

59. What can we learn from the passage?

A. It is important to get others’ praise.

B. It is no use giving things to others.

C. It is a pity to lose favorite things.

D. It is good to help others.



Everyone experiences high school differently. Some love it, and some hate it. Here are some examples about life in high school. Take a good look and see if you recognize your own high school experience here.

By the time I get to school, the first bell is ringing. I’m already late. With just five minutes between the bells, I can never get to the class on time. I rush through the door and my teacher sends me to her office where she yells at me because I’m late. By the end of the first class, I’m almost asleep because I have been sitting in the same chair for 100 minutes and my teacher just writes notes on the board and doesn’t explain anything. Sometimes she reads the notes but never gives us anything interesting to do. It seems that school is where we come to copy notes and get lectured. Everyone is so noisy. By the end of the day, I’m very tired.

— Clara, 15 My first year in high school has been a lot different from what I expected. I like the excitement in school. Since I started high school, I have been busy all the time. I have chosen to learn painting in my spare time because I only have three classes a day. I also joined the football team. I like the open campus. I think it is a little boring staying at school every day and it is nice to take part in activities. I’m having a really great time.

— Michael, 14

60. What does the teacher do when Clara is late?

A. She pays no attention to her coming late.

B. She asks Clara to go to her office for a rest.

C. She forces Clara to sit in a chair.

D. She shouts at Clara for her coming late.

61. How does Clara’s teacher give lessons? A. She lets students do something interesting in class.

B. She lets students copy her notes on the board.

C. She explains the notes in a humorous way.

D. She reads notes, but doesn’t write them.

62. What do we know about Michael?

A. He tries to make his school life colorful.

B. He doesn’t like the open campus.

C. He has too many classes every day.

D. He is not happy in high school.



The timing of school holidays has always had a lot to do with when a family goes on vacation. For many kids, summer holidays mean spending time outdoors and heading toward water — the local swimming pool, a lake, or the beach.

What people wear to go swimming or sunbathing has changed a great deal since the early 1900s. Do you know what early swimsuits (游泳衣) looked like and what they were made of? The earliest swimsuits covered most of the body and were called “bathing clothes”. They were often made of wool, which made them scratchy (扎人的) and very heavy when they got wet. Newer materials made it possible to make lighter swimsuits. Over time, swimsuits covered less and less of the body. In 1946, the bikini became popular among women.

Summer holidays don’t just mean going to the water. They can also mean going for a bike ride, or a picnic. It all depends how you want to spend your summer days. If you live or spend your holiday near the water, then fishing, diving, and boating are all good possibilities. In summertime, lots of people enjoy playing, picnicking, and just going out with friends on a long summer day until the sun goes down.

A famous song called Summertime from the opera Porgy and Bess describes life’s more relaxed pace in this season, “Summertime ... and the living is easy. Fish are jumping ...” Ask your parents and older relatives about their summertime memories.

63. Which of the following is TRUE about swimsuits?

A. Wool is the best material to make them.

B. They didn’t change a lot before the early 1900s.

C. They have covered more of the body since 1900s.

D. Their materials have stayed the same since 1900s.

64. What is summertime like according to the passage?

A. It is busy. B. It is interesting.

C. It is simple. D. It is hard.

65. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Activities for Summer Holidays

B. Swimsuits in History

C. My Memory of Summer Holidays

D. Happy Childhood

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错 Do you like reading? You may answer “Of course”, and most 66._____

people prefer watching TV to read books. Watching TV can 67._____

bring many happiness, but watching for too long will lead to 68._____ headaches and anxiety. Comparing with watching TV, reading 69._____

books is not different. Reading will make you become more 70._____

enjoyable, elegant and knowledgeable. Books help to bridge the 71._____ known and the unknown. By reading books, we can learn about a 72._____ past and about places where we may not have a chance 73._____ visit. In short, books are very important and useful74._____ like food of our spirit. We can’t live without books. 75._____

第二节 书面表达






Today, we use oil as if it is an endless (无尽的) resource. It is not. Oil takes millions of years to form, and the Earth has a limited (有限的) amount of it. We’ve already used up a lot of the Earth’s known oil. That means we have to find oil in new places. Scientists are looking for other sources of oil. They’ve found oil kept in sands. They’ve also found rocks that hold oil. Unluckily, getting oil from sands or rocks is very expensive. However, finding enough oil isn’t the only problem. Getting it can pollute the environment. Oil can escape from the tank of a ship,

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