



做好动词填空题 紧扣时态是关键


二、典型例题讲解(一)根据句子本身附带的时间状语和上下文确定时态,并注意人称和数的一致 例1 My father is very busy. He often_________(come) late.

例2It_________(rain) at this time yesterday afternoon.例3Li Mei_________(look) her pen now. 例4 Mary_________(not hear) from Alice since last term.

例5Our teacher’s son_________(be) ten years old next year.


例6Look! The boys_________(play) football over there.

例7-When we _________(have)the class meeting? -Tomorrow morning.


例8 She said she_________(finish) the work the next day.

例9 When we reached Guangzhou, the ship_________already_________(set off).

例10 We’ll go to Beijing zoo if it_________(not rain) tomorrow.

例11 I_________(write)to you as soon as I get to my home town.

(四) 注意特殊情况


例12 The teacher told us the sun _________(rise) in the east.

(五) 根据固定搭配和惯用原则确定时态或非谓语动词形式

例13 Sorry, I have kept you _________(wait) for a long time.

例14 The boss made him_________(work) fourteen hours a day.

(六) 特殊动词特别注意

1.只能用动名词做宾语的动词,如:enjoy, finish, mind等。

2.只能用不定式做宾语的动词,如:hope, wish, mean, want, decide等。

3.既可以用动名词又可以用不定式(形式由句意而定)做宾语的动词,如:begin, forget, remember, hate, love, like, need, start, stop等。


1.We _______(go) swimming in the river every day in summer.

2.It ______(seem) that you are right.

3.Look, the children ________________ (play) basketball on the playground.

4.He ____________________(listen) to the radio when I came in.

5.I can’t find my pen. Who ______(take) it?

6.He said that he _____(come)_ back in five minutes.

7.I didn’t meet him. He ______(leave) when I got there.

8.I ______(lose)mybike, so I have to walk to school.

9.He ______(sit) down and began to read his newspaper.

10.He is not here. He ______ (go) to the post office.


1.He is very hungry. He ______(not eat) anything for three days.

2.I ______(go) with you if I have time.


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