

15、Some people say that teaching the young generations foreign languages is the best way to broaden their visions about the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(11.7更新)


1、 学习外语可以帮助年轻人从更多的来源获取信息,因此能够从更多的角度去了解世界。Learning foreign languages

can help young people acquire information from more sources and therefore enable them to learn about the world from more perspectives.

2、 掌握外语可以给年轻人提供更多的机会和来自不同国家的人进行交流,与不同的人交流能够使他们得到更有用的信

息。It can provide young people with more opportunities to communicate with people from different countries, which can allow them to obtain more useful information available.

16、In many countries, there are 24 -hour TV programs. Is it a positive or negative development?(9.3考到了关于电视节目的质量)

Positive: 1、 24小时的电视节目可以满足不同人群的需求,因为现代社会的人们工作时间变得越来越灵活,人们不再是统一的工作时间了。24-hour TV programs can satisfy the needs of different groups, because in the modern society people have more flexible work time, which is no longer at the same period.

3、 长时间的电视节目可以增加经济收益,无论对于媒体产业还是对于整个社会来说。Longer time TV programs can

increase economic benefits, no matter for the media industry or the society as a whole.

Negative: 唯一的缺点是,有的人会担心24小时的电视节目有可能使得人们会沉溺于看电视。The only negative effect some people would be concerned is that 24-hour TV programs might make people indulged in watching television. 然而,只要家长给予适当的监督和管理,孩子可以合理分配自己的时间。成年人就更不可能存在这样的问题了,因为他们还有工作和家庭需要投入时间精力。However, as long as parents have proper supervision, children can manage their time wisely. As for adults, they will not have this problem, because they have to devote time and energy in their work and families.17/Some people say that governments should spend money on measures to save languages that are used by few speakers, while others believeit's a waste of financialresources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

正方: 人们普遍认为那些濒危的语言是具有文化价值的,语言是文化的载体,少数人的语言也会多世界语言的多样性做出贡献。It is widely recognized that those endangered languages have cultural values, which are the vehicle of some cultures and

minority languages can also contribute to the diversity of global languages. 并且,少数的语言还具有研究价值,对人类语言的发展是必不可少的。Also, those languages spoken by very few people have research values, which are indispensible for the development of human languages.

反方: 虽然有的人宣称,拯救那些少数语言是政府资源的浪费,因为他们认为政府应该把钱投入到更加急迫的领域去。Admittedly, some others would claim that it is a waste of financial resources for the government to rescue those endangered languages, because they think the government should invest their budget to other more urgent fields. 但是,保护少数语言其实并不会花费太多资金,甚至还可以通过这些语言的保护产生经济效益。But it will not actually cost too much money to protect those minority languages, and even people can create financial benefits by saving these languages.


17、 These days young adults are encouraged to work for a period of time after high school, however, others think they should continue to study. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (11.7变更)

正方:高中毕业后工作一段时间可以帮助高中毕业生积累工作经验和个人资源,这对于今后的学习和职业生涯是有益的。It can help high school graduates accumulate some work experience and personal resources, which are beneficial for their future study and career.

反方:有的人担心如果学生工作一段时间以后他们就无心学习,将不会在继续他们的高等教育了。Some people would worry that if these students spend some time working, they will not find study interesting anymore, and will not continue their further study.

18、 正方:众所周知机器人可以提高人们的工作效率,甚至可以完成一些人类无法完成的工作。It is widely known that robots can improve the work efficiency of human, and even they can undertake some tasks that cannot be accomplished by human beings. 反方: 有些人担忧,机器人将来可能会失控,这将导致一些对人类社会的威胁,或者大规模地使用机器人将会取代人们的工作,导致失业率升高。Some others would be concerned that in the future robots will be unreliable, resulting in some threats to human society. Also they claim that wide-scale adoption of robots will replace

people’s work positions, which would increase the unemployment. 但是, 只要在设计和使用机器人的时候人们把这些风险考虑进去,机器人对人类社会的严重影响就不太可能发生。However, as long as human can take these risks into account when designing and using robots, robots are unlikely to have severe impact on human society.

19、 首先,这些学科是具有广泛的用途的,和今后的具体专业学习有紧密的联系,因此这些学科应该被设定为必修课。Based on our common experience, subjects such as

mathematics and philosophy can be widely used and are closely associated with any specific majors students will study in the future, and therefore they should be required as compulsory courses.

其次,并不是大多数学生都会觉得这些学科太困难,因为学校会根据不同的年级来划分难度。In addition, the majority of students will not find these subjects too difficult, because schools can set the levels of difficulty according to different stages of education.


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