外研版八年级下册Module6 Hobbies单元练习


外研版八年级下册Module6 Hobbies单元练习


听力部分 (20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (5分)1. A. spare B. spend2. A. grade B. trade3. A. hobby B. babies4. A. stones B. tickets5. A. number

B. member

Ⅱ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。 (5分)

6. A.B. 7. A.

B.8. A. Yes,she does.B. No,she doesn't.

C. She likes outdoor activities.

9. A. Canada. B. America. 10. A. No,he doesn't.

B. Yes,he does.

Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。 (5分)

11. What's Tony's hobby?

A. Collecting picture books.B. Collecting stamps.

C. Studying the night sky.

12. What are those books full of?A. Coins.

B. Letters. 13. Does Danny like sports cards?A. Yes,he does. B. No,he does. 14. What does Danny trade with others?A. Stamps. B. Sports cards. 15. How tall is Yang Hao's rocket?A. 1.4 metres. B. 1.2 metres.

C. story C. treat C. hobbies C. stamps C. remember



C. Africa.

C. He likes watching TV.

C. Stamps. C. No,he doesn't. C. Stones. C. 1.5 metres.

Ⅳ. 听短文填空。 (5分)

Information Sheet 二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)

21. --- Let's do something for our dad.

A. explain B. suppose C. wonder D. value A. Instead B. At the end C. However D. As a result A. interest; interested B. interest; interesting

C. interested; interested D. interested; interesting

24. --- What are you doing?

A. tidying up B. looking after C. taking off D. getting on A. yet; already B. yet; yet

C. already; yet D. already; already D. dream A. success B. chance C. idea

--- It has not been decided yet.

A. find out B. come out C. look up D. set up

28. --- Why are you walking so quickly, Edward?

A. will have B. will be

C. is going to have D. are going to be D. won't see A. haven't seen B. didn't see C. don't see

A. graduate B. graduated

C. was graduating D. has graduated

三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分) 沙尘暴) happened.

四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共5小题;共5分) 价值) to me. 兴趣) in everything. 架子), you can find the books you want.

44. --- Have you ever studied with a group? 技巧). 邮票) in your book look really beautiful.


46. 昨天我没上学,因此我不知道布置的什么作业。 (词数不限) 47. 他的新书什么时候出版的? (词数不限) 48. 现在越来越多的外国人对中国文化感兴趣了。 49. 我认为对孩子们来说学习如何做家务以及帮助父母做家务是十分重要的。 parents with housework.

50. 良好的睡眠帮助你为新的一天作好准备。 六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) collect them. He didn't want to play basketball or read books. "I'm you collect coins? Coins are fun to collect. You see coins every day. Some coins are valuable(珍贵的).

Now Tom has a big piggy bank (存钱罐捐赠) 51. A. like B. forget C. think D. remember 52. A. lazy 53. A. watch 54. A. something 55. A. How 56. A. clever 57. A. drawing 58. A. things 59. A. carry 60. A. danger

B. free B. play B. anything B. What B. kind B. showing B. pictures B. help B. trouble

C. relaxed C. do C. everything C. Why C. rich C. collecting C. money C. tell C. place

D. bored D. visit D. nothing D. Where D. careful D. spending D. coins D. teach D. order



Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.

First, reading is fun. You can always keep yourself happy if you like reading. You will never feel bored or tired.

Next, you can read a book anywhere—in a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you need is a book!

Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. As your reading skills improve, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.

Some people say that reading is out of date (过时的). This is not true. You can read on computers, and the better you read, the better your computer skills will be.

Good readers may become writers, too. They always have more things to write about. Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading right now? 61. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. Reading is a good hobby.

B. You can read on computers. C. Good readers must be good writers.


When I was a kid, I got interested in astronomy(天文学), I often watched northern lights in my But as I grew up and finally went to college, I hardly had any time to develop my hobby because of

too much homework. It was in 2009 that I rediscovered astronomy. I found an astronomy magazine in a library and immediately I got interested in astronomy again.

When I start reading astronomy books and magazines, I start finding out how many interesting things there are outside the planet. I realize that the information I am reading, hearing and watching opens a door to a huge world of interesting things.

However, I do not have much time for my hobbies. Many times I would like to observe an object in the night sky, but I am working or I have to look after my kids. So I share my hobbies with my kids. I encourage them to observe the stars together with me. I need kids' astronomy books for them and tell them about the moon, stars, the sun and many other interesting things. We all find it interesting at the same time.

I enjoy astronomy as a hobby and I hope other parents like me can read books and magazines about it. Just imagine that you and your family sit together watching the stars and talking in the yard on a summer night! How cool it will be! A. the writer was married when she took her hobby for the second time

B. the writer has written many articles about astronomy since 2009 C. the writer's children are not interested in astronomy at all A. 大学 B. 天空 C. 宇宙 63. What does the underlined word "universe" mean?

A. advise readers to watch the sky at night

B. show the importance of books and magazines C. encourage people to develop a hobby in astronomy A. It Is Hard to Keep a Good Hobby B. My Life-long Hobby—Astronomy C. Encourage Your Kids to Love Astronomy 65. What would he the best title(标题) of the passage?


If you think your teacher dislikes you, then first you have to think about why he/she would dislike you. Is it because you talk too much in class? Does he/she think you don't talk enough? Do you say things that bother him/her? If it's any of these, then you have to think about ways to avoid these habits. If you talk to your friends too much, then stop or start to sit in another seat away from them. If you talk out of turn, start to raise your hand more.

If you feel like your teacher just truly doesn't like the kind of person you are, then why don't you try talking to him/her? A teacher will most likely be very impressed if you go up to him/her and say, "I feel like I've done something to make you dislike me, and I would like to start over because I really care about this class and your opinion of me." Try talking to your parents about it and see what they think you should do. Or if you have another teacher you are close to, ask that teacher for advice

of situation. Good luck! A. why he/she would dislike you

B. what you should do to make him/her happy C. what he/she would want you to do D. whether you should try talking to him/her A. ask your parents to help you

B. start to sit in another seat away from your friends C. start to raise your hand more D. stop talking and never talk in class A. 应对 B. 避免 C. 依赖 D. 杜绝 68. What does the underlined word "handle" mean in Chinese?

A. teachers who dislike students

B. students that teachers may dislike C. parents who can't get on well with children D. students who can't get on well with their classmates

70. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. It's about good manners at school.

B. It's about how to get on well with classmates. C. It's about things that bother teachers and students. D. It's about what you should do if your teacher doesn't like you.


Sometimes it may seem difficult to improve our health. If so, the following health habits may help you.

Eat breakfast every morning.

Research shows that if you eat a meal in the morning you may not become too fat or eat too much during lunch. Eating breakfast can help people feel better through the day.

Get enough sleep.

Poor sleep can influence our memory and learning. It can also cause traffic accident! Studies show that people who don't get enough sleep seem to get into more accidents. So stay safe and get enough sleep!

Take a walk every day.

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